Reform and international isolation

Historical memory can be infected Bohn or selectively. Becomes to make sense of a different framework, or can this meaning be distorted from its context. The issue becomes moot interpreted in different ways. And many took advantage of this memory and the possibilities of interpretation to turn defeat into victory or a lost cause to another winner.
But memory does not accept any geographical type of interpretation. They are facts on the ground, can not claim that one or ignored as it does not exist. When one is trying to manipulate this memory and forget the realities of geography, or overlooked, in fact, forget the fact of his existence. To become all the facts provided by the other as being linked to this subject of doubt. And turn what is considered a loophole that defense argument and extra extra bored.

This is what happened to the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, when he announced that his country will forget that Europe is on the map, and will move eastward and southward, perhaps next to Iran or North Korea and maybe Venezuela or Cuba.
He wanted to isolate Syria from the West and its values ​​and its effects. Ankara came to remember that Syria is a neighbor of Turkey and shares a long border with it and many files, and came to Washington to remember that Syria is geographically located on the borders of NATO and that there are safer for the NATO countries related to internal security in Syria.
Isolation of history to justify the political approach may be subtle, diplomatic credible, ignorance or fear. But geographical isolation to justify this approach is no longer an internal affair, this is after the home and its problems is reflected in the crises beyond the border.
May not be fair in the West's demands of freedom and democracy for the Syrian people. Certainly, working west of the Syrian regime in order to attract to his side. This is what France did, along with the European Union, and then the United States, before the explosion of popular protests. The Syrian diplomacy then commends the meaning of this emerging relationship.
But the fact that the West's interest in Syria does not mean that the Syrian people at best. But is understood not to request that the geographical isolation of this people that bears his suffering has continued for decades, and that the subject of naked military force, in an era where there were reasons for this submission.
The call to the international isolation, a common practice from Iran to North Korea and Burma, to reflect the view of the citizen's right to live, politics, and claim the right to know what works and what does not fit him. But it is not an instrument of national sovereignty, which is much beyond the interests of the ruling.
When these are considered part of the international isolation address the Syrian crisis, negative results can be expected for this treatment. Especially since the political side of which is associated with the escalation of the security solution, which denies itself the ability to any reform.
Reform and international isolation, not Istqaman. Just as the reform assumes a broader political opening on the inside and forces and the abandonment of the security solution, also assumes openness to experiences that people seek to inspire, the experiments here pluralism, democracy, and trading on the power and the rule of law. Bringing the demand of international isolation, in a bloody internal crisis, in order to stay away from these experiences, which means that the imbalance in the meaning of the continuing reform.
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