Regime in Syria .. When the citizen free himself from his humanity and takes the citizen of his humanity and becomes inferior to the dogs

In the text entitled 'the citizen and the dog' hold Mohammad Maghout dialogue amusing between animals and humans, summarized and Trajekoumidia object Arab devoid of humanity to an end the use of 'dog' to broadcast the complaint and Mkasemth ordeal, not far from the custom of the Arabs old when they were Athiron night Vinbhon to barking dogs Fiksdunha search for food or shelter .   
However, in the text Alastenbah Maghout does not move but calls for friendly dogs, the police officer junction groups, including groups Nabhh Almstnbhh! And wearing a police officer in this regime the text mask, but the mask seems more humane face .   
At the end of the text to consider policing as a human being and citizen barely respond to him. The system is in fact pulling the citizen of his humanity to be easy for him by the lethality. Thus, the system free himself from his humanity as he thought it eliminates the human people, if we are to Tgsidin new to the phenomenon of 'Homo Sakir': the murderer and victim, the first feeds the second phenomenon, while it recoils. Diagnosis to impose itself on every person of conscience live in front of the tyranny that is treated by our people in Syria, steadfast, Syria's history, present and future, Syria, patience, struggle, Syria, thought, art, creativity and free speech that did not work fist concrete armed suppressed failed to exile in extinguishing flame . 
Homo Sakir (Homo Sacer) in the old Roman law is a person who can kill without being produced for the murder! That is, exiled to the area of 'humanitarian de-', his immunity in the law and the sanctity of a human in the divine law .   
This phenomenon did not disappear with Rome. Here are the major powers and Israel and the 'Telmivtha Alnaguibh' authoritarian Arab regimes to act as if the peoples of the sanctity of human abstract, can be killed away from each account or punishment! Are we only to the failed attempt to add our people in Syria to the strain of Homo Sakir? 
He died nearly a thousand Syrian Syria even write these lines, and violated the strength of militarism nearly ninety cities and villages of the Syrian cities and villages, majestic, all her fault, it calls for democratic society are not individually the power and suppression of opinion does not rein to expression and inheritance of the rule and theft of wealth .   
All this happens while the other keeps on repeating the same arguments 'conspiratorial' tenuous to justify the silence or complicity, making 'privacy Syrian' objection to the revolution and democracy, from the presence and dominance of the military community through the different margins of the movement's political and social importance of the neighboring Israeli .   
Privacy does not prevent participation in the motives themselves that prompted people to move in Tunisia, Egypt and others, because they do not prevent participation in the plight of Arab itself, in terms of the absence of the project of civilization and the absence of rights of citizens and the inheritance of power and wealth and the Alliance of corruption, tyranny and doctoring the violence of the state to the benefit of the gang ruling . 
Why not get some 'wise men' Arab fever to wait and 'stroke intellectual' but when it comes to revolutions peoples? Steady Ahlloa before the Revolution of our people in Tunisia and Egypt! Steady and Ahlloa before the Revolution of our people in Libya and Yemen! Then averted for the plight of our people in Bahrain! Then blinded the revolutionary that it came to our people in Syria? !! 
Even 'enthusiasm' suspicious rejected that seized elsewhere in the West suddenly turned to the 'gravity' in respect to Syria! Bringing into question the wisdom to say that 'the Syrian regime to drop the interest of American Zionism. " Said raises another question is no less dangerous: If the system drop the interest of foreign Vlmsalehh of the oppression of the people? Is there a system that did not hold Ihamh people? 
Syria is a red line! So they say no to rely only on the pipe untenable illusions and summoned her pathological need to insist on the lack of awareness! Gradually fell for the image on the other, and replaced the reality. Hundreds or even thousands of Syrian activists detained on the clock, and others are displaced and others fall under the lead and others 'Bring' without knowing where, for one: participation in protests and sit-ins and demonstrations in defense of their right to dignity and freedom . 
What does 'other' in return? Nothing, not even Alastenbah! Nothing but remind us of the need for wisdom! The content of this 'wisdom' that the Syrian people are prohibited from the revolution is doomed to a life sentence in the grip of dictatorship, as long as his regime at war with Israel !! 
What is the difference then between the shedding of blood from the site of Zionism and the bloodshed from the site of national or steadfastness and resistance? And any logic of bringing the Syrian regime slogans in defense of freedom outside its borders, then when is the sworn enemy of freedom within its borders? 
Free gift is in Syria gave us all. As happened a few months ago, painted a map of this gift, a new Arab come close to the shield from Sidi Bouzid, Cairo, Sanaa and Masrath Tgeort the Banias, Kasserine and Ajdabiya .   
We now follow what is happening day by day in Syria, and our hearts and our blood fail to glow, to the Syrians that we, as the Syrians are watching what happens in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen, because they are Tunisians, Libyans, Egyptians, Yemenis . 
Once again it is clear that free peoples, entrenched Besdorha bare and dreams of coherence and morality of ancient cattle Bakloppea barefoot on coals of freedom, serve the resistance and liberation are also serviced by more than tiles, are made ​​of the unit is not made ​​up of parties and ideologies and systems .   
And how these systems can make the unit while it is reduced to nationalism and the nation in the lining does not live up even to the level of tribe, caste, not only a mafia Okhtaboutih not an instrument with a non-arms brutal and approach it is not looting, repression and ideology have not what you write & publish NATO corruption and tyranny? 
The Syrian regime does not want to pretend that any of his people did not want him to appear, because this appearance makes people visible and audible than bear the energy system, in contrast with the nudity of all humanity, the nudity that makes people an entity is permitted to kill him and destroying it. Therefore, it seeks to deny the people by force of arms to the absence in the darkness of the grave or pit, or silence or exile . 
Arab people 'good' in the eyes of such a system is the people 'Homo Sakir', ie exiled from life, exiled within its borders and beyond, was thrown in a nowhere, in a middle range, there is a human being nor an animal, but is just a ghost appears to provide ceremony of obedience and disappears when it comes to benefits of freedom, dignity, and questions of identity, civilization and citizenship . 
But crying to the moon. Our people in Syria is not Homo Sakir. The world today is not ancient Rome.If Syria was a red line because the red blood of the Syrians and the Syrian glow in the dark dawn of promising prospects of freedom and creative .   
If Syria was a red line Let us ask those who violated this line more 'outside' the pragmatic, which proved to be blackmailing dictatorships do not give up only of democracies, or 'inside' tyranny under the pretext that the only one who knows the country's interests and insistence that led to the 'committee' chains of iron and fire? 
Always read for free Syria, I see the same thread of Ariane leading paced out of the maze. I see men and women are doing to transform the lives of exile to the homeland. Not inside or outside is no difference between our God and the only requirements Hinak place. The flame of freedom glowing today in texts Subhi Hadidi, Haytham Manna are the same that I saw her shine in the eyes of Mamdouh Adwan when we met last time .   
We read poetry with a poet of Arab expatriates. Mamdouh was no less weird, is the one who was in exile in Syria's deep inside. On the last evening did not find it seemed to whisper to me with a smile: the real exile in the Spirit and not in geography . 
Exile in Tunisia tried it with the many differences, and have experienced Clalipe teeth and what it requires of struggle and war sites. I know many women and many of those they live day by day in Syria, and in the quest for not naming a scientific tax exile living in the hardest and most difficult and dangerous: life inside the mouth of the beast .   
These are the real red line. Dreams of Syria and its giving the universal civilization is a red line.Kadho Syria and the creators and Manadiladtha Manadiloha and a red line. Ahrar Syria is a red line.Syria and women and old men and young people is a red line. Shamikh the rest of its people is a red line, not the transit system, stainless displacement and dislocation sooner or later .
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