«Rock of Tanios» Amin Maalouf: the novel to talk about the establishment of a homeland

Not Lebanese writer in the French language, Amin Maalouf, in the need to join the «complex immortals», ie to the French Academy, to get back to running the interface of cultural events in Lebanon, his native country, as in France, his native language and their homes and adoption. Simply because all the work or the issue translates to the creator is a big event. And not on the literary level alone. However this is no doubt that the accession of Amin Maalouf - the second after the creator Arab Algerian Assia Djebar - to the highest moral authority in the Francophone world is an exceptional event in his own and also in the cultural relations between the Arabs and the French. Perhaps it is of utmost significance in this context that Maalouf solve the academic world in the seat of the late great anthropologist Claude - Levi Strauss, who was the cultural cross-fertilization and the rapprochement between peoples worry and the work of the President.
 We know in this context that this was still the main concern for literature Amin Maalouf, whether Ojae in the form of historical studies and data humanitarian («the Crusades from an Arab perspective» and «identities deadly») or in the form of written history creatively novelist («Samarkand» and «Lyon Africa »or« Bldasar ») or in the form of narrative really draws from history (« Rock of Tanios ») or an investigation into the family roots, as in his book« roots ». Here, for the occasion, stop by the novel «The Rock of Tanios» set up since its release in 1993, a milestone in the march of this author and made him a second day of an Arab writer wins «Algonkur» which is highest in France, after the Moroccan Tahar Ben Jelloun.
> In the «rock Tanios» Amin Maalouf resort to the usual style in concert times, and events through the perspective of a series of narrators. This time he was also a scoop of history, and up to the history of Lebanon after that toured in his books first dates worlds of East and West, ancient Fravq «Lyon» from Granada to Rome, passing through Egypt and the whole of Africa, and toured in the middle of Asia, with Omar Khayyam and «Assassins» system King, an incursion into the jungles of antiquity and civilization of Mesopotamia in the «garden light», and flew to the distant future with the «Beatrice». All of these round led eventually to a small village in the Lebanese mountain ... But also led to his most novelist.
> Maalouf's novel features of this little world of the Albanian Ismail Kadare and his style in the combined events. It belongs directly to the novels of Oriental and Latin America that have flourished in recent decades and have made history and human-centered, at a time when the European literature has lost his soul Xia everything in recent decades. Here, through a simple description of a calm, knew Amin Maalouf how to paint a series of events, successive, and how it lays out the heroes of these events and faces, on the back of the birth of Lebanon before a century and a half century ago, on this small country living in the approved Ottoman rule and tries to Egyptians absorbed, the center of conflict the English and French and Russian at home. Against this background, separated by Amin Maalouf fates of his characters' village with features naïve and good, from Sheikh Francis, feudal / father / tyrant, to Paul to Grace to Gabriel, and in particular to the Mia, a beautiful give birth to small Tanios no one knows whether legitimate son of Grace, or the illegitimate son of the feudal Sheikh Francis. The fact that the birth of Tanios itself that will set the successive tragedies, tragedies Alemtemvsalh with Lebanon, which he found himself suddenly and without any ready, live cycle of major conflicts. At the end of his novel, makes his hero Amin Maalouf Tanios thus disappears from but no one knows where he went, and left him to his story, which transmits the people of the estate, but it remains a rock bearing his name until today. Amin Maalouf rock sat upon her one day contemplating the wide sea, and decided to write a new novel, which is used for nearly ten years to issue a new novel every two years.
> In relation to Amin Maalouf, is difficult for him, even in this novel Gwatih exclusive, to wrest from the political and cultural concerns that occupy his mind. He believes, probably, that the technical framework is not in the end but a means of delivering the message. It is a message of coexistence and tolerance, to them who lacked our East, and perhaps the whole world. It is here likes to Maalouf - when asked where it came from this story? - To say: «I think of my desire to write something about Lebanon, from the atmosphere of Lebanon, which I have my desire since a long time. After five books I was not in any of them directly to the issue of Lebanon, I imagine that was possessed with an ardent desire, in one way or another. In fact, I hesitated a lot before I select the stage that I will talk about, and personalities that will fill the novel. In the end I found myself returning to the village atmosphere, the climate in which it occurred frequently, from many people. And finally settled warrants they have taken as a starting point, a real incident occurred in the vicinity of our family ... About ».
> The plot of the novel is a murder occurred early nineteenth century, in a village called a fake Kvrbeida. The truth is that the place where the crime has, historically, is located between Kvrakab and legislator in the Metn district, near Baskinta - Sannine.Maalouf, a place he knew well and is located after the valley of skulls. It is important that the story also occurred in historical reality, and figure drawn by the novelist, there is a big difference. The incident was merely a starting point, nothing more. Not the Patriarch of the historical novel is the patriarch, and the killer is the real killer. Also, the same incident did not occur on the date appearing in the novel, but several years ago.Incident (crime) had been signed in 1812. But in the novel is located in 1838. There is a quarter-century distinction between them. The difference in times is attributable - to confirm the author - for reasons related to his desire to reposition the story in the framework of the general atmosphere that prevailed in Lebanon and the region in the forties of the nineteenth century and around ... In order to get to certain meanings about the history of the country. At that time, started on the major conflicts in Lebanon. Maalouf was willing to talk about these conflicts and what is before them.
> In the «rock Tanios», which saw a lot of critics to regain entry to the story of modern-day Lebanon, Maalouf offers us a presentation of the political situation surrounding Lebanon, starting from the village and the absolute ruler, Sheikh Francis, down to the Sublime Porte and the conflicts of the Great ... The novel begins as an accurate and amazing to Sheikh Francis, Sheikh estate, as it depicts the features father, tender and cruel in Anne, who exploits his subjects / his children and protect them, humiliates them and defend their dignity. This picture of the father that takes pages from the «rock Tanios», one has to go pay to see the writer's father's role and its place in our society, especially as a historian and journalist, he is careful observer of social life in Lebanon and the Arab world.
> In relation to the novel it is clear that the image of the Father, is the image of the past. At this particular point it was clear they started to express something important: they are the image that Bhaninh linked to the past, nostalgia mixed with some reservation. He says this: «I have a certain nostalgia for the past at face value.Perhaps if I had to summarize what this means, Sheikh / father to me, I will say it symbolizes the ills of the past ». That, in other words «Cartoons» traditional society, the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional society, he added. This society in which it enters the modern world in the form of a surprise. Vintage of this society is included in the cycle of the conflict and the blood, does not know how will come out of it.
* Whatever the case here, we must keep in mind is confirmed to us by, while indicating that «While in the novel, in this sense, a particular message, I do not think this letter is to the return of the father with positives and drawbacks, but thinking about the exact what happened afterwards. It is legitimate, of course, that there will be a desire to remove the ancient world. I personally - within the framework of directional natural - I like to change the old world, but at the same time, I feel the need for prior knowledge of what will replace the ancient world. It is not reasonable to torture, and destroy three or four generations, and then discover in the end, what made it replace the old, it was not the best of it in any case. After all that has happened in Lebanon, after everything that happened in the world, became I suspect that we may we always need to remove the ancient world, but on the condition that we place what is the best, the important thing to move forward, not that we break what is and according to » .
> When released «Rock of Tanios» formed a big event ... However, expect a lot has to forget after a while, as happens to most of what comes in our day of literary works, but the novel has resisted forgetfulness also been translated into many languages ​​and here are today alive and fill the airwaves as if the author, which is difficult with this to say that he surpassed many in the world creativity novelist, even though still regular in writing in the form today and make it one of the forty «immortals» in French culture without leaving the Bnaneach or Arabism Qubd inch.
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