The role of latency in calming the nerves and treatment of inflammatory bowel

Is a herbaceous plant, aromatic smell, is characterized by pungent smell, a spice known. Is the original home of cumin in Egypt, Turkistan, but it is grown, now, in different regions of the Mediterranean basin and in Iran, Pakistan, India and China and in the southern United States of America.
Cumin is rich in a number of vitamins are beneficial for health, used by housewives in the manufacture of some Moroccan sweets, bread and some food to give it taste good. Add the oil and cumin to the sweets of Taterha, In the Netherlands, included in the cheese-making in Germany added to the pies and bread for Taterha. 
It contains the fruits of the cumin volatile oil, as it is rich in a number of vitamins are beneficial for health. Cumin is available on the dietary fiber useful for reducing the speed of absorption of sugar from food,
And to impede the absorption of cholesterol and to facilitate the passage of food waste out of the body through the process of defecation, as well as zinc and phosphorus useful in activating the work of the sexual organs in men, and calcium is important to increase the strength of the bone, and iron is important for the power of the blood and the production of hemoglobin, potassium and vitamin "e "From natural materials useful in reducing the potential for disturbances in the heart and blood vessels. As well as guaranteed for groups of vitamins" B ", useful for the nerves and to facilitate sleep and other neurological function. Therefore, the researchers say that the aromatic oils in the latency effects reduced the anxiety and making it easier to sleep. The results of some medical studies that the volatile oils and the article "Thaamul" Thymol Positive effects in the latency to facilitate digestion, in terms of moving the intestine and increased secretion of the pancreas, gallbladder, stomach and other digestive juices. There are also unconfirmed scientific indicators on its usefulness in reducing the production of gases Carminative In the large intestine. This made ​​some researchers conclude that latency contains materials useful for the treatment of hemorrhoids, because it contains fiber laxatives and aromatics, and volatile oils with characteristics of resistance to microbes and facilitating the healing of wounds. According to some studies conducted on experimental animals and not human, the feasibility of vehicles to reduce the latency in infections with certain types of cancer, especially stomach and liver, the presence of antioxidants in latency. The health benefits of eating latency, according to the number of medical literature, based on international studies and Arabic, Plant that provides high amounts in the body and healthy monounsaturated fat, and fiber, and many vitamins and minerals, as well as monounsaturated fat, useful to adjust the ratio of LDL cholesterol and prevent heart and brain arteries. Recent studies have shown that the latency is good for anti-microbial, and has the ability to maintaining an effective material for seven years, a stimulant of the stomach and an excellent repellent winds. Uses of the Interior, employed for cases of colic and indigestion and swelling of the stomach and frequent menstruation, intestinal worms and cold cases. Also used for cases of convulsions and neurological poor appetite for food, as well as its usefulness in the treatment of rheumatic and pain. The Foreign Alastamala T. cumin seeds, will be well placed to heal the wounds and sores, and healing and the treatment of testicular tumors, scabies and itching. As for the cumin seeds to remove the ability of a particular type of facial patches to keep your skin clear. Ancient Egyptians used cumin seeds in mixes actors in the mummification of the bodies of the Pharaohs, and entered western Europe during the medieval period through Spain, it has become a most popular types of spices used as additives to foods. And from Europe, go with the latency to the Spanish and Portuguese regions of Central America, Mexico and others. And became a spice used in the preparation of many Mexican dishes. When added a few grams of cumin for a dish of food, means adding vitamins and minerals at high rates to what we eat, because the amount of iron, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc and potassium, low in the Ttojd mixed in the food product, as is the case in the cumin seeds. For your information when it is roasted cumin seeds a bit before grinding, Oand Add cumin seeds to the bread and place it in the oven to simmer, the three chemical compounds from derivatives of compounds "Baiarzen" pyrazines , Of the volatile oils, appear and give added a new flavor of cumin.
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