Saad Hariri and his national right equation for the Arab identity of Lebanon

Since the announcement of the High Commissioner French and the birth of the Lebanese entity in 1921, in the presence of the Mufti of the Muslims and the Maronite patriarch, and the national forces of the Islamic and Christian endeavor and is working to confirm the Arab identity of Lebanon, and keep it an integral part of the Arab arena, while maintaining the independence and sovereignty, and privacy of the form of government and the government in it, and taking into account the diversity intellectual and ideological, and the margin of democracy and a lot of freedom, which was distinguished by this entity since its birth.
To this equation national Arab identity of Lebanon, to pay the Lebanese of various political leanings and ideological high prices, and suffered the Lebanese arena of the interventions of regional and international, and played some systems near and far an influential role to keep the Lebanese arena sand animation,
to keep the paper can be negotiated and by, to pass the agreements, or contract deals, or exchange of interests, nothing to do with Lebanon, nor the interests of its people to reap the fruit.This means that Lebanon has remained for decades yard and a platform for the exchange of messages scorching and burning, between the forces of regional and international, because of conflicts between the leaders of Lebanon's identity and role, and a link to some of them agendas of Foreign Affairs, to be approved by the Lebanese people after their wars absurd, again on the Constitution, and the formula of live common I knew a document Taif, resolved through this document Lebanon's Arab identity, which was preceded by consensus of the Muslims of various persuasions, to declare constants of the National Islamic, which announced the Dar Al-Fatwa in 1986, and confirmed for the first time, the recognition of finality of the Lebanese entity as an Arab woman independent.
Having a baby the second of the Lebanese state and the entity, the product of the National Accord document, adopted a constitution, known as document-Taif, and some professional fathers and mothers of many, (and all claims and arrived Bliley / Leila does not recognize them Bmak), and the truth that can not be covered or blocked or turning a blind eye, is that of the martyr Rafik Hariri, has been known to the unknown soldier in the drafting of the Agreement, and compilation of Dziyate, and the combination of his staff, and in the operating room for Caesarean sections document Taif, by Arab and international umbrella. On this basis, began the process of governance in Lebanon again, building its institutions and its national army, stripping the militias of their weapons, so do not force between citizens and parties, but a weapon State and to be a martyr, then the corner of the base, to offset the national Arab identity of Lebanon, its independence and sovereignty, since the in 1990 until the date of his death.
Vahariria Political its momentum trans-communities and regions, led by Saad Hariri, are the face inherent to the Arab identity of Lebanon, civilization, before the persistent attempts to alienate Lebanon for his nation, or turn it into a protectorate of Iran, or the back garden of government in Tehran, through some of the forces, associated with the intellectual and ideological influence Iran in the region under the pretext of Arab - Israeli conflict.
And here is argued, and the information available, with more than one party to a local, Arab and international, to overthrow the government of national unity, striking result of the parliamentary elections, and planning, who revealed recently for the assassination of Hariri, politically and physically, was the basis for the projection of the Taif Accord, and thus to distort the Arab identity of Lebanon , and this is confirmed by the attitudes, statements, made by many of the pillars of the majority developed, and who through some of them, on their chests hidden of malevolent, in more than one position and the statement of the Declaration, especially before the formation of the government, during and after.
Lebanon is the Arab can not rise from the collapse, to face the challenges Zionism and out of the quagmire of sectarian and communal only equation national embodied in the president Saad Hariri, the approach and practice, to preserve the Arab identity of Lebanon, and a commitment to document Taif, and the implementation of its provisions in full, and the application of the slogan of equality between Muslims and Christians, to keep this home message of civilization, for the manufacture of the dialogue between the faiths and ideas, they need the Arab world, which makes Rabia political and structural next inevitably, to be the Arab world, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf, the homeland of faith, Arabism, and tolerance among peoples and civilizations in the East.
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