In the midst of the events subsequent to Syria, despite the pain wrenching hearts of the victims and intractable political insist on the complexity of the solution, the debate created by this situation created for the first time, and very clearly, a possible way out of the crisis into a modern state based on equal citizenship before the law Adel.
Has followed the debates and popular demands, and debates the cultural and political elites, economic, and went out the summary below, which seems to me that there is almost agreement around it, or make it on the basis of the solution required.
I summarize here this conclusion, which found that it reflects the life-saving procedures to achieve the demands of the Syrian people, Syria and the transfer of a modern democratic state to achieve desired liberalization and modernization. It is as follows:
1- lift the state of emergency in effect, and restricted to cases of declared war and natural disasters. And the abolition of special courts and laws, including Law 49 of 1980. Travel ban and the abolition of the political, and allow the return of displaced and deprived them of their passports for decades because of the emergency and emergency laws.
2- to withdraw the army from the cities and returned to the barracks, once the announcement of the executive steps for democratic change in Syria.
Within the scope of change required, it must be stressed that the Syrian army is the army of the country and not the army of power, changing the pigment and the preservation of ideological doctrines, devoting - primarily - to liberate the occupied territories and the protection of civil peace.
3- the investigation without delay all violations of public law and human, and to hold accountable the perpetrators of orders and exporters of murder, torture and humiliation of citizens, and bring them to public trials, to attain a just Qsasm.
4- to release all political prisoners and detainees and prison-laundering, the detection of the fate of the forcibly disappeared, in preparation for a comprehensive national reconciliation and turn a page on the past and the future does not promise to be arrested because of the thought or belief or affiliation.
5- the repeal of Article 8 of the Constitution and all that would dedicate the control of the Baath Party and the idea of the Constitution of the country.
6- solution of the Progressive National Front, and to give their party the opportunity to compete with the new parties or the opposition, to decide the size and weight of people in the next parliament.
7- to resolve the current security services and the abolition of domination and hegemony, and the establishment of a modern and one of national security, the primary mission of military security and counter-intelligence and external security.
And strengthening the role of the police and updated, with emphasis on its commitment to legal proceedings, and the abolition of torture from the dictionary of Syrian life.
8- the formation of a Constituent Assembly represents the spectra of the Syrian society and its strength and all his characters, and known for their honesty and integrity, putting the country's new constitution adopted the parliamentary system.
To recognize the electoral law adopted modern relativism and the same constituency, to finish tasks in a maximum period of 3 months, pose at the end of the constitution and electoral law referendum, to take effect immediately after approval of the people.
9- pass a law allowing parties the freedom to establish science and news, a condition that does not incite religious or sectarian division or sectarian or ethnic, which threatens the unity of the country, and the requirement of transparency in the sources of funding. And the judiciary is the ruling on that.
10- a parliamentary and local elections (and the Shura Council elections if introduced by the new constitution) within two months from the date of adoption of the Constitution and the electoral law, and under international supervision and a full judicial.
11- form a committee to reform the judiciary, to amend the laws to keep pace with the times, and stresses the equality of citizens before the law fairly.
The Committee suggests that all the possible ways to strengthen the authority of the judiciary and ensure its independence, control of the executive power to expel him, and to ensure fair elections for the judicial councils Constitutional and Supreme.
12- a law written in a modern media and audio-visual, and give him complete freedom of expression under the conditions prevailing in the developed world. And change the media policy of the state-owned media into the Syrian state, ie to express the Syrian people not the government, Fbtdaol power ephemeral governments and the people staying.
13- establishment of an independent judicial check on corruption charges, and end the abuses and cronyism, and transmit those found guilty to justice, spoilers to receive just punishment, and to return the looted money of the people to him.
As a result of these actions will allow the Syrians to examine their basic editing and updating and resolution, and the equitable distribution of wealth and equal opportunities, monitoring and accounting, and to achieve education reform, agricultural and industrial laws.
As for the accessibility capabilities of the Syrians and their diversity for the development of Syrian culture on the map of world culture, for the Syrians at home and abroad of the queens have seen the international arena, despite the subordination of creators of the strict control over many years.
In short, Syria is on the right track determined by the choices of the Syrian people through the ballot box, and everyone should be subject to the will of the people through this medium, as some of the secular forces, fearful of the victory of religious parties, to get away from cowardice and has the courage of democracy for the submission of the results produced by a fair election.
Even if people made a mistake in his choice, and to develop confidence in those who are not qualified, the Syrian people and alone is capable, its country of modern change that.