The sun and the solar system and the beneficial effects in this life

After mentioning God's relationship with the universe, and its relationship to its aspects which the heavens and the earth, comes Find in the sun and the moon later for them, and the sun and the moon, despite their being of celestial bodies but they boarded separate full of their importance in the universe and human life, and what the resulting beneficial effects in this life (1).
     The swear by God the sun and the moon because they are the cause of light and brightness in the night and day, and the reason for the processes occurring on the ground of the growth and germination energy and the Almighty said: (and the sun and overnight. And the moon, if followed) [Sun 1-2, and _khashma mentioned after mentioning the heavens and the earth of their importance, because the sun center of the solar system from which the earth, the Almighty said: (God, who created the heavens and the earth, "and subjected to you the sun and the moon tenaciously) [Surat Ibrahim 32.33.
The sun is the source for all types of energy in the planet, but not to the sun and found there is life of the plant, animal or human, sun tree of matter and energy in this world, a lamp glowing in the sky, which supplies human self-emitted light.
Allah says: (and made ​​a dazzling lamp) [news 13], says    Says: (which made ​​the blessed in heaven Brouja and make the lamp and a moon giving light) [Criterion 61],          The Almighty said: (Did not see how God created the seven heavens one above another and made ​​the moon a light therein and made ​​the sun a lamp) [Noah 15-16].
For these important occupied the sun and the moon a great place when people Vazmoheme and considered them a look reverence and respect, and I have thought of Abraham in the first his life when he hopes in the sky that the sun and the moon is a god, but shrewd mind that God is the God worthy of worship after he saw them Igban and show he says : (When the moon is an emerging Roua Ruba said this when he said AFL While not Ahdny Ruba to Okonnen of people astray. When the sun emerging Roua said this ..... my Lord) [cattle 77-78].
Therefore Abdahma _khasoheme acts of worship and people thinking they are the reason that the benefits and enjoy the good things. Forbade God about it and explained that deserves worship and obedience to God is the Creator of the sun and the moon the Almighty said: (do not worship the sun nor the moon, but prostrate to Allah who created them, if you worship him) separated 37].
Here they occupied the position of the sun between the great scientists, philosophers, and they took the speakers and the moon is to teach, especially in the modern era after the emergence of inventions They found knowledge of composition, size and description, and function. Therefore it was necessary allocation of a complete separation from the sun and the moon in the Holy Quran and the Bible.
Mentioned the sun in the Holy Quran in the thirty-two subject [2], coupled with the moon in many places, for their importance in human life, so understanding of the blessings bestowed by God on man and mentioned in the holy book, and comes to talk now about the words of speakers and philosophers in the sun.
When the sun speakers and philosophers:
The sun has Vlkan they are either on the orbit of the Earth's overall position from the center of the world outside the orbit of recycling, or which carries Astronomy Centre and the OK but did not differ for dimension and closer to the center of the world and the next face of the earth it is different and slower speed. So it Vlkan sun either outside the center, italic or recycling and holder [3].
And the text of the Qur'an in the verse: (not for the sun to overtake the moon nor does the night outstrip the day) [Yassin 40], that the sun is slower in movement of the moon, and the proof of monitoring that the sun cut the sky in the year, the moon travels in a twenty-eight days . Aasbak and night to day, this is the rule of the second movement of the orbit of the kidneys, which are in every day and night cycle, and even where all Darary, and the stars and the sun and the moon [4].
As for Ibn Sina mentions some of the benefits of the planets of the solar system makes it clear that the planet Saturn spilled an influential force in the body cold and rigid and dry ground and Azaanat of change and the impossibility of the souls willing to accept imagination and remembrance and reflection and illusion and Jupiter flooding from the power of the objects kept Kamal every body, and in the souls preparedness to accept force the sense of [5].
Shows the effect of planetary objects and selves no rights independent of the universe, he is influenced by the stars and planets.
Known as Ibn Sina and the sun said, "is the greatest offense all the planets and most of natural light and place the ball in the fourth," [6].
       Shows the usefulness of them sees it overflowing with the power of creating objects in the vehicle to accept Kamaladtha mood and give them heat instinctive and this effect of the Sun in the body, but they create in souls won to the natural movements and in excess of humanitarian preferred movement won a domination, Li [7].
        So it seems the impact of Alyalansan planets and the sun is not alone is impressive, and the sun also affects the bodies and souls in their growth and generated and thought and sense.
       And Ibn Tufail see that the sun be alone is not hot nor adapted with some things moods, and describes the form of the sun and the earth, makes it clear that the sun pellet shape and that the earth also and the sun is greater than the ground a lot and who Astadhai of land the sun is never greater than half and that half the bright-Earth in all the time is in great light in the middle of it is far from the places of darkness when the circumference [8]. Valmtkelmon and philosophers influenced by the views of old. Some speakers and go to work the apparent meaning of the verses in the movement of the sun and energy.
Sun in the Holy Quran and the Bible: -
Received the sun a lot in the Holy Quran and the Bible, the sun is a ball of gas burning in diameter than a million and a third of a million km in size like the size of the Earth more than a million times the mass of more than 2 billion tons, and consists of light is 70% Oedrogen, and 28% Hliyum, and 2% other elements, and the surface temperature of 6000 degrees, and 1,391,980 km in diameter, and density 1.41 g / cm 3, and the attractiveness of attractive floor surface 27.9, and mass 10 13 × 1.99 kg and the rotation period 25.40 days.
Most of the properties of the sun may be caused by the intensity of the light, they release huge amounts of light. The amount of energy that starts with about 4 × 10 26 watts of light and the power of connecting with about 1.354 W / m 2. This quantity known as optical configuration [9].
     And the sun is the center of the heavenly bodies, a star around which Earth and other planets of the solar system, which draws the earth energy in the form of light and heat necessary for all types of life "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven ... God made ​​two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and the stars and God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light on the earth and to rule over the day and night "(Genesis 1:1-18) [10].
God is the one who created the sun, which he saves and organizes movement (Gaal sun to light duties during the day and the moon and the stars for light by night) (Jeremiah 35:31, Joshua 15.12:1 0.2 ml 9:20-11, Isaiah 7:38-8) and Sunrise and sunset are the greatest natural phenomenon to divide the day between day and night, and the sun are the plants that develop and mature fruits (Deut. 33: 14) as they are stiff plants that did not take root in the earth (Matthew 13.6) [11].
Sun to its importance in life I swear by God in the Quran Allah says: (and the sun and overnight) [Sun 1], and mentioned in more than one place to remind the human being from God by the Almighty said: (And has subjected to you the sun and the moon tenaciously) [Ibrahim 33] and said afterwards: (though not transgressed mercy on God's grace) is a Brahim 34] and the Almighty said: (and subjected the sun and the moon shall be for indefinite) [Creator 13, Zumar 5, Thunder 2 [ .
These verses show the importance of sunlight in human life and if you were not of great importance what I came back from the blessings that Allah created for the slaves to see with the light and derive from the heat necessary for life and growth, and plants and to find out times.
      The estimated age of the sun is now about 10 billion years, while the old kidney is estimated it is 50 billion years, then carried the fuel from the hydrogen [12] Allah says (if the sun) Pelleting: 1, this is telling about the end of the sun and the end of the fuel and that signs of the Hour According to the Bible that this marks the end of the world "and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair (Rev 6:12) (sun shall be turned to darkness) (Acts 2:20) and the elements burning melt" (2 Pet 3:12) "Vmkonat sun dissolves and die and end capacity.
The evolution of the sun: The sun is the center of the solar system. Since they dominate the mass in the system consisting of more than 500 block of any of the planets or the mass of the planets combined together.
      The planets and other objects associated with information taken from the sun and the sun is the only member of the solar system [13].
Surface of the sun: the sun's surface is called the apparent Balfotosevar (layer visible), and the sun appears in the photographs as a pinch edges and a specific gravity due to this large and is surrounded by high disk tongues of flame and the surface of the sun seems Mrakeca as it changes very quickly and very [14].
Power of the sun: The sun's energy that helps all types of life on Earth and the true source of solar energy emitted is now known that nuclear power is liberated according to the equation of Einstein, which expressed the Holy Quran Allah says: (and made ​​the sun a lamp) [Noah 16] This indicates that combustion of hydrogen in the atmosphere of a burning sun, and as a result of the combustion heat generated [15].
In the words of the commentators to indicate the meaning of Qur'anic expression of the word (lamp) in the verse: (and made ​​a dazzling lamp) [news, 13] as the meaning of the word    Glistening and led the mean sun and the fire glowed if Tlmazt Vetoahjt Doiha and heat (16).
       And it means the sun's bright lamp, which sends the heat required for the land and the neighborhoods and in the lamp glow of heat and light, which is available in the sun. SE careful choice of the word accuracy of each [17].
The Koran describes the moon as light As the sun Faisvha sometimes as Zia and other SE, and here is similar to the Koran as a burning sun in Daou Ih and temperature to assure that the light and heat in the sun than the description.
      And the sun in the Bible described as a light or lamp, "the greater light to rule the day" (Gen. 1:16) and temperature (not something disappears from the heat) (Psalm 19: 6) (because the sun shone hot) (James 1:11) and describes the sun Balsraj (do not need a lamp or sunlight) (Revelation 22: 5) described the sun with these labels indicates the intensity and glow of the sun and its components.The Qur'an describes the sun as a lamp in the other two places he says: (which made ​​the blessed in heaven Brouja and make the lamp and a moon giving light) [Criterion 61], and saying: (And made ​​the moon a light therein and made
Sun lamp) [Noah 16]. And the third position in the verse (and made ​​a dazzling lamp) [news, 13].
The Koran and the Bible does not oppose them in the description of the sun and intense heat Balsraj interior Evsla they did not talk about the components in the OS word-sufficiency    Informed and better evidence.
    The ramifications for this to be a difference between the sun and the moon and described the moon as the sun Munir Zia and describing SE as the Almighty said: (is Zia, who made ​​the sun and the moon light) [Younis 5]    And the Almighty says: (And made ​​the moon a light therein and made ​​the sun a lamp) [Noah 16] In these two verses set the difference between the sun and the moon, sun and the moon is bright Munir any reflective to sunlight only.
And the Almighty said: (is the one who made ​​the sun light and moon light) [Younis 5] sun Sultan of the day, and the moon Sultan night, Valzia stronger than the light, and make the sun flare and Zia, a, and the moon light any where lighting [18].
The sun is a star Baanrach produces internal heat and a great light, the moon is not shining in itself, but reflects the light that is received by a planet from the sun which is inert [19].
And X, which comes directly from the light source is called the light and those that come from the light source is called the direct light, sun burning and is a direct source of light is the moon derives its light from the sun and then reflected on the ground [20].
He described the Koran as a light of the moon and the sun as Dia or incandescent lamp indicates the vast difference between the moon and the sun and the intense heat and sunlight  
The Bible mentions the difference between the sun and the moon (God made ​​two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night) (Genesis 1:16) was called a small moon light) and a large sun light.
      And the light mentioned in (Genesis 1: 3) issued by the sun, not Earth) This is consistent with what came in the numerical 4.5. If the earth was like the stars radiate light to the light is radiating from each side and a difficult separation between day and night on Earth, the sun radiates light, and light up the floor in order to be well lit and the other in the darkness and there is day and night [21]Therefore, sun star unlit "If you had considered to light when Dhae "(ie, 31: 26)    "And you are a T light and the sun" (Psalm 74: 16).
The moon is a body does not shine    "Is this the same moon and the planets do not shine in his eyes is pure" (ie 25: 5) the moon is unlit, as well as other planets do not light up, and the moon only reflects the light of the sun. "     "Sun will be darkened and the moon when the sun does not shine a light (Isa. 13:10) and the light of the moon the sun as light (Isa. 3:26), the moon bright light [22]   , Light, less of the light of the sun as the Bible said so.
     And described the sun as Dia or lamp or the light of the biggest and the Koran and described as Dia or Siraj Wahhaj there is no difference between the Qur'an and the Bible, but the Bible than to describe the sun as the greater light, and this meaning is derived from light and lamp of the sun and the light of the moon because the moon since the wudu or less from sunlight, a reflector of sunlight and the sun is bright, as the word SE confirm that the sun is stronger than the moon.
     The Bible speaks of the sun and the moon and the stars and it has created on the first day.Is that the sun did not appear so only on the fourth day, as well as the planets have existed since the first day, however, overshadowed by vapors from the ground but did not dissipate in the fourth day.Function and was appointed the sun and the moon and the stars which is to separate out the days and times, times, and rule the night and the day after the completion of creation [23],   This of course is unacceptable scientifically.
The Holy Quran tells about the function the Sun God says: (he who made ​​the sun light and moon light and the amount of homes to know the number of years and the reckoning) [Younis 5], select the function the sun and the moon which is to find out times and calculate the times Fbhma determined day and night and the four seasons of the movement of the Earth around the sun, ie they are two created things to organize the lives of people on the ground.
As for what is set by the Bible from the creation of the sun (light) on the first day and then blocked fumes appeared on the horizon on the fourth day. This interpretation is incorrect   For that matter, because the universe was a single block, then its parts, separated from each other after that, so the sun broke on the fourth day after the fumes go for.
And the sun helps the plant to grow photosynthesis process to complete it (Deuteronomy 33: 14) (2 Samuel 23: 4) referred to is faced with "Who is overseeing such a beautiful morning, the moon is pure like the sun" (Nash    6:10) [24].
  Movement of the sun and Jeriha: prove the Koran was the sun the Almighty said: (And the sun runs to have a stable estimate of Aleem Aziz) [Yassin 38] And the sun runs fast 19 km / s toward star eagle fact, spin the sun around the same time every 27 Eomavy the Mediterranean with its collection of solar high speed of 22 km / s around the center of the galaxy, which revolves around itself once every 250 million years [25].  
        In the stable, the sun and the object: those that limit temporary destined end to its orbit in the last year, or that the ultimate of its east and west, because it Taatqsaha bright bright and Maghreb Maghreb until it reaches a maximum and then returns, or to stop it from its flight every day, which is Morocco, and was dwelling place for which Allaah be upon him, who acknowledged her Jeriha landed him in the last year and said while it stabilizes and stops Jeriha the day of resurrection.        Or night, or that it is not stable for the time it is a place for the owners of the said, in the orbit of the sun, astronomy, the sun revolves Feder, conducted the course of the sun 
Dwelling place [26] has been proven in the hadeeth of the Prophet   r and him say: "O Abu Dhar Do you know where the sun sets? Allah and His Messenger told a science. said," they go    Even under the prostrate, the throne it says: (And the sun runs to have a stable estimate of Aleem Aziz) [Yassin 38][27], and prostration under the throne, but it is after sunset [28] This opinion is likely that the stable is Morocco. The sun is moving and the place in its orbit, and also told that the Holy Quran and authentic Hadith.
The Qur'an explains the movement of the sun and rotated in the verse (which is who created the night and day and the sun and the moon floating in an orbit) 33 prophets conscience of the sun, the moon and to be their sex horoscopes every day and night. Ibn Abbas said spindle spins and spin in the washer, not only spins the spindle washer Bafilkh not only Palmghazl as well as the stars and the sun and the moon does not spin but its not only going for them [29].
     The Almighty says: (And has subjected to you the sun and the moon tenaciously) [Ibrahim 33] in any Adiban walking and Anarthma Drihma and darkness and repaired what is qualified from the earth, physical, and plants ([30] ).
     He said in another verse: (and subjected the sun and the moon shall be indefinite) [Luqman 29], the sun and the moon each and every one of them being in the orbit and cut off his hand to the time known the sun to the last year and the moon to last month and Hassan term called the Day of Resurrection, and was said to very limited [31].
         The Qur'an confirms that the movement of the sun and in the Jeriha satellites in orbit and they Calcabhh through the ever-constant movement to the time no one knows except God.
        Indicate scientific research on the sun take place for the surrounding stars quickly estimated at about 12 miles per second, but in the rotation with the galaxy, which is one of the stars being in the galaxy at speeds 170 miles per second and the sun begins to Eagle reality (Vega) [32].
  In the verse: (And the sun runs to Mstqrlha) [Yassin 38] indicate a great verb (place) indicates when the commentators and the people who did not live in the age of science on the phenomenon movement of the sun from east to west. It reflects real movement has been corroborated by modern science of the sun.
The deed does not mean only on the movement of a transitional self of the sun, but also indicates the magnitude of the movement because the running and of course, indicative of the speed of traffic and the Almighty said: (He who created night and day and the sun and the moon floating in an orbit) [Prophets 33] In the verse: (place) and (all floating in an orbit) over the expression of the sun around the center of Mejrtha scientific manner [33].
And science has proved the various movements of the sun, they carried with them first and planets to a point in the constellation Hercules, and carried on the dairy center of the galaxy, as well as run at the galaxy with the milk and the local group of galaxies in the direction of the so-called Great Paljazb [34]
       The Qur'an refers to the outline of the Almighty said: (And the sun runs to Mstqrlha) [Yassin 38] and saying: (all floating in an orbit) [Prophets 33], verb (place) did not specify the conformity certain, but launched the movement of the sun, whether with the planets or with the galaxy, And he said: (all) means the movement of all the planets, stars and galaxies, everyone is moving in obedience to God Almighty.
It also shows the movement of the sun the sunrise and sunset are    Is not only the movement of the sun from the east to Morocco God says    : (Even if it reaches the setting of the sun) [Cave 86]   The Almighty said: (even if it reaches the beginning of the sun and found it rising on a people who did not make him m without a shield) [Cave 90] says: (and then turned to the heaven when it was smoke and said to it and to the earth Come both, willingly or unwillingly come disobedient) separated 11] , in which case the verse describes the movement of the heavens and the earth, including the sun and the solar system from the sky. The sunrise and sunset and the sun does not think fixed and does not move, their movement must be produced until that process.
Given what was mentioned in the Bible is saying (from the far heavens, exits, and its orbit to Oqasiha) (Psalm 19: 6) Here, authorized the departure of the sun and rotated in its orbit (the sun known as the west) (Ps 104: 19) This is another proof that they know the west ie they move from the east to reach Morocco. The sun is not fixed and static, but is a star like other stars move in the sky.
It also shows the movement of the sun the sunrise and sunset (and if the sun rose on the ground) (Genesis 19:23) (and called the earth from the rising of the sun to the west) (Ps 5: 1) (stood up the sun in the liver of the sky did not rush to sunset) (Joshua 10: 13) (because the sun shone hot) (James 1:11) These texts confirm the movement of the sun from the east to Morocco and says error remained steady.
Eclipse of the sun: is the occurrence of the moon between the earth and the sun in the level of the ecliptic, are eclipsed by the disk of the sun the whole or part, can not get the eclipse until the time of the emergence of the new moon, and can not occur less than Ksovan year nor more than seven times a year 35].
The Qur'an does not refer to the phenomenon of the eclipse, while referring to a lunar eclipse, but eclipse occurred at the time of the Prophet r      He said: "The sun and the moon will not Ikhsvan to death or life of one, but two of the signs of God, if you saw 
Separated "[36].
The Bible refers to the Eclipse When disappear the light of the sun there is darkness (the Trabh Kasfat day) (ie 3: 5), "says the Lord God that I Ogab sun in the back and darker earth in the day light" (Aa 8: 9) Vmekdrh of God is the cause of the this eclipse (the moon and ashamed ashamed sun) (Isaiah 24: 23) Fajzy the sun is only the eclipse.
   And unique to the Bible for the Koran mention heat stroke "No hits you the sun in the day" (Ps 121: 6) Vhrarp the sun if you increased the rate of natural deprived the human body a large amount of water occurs imbalance in the balance, and the loss of a large amount of sodium salts lowering the rate in the plasma blood, which leads to symptoms of heat stroke [37]   .
The Bible is unique and something else, a sunspot which is assigned to the sun         Or (b) Qa dark look from time to time on the surface of the sun, and stains bright are called Chikhadd "and the fears and signs of great from heaven" (Luke 21:11) "shall be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars" (Lk 21:25) [38].
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