Syria needed to light and not fire

Woe to you if Tcoloha, and woe to us if we hear!
Sabosr my testimony at random, for this country, that our love for her hypertrichosis, Nbosr determination, the futility of approaching manslaughter, fashionable among the bears!
Syria boasts in her official permanent, as the home of civilization, and home plots.Permanent or dilemmas, dilemmas and victories on the permanent. They glorify martyrdom in Hakhsat roads, and construction television, but they do not see the questions generations in their eyes, she says: When we live?
And proud of the Syrian regime since fifty years steadfastness in the face of the invasion, Israel, and when exposed to the dangers of the country's, and now, sees the issue as follows: «system» is in danger! While the fact that all its citizens, instinct and knowledge,
realize that the «home» is in danger!
 So is the siren, security services, rather than awaken the human organs. And underestimate the indicators speaking, because he has certain information silent!
And is the Syrian people, as now, between the gears of clarity and mystery, conspiracy and the protest, uncertainty and doubt Almazuchi sadistic. Between humans and the roar the roar of weapons. Between the fall of the regime and the fall of the country. He graduated from the body Syrian Dmamlh sectarian, and graduated from the throats of Mahtgah calls of national well-being. We see old men in the painting and Hbihh, criminals, murderers, assassins and hired guns. We see a peaceful cities and towns fight. Desperate hope for change and reform. Syrians grieve with all of these gloom on Thursday, and this tension bloody Friday. Have not even left us only on Saturday, counted as a comic, by chance, with the Jews!
Progress the country detect losses of their children. It remains unknown from other statements ... Where silent, patiently or fear, the majority know the size of the disaster, and can not do anything, but progress in obesity The TV is lying, and the last Agbarak, and the third opens the talking shop daily, to give any opinion, in the well of the Desert: Mnohn, and ignorant, and Promotional ... And marketers of crises. And including a few «angels» Arverwon, their words, on the friezes ruin.
And remain silent majority at stake sides: the demonstrators are hoping Bngvethm them, and the authority hopes bleeding demonstrators to their ranks. It seems that no one understands the other on the ground engaged and involved in an old game for the balance of power ... Is a game «biting fingers» primitive! But there are other teaches: which resist the pirate, who was kidnapped a man and asked him to pay a hundred dollars, or eat a bag of salt. The Syrian regime is accused generally with semi-hero of the story: most of the contents of the bag charges steadfastness and determination ... When the last handful of salt is impossible to pay hundred dollars!
From the beginning ... Since the shield, we said to him, in front of the Syrian pirate: Start implementing everything at once, the option is Hamshona, intelligent and knows, from the first moment ... Where it goes: The event is a conspiracy!
Half things to be implemented are: restoration of the rights, and the removal of grievances, and to improve living conditions as bad as tacky.
And the other half is: break the wooden house to the authority of stiff and Mgrorh, the system has not left him an instance after the removal of cardboard typical systems the Soviets, did not withstand the winds of change, even in a heavily millions of card-party, it is better than what we have strongly article (8) of the Syrian Constitution, supported with security hijacks the hearing to find out what's going on in the family of lovers in their homes! (Ask Milan Kundera).
This house, which is not required to be renewed, but that still does not fit him, and functionally and aesthetically, in a calm, paper and modern architecture, without fraud and slums.
House well, dearest, windows open on each «actors neigh» Syria. Without the need for more blood, and without the need to drum (which is usually made from trees harvested - and hatred which are made of dead men!) Without external cosmic choir jealous, lying on the human rights!
Since the first week of the events, written in the local newspaper suggested to be the last work of Syrian prisoners of the death is the aesthetic: «bleaching their cells, write their memories and their names on the walls, before going out to freedom ...Presidential decree ».
This has been delayed, for months, came when he came, incomplete. The prisons were filled with new inmates, mostly in the age of inertia of the work of Syria's youth between 18 and thirty! Thus, the prison did not become white, but red again!
The term reform was intended to deal with it lightly, by the Syrian authorities, sometimes in deliberate fraud. It can not be a reform to change the wheel in a vehicle damaged. And even repair the damaged vehicle is to change it, once the validity of the engineering course to the target and sometimes not the goal, as in a poem by Bertolt Brecht:
Sit on the side of the road,
While the driver changed the wheel.
I do not like where you came from,
I do not like the place outgoing him.
Why, then, watching eagerly to change the wheel?
If the reform is a radical change of the structures that resided in it and coexistence with the Syrian people, since he was six million, and until he became 23 million: one-party. Security. One opinion. And has been «the people» the wrong in everything, even in the provision of real rigidity of the strategic environment ... One does not call it to account. Punished, while one individual. One person, severe punishment for the opinion, the court shall formulate comic, comically, the reasons for the sentence as follows: «weakening national sentiment!».
In this sense were not the state is not the father does not Rúma merciful ... But now, due to serious lack of conscience, stolen daily diet for their children the way the monster that is not full, and the thief who is not deterred. As a country boasting of stability (which means it does not ... never a problem)
I was not surprised by the violence perpetrated by the security of the demonstrators Vloql This is why the violence practiced medicine as a fit all deviations and physiology.Until it became prevalent in the everyday language of the traffic policeman, police station and head, and teacher education and a national dialogue and an emotional series, a language without metaphors, and Tostat, and a common living!
It also was not surprised by the presence of weapons in combat, because the smuggling routes are sold in hours and minutes, the term is commonly called the «Purchase roads» and all the ports, borders Syria, without exception, were bought and sold. But that top smugglers are the elite and their weapons in broad daylight.
But, oddly, I was not surprised also to enter the insurgents, assassins, terrorists, if you will, at the contact lines, in the border areas (geographically and religiously!), What had seemed unlikely in the issue of sectarianism, it was a reality check of the lack of integration of social, cultural, demographic . As well as feeling the presence of general types of functionality used for sectarian breaches of law, or to obtain privileges. And sectarian in nature, a disease of interest, and not being of religions and doctrines. As we know there are countries of sectarian quotas (such as Lebanon and Iraq, for example) and Mqonna Mdstrh as a source of legitimacy!
In the sixties we did not find veiled women in the university - for example - but in the Faculty of Sharia. Now, not only to find veiled. And not in Syria, but also in Egypt (see Umm Kulthum concerts in the old TV, not in the hall wearing one). There are, of course, many reasons, including the absence of any cultural project social aesthetic, cognitive, political, illegal support of the Authority, and to legitimize its existence, which means the marginalization of others ... Becomes religions and religious intolerance and haven of hope and lack of dignity!
The form of violence that we saw ... He reference modern life from the age of «Bin Adeneih» and graduates of the school that sold the war killings. (See the ten years was killed in Algeria ... the gun Albulth shoulder and hand) do not need a reminder of the real parent, the U.S. has!
The «bin Adeneih» and «Taliban» both the system, full descriptions, system fatwas, swim in the largest system affects the whole culture and attitude than the other, whatever it was, the way the Jews where there: the Jewish goyim (strange) any other!
Jew fanatical zealots like his counterparts in religions throughout history, seen the other as a subject of exclusion, in the case of peace - at a minimum, and killed, in the case of conflict, maximum, and cutting and representation, Ksadah Mlmazh.
Thus we find the wreckage of the Buddha statues in Afghanistan, den «Taliban». And the plight of suffering experienced by a friend, Syrian writer, in Ma'arrat Naman ...Kidnapped by gunmen, they knew that he and his comrades formed human shields to protect the tomb and the Library and the Statue of Abu Alaa Maari, in the city Ma'arrat Numan Syria. Abused him physically, they say: «want to protect the idol Juggernaut heretic Abu Ala? A pig, my secular atheist ... This semi-naked wife (SFOR) in your mobile, your honor a few! »To the end.
Of course, this is like a video (no manual is available on his health now) kicking a man when a security man on the ground and says to him: «you want freedom ... You dog! »
«Home is at risk» ... Not now the case of home ... But since a long time, since the eighties. In those days (What a coincidence!) Wrote a statement. And Ozaanah entitled «home is at risk», signed by Syrian intellectuals have pushed many friends eighth signing, on that statement, the long years in prison.
«System at risk» is not now a case ... But a long time ago ... Time is inherent, implied, wait for his chance in the Arab spring, before the system is now to be brave and pay the price, (not Kmkhdhul or loser) in one of two ways: - the way high-end (not a replacement for the word general ambiguous), which is to abandon the progressive gradual monopolization of power and inherited and support , in a joint operation between the community and the system ... Between those who have the strength to admit mistakes and dangers - in power - and the majesty of the reserve force and the cleanliness of the right to dissent.
- Or option Alhamshona ... (Me and my enemies). This option Usmani: a defense of the system, until the last shot. The Ottomans were able to provide the blood of people who have been fighting, in desperation, the line of withdrawal from the Suez Canal to Istanbul at the end of the First World War!
I said in the article Local: The road map exists, even in pharmacies, without prescription.
This map does not need a genius in the implementation, not to sacrifice the destinies ... Need to abandon the principles for vulgar «Makiavlli» as advised in those ancient times, Emperor Romania imbecile, saying to him: «The best Ikhavuk that Aahbuk» and «what does it matter if nine out of ten against me ... X as long as me and ...Armed? ».
Dear in this country, Syria, the beautiful, the great, ancient ... We need, once again, this wholesale refined insight: «The homeland is in danger!».
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