Syria, an uprising and terror vampire Maher Assad

In a short video raises chills, was secretly filmed three weeks ago inside a building is closed, and it is unclear in any city in Syria, showing the bodies pile bleeding, comes the people with lowered heads spin around in the air is tense calm. When the imaging lens moves to the right, look at the picture of Maher Assad, leather coat, a brother of Syrian President, talks mobile phone overcast the face.Disturbed by the bodies, but do not worry about what is happening in the field . 
Maher al-Assad (44 years) is the day in second place in the leadership of the Syrian regime which has struggled with the second layer for the 'People's Palace' in Damascus and the General Staff.Analysts and experts likes to be called 'man of Syria's dreaded' divide and that are talking about a mentally unstable that a treat Winkle demonstrators against the regime, even if talking about the young, and the cold-blooded killer who refuse military orders. Wandering 'bad brother' Maher in the cities burning in the port and the envoy, who leads the brass knuckles for 'Cbihh' thugs that the system is hampered by one, while his brother did not show 'President' on the public since many weeks. 'Inside the small circle of close associates in the leadership there is the distribution of functions and clear', says Israeli expert. 'Assad is the ruler, but he still shows signs of weakness and inability to make decisions. One hand, he wants to reform the other hand, panic and regret. Is a big change, called the slogans and disappears. Maher on the other hand is doing the black and disturbs and repels reforms also '. The expert said there were no signs so far attest to that conspires against Maher and Bashar al-Assad is trying to wear it . 
'Sidelined', is the President of the Government of Turkey Tayyip Erdogan warned Bashar sweeping.'The name Maher appears in the certificates of all your fellow citizens who fled from Syria. They are not refugees for us. They are seekers of the protection of human behavior of the army and security forces, inspired by Maher '. Erdogan also pointed out a high note that if Bashar did not get rid of 'the person who orders the implementation of the violent acts of barbarism in Syria', the deep friendship 'and short' between the two countries will reach the end . 
Devils come out to the outside 
Placed on the table Erdogan at the height of the campaign intelligence reports. Assad, Erdogan called on again and again to get rid of his brother Maher and reduce his powers, 'because what I hear Azazni. Brother kills women and children '. Today only the first lion's face to the phone saying 'cared for the palm down on the army. Is unlikely that the security forces do you have the citizens of Syria '.After the hour was the standard response from Damascus: Fbdfh one 'has been detected' for weapons, and rocket-propelled grenade launchers, machine guns and clothes for the Turkish army 'of proof' that the hands of the Turkish army Mluttan blood . 
Reveals a short video images No. 2 two weeks ago for the brutal behavior of another Dean Maher Assad. Images, this time dressed in a gray tracksuit, take out a gun and called a volley of bullets on the demonstrators, bound and mysterious smile on his face. Seemed satisfied with certainty. 'Exactly like his uncle lifted', says this week's biographer Assad family, the British journalist Patrick Seale.Seale remembers the job-sharing between Assad and his brother, the late filed in 1982, in the retaliatory massacre of 20 thousand of the population of the city of Hama was suspected that they have set up an underground movement. 'But there is a significant difference', it is proposed Seale Assad the father had a military background, not to Bashar, and this is why the brother Maher takes the lead field under the title 'to save the system'. He is doing all that it is expedient that Achochoa so far '. 
When Bashar al-Assad took power in June 2000 'elected' Maher, a senior member of the Central Committee of the ruling party in Syria, the Baath, but he did not remove his uniform. After three years a record of the same incident ended with an Israeli and a feeble voice is weak and left a bitter taste in all directions. According to the report, Maher met in Jordan with Eitan Ben-Tzur, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs earlier, by two acts of the Israelis. Israelis who leaked secret meeting to disrupt the intention of renewing negotiations with Syria, according to the formula proposed in the meeting. Published several accounts of what happened there. According to the novel the two businessmen, Assad was ready to march on Israel and the steps to build confidence. Has been proposed, for example, policy initiatives, but the request huge sums of Israel if it lost power for it. He claimed the Prime Minister's Ariel Sharon, in contrast to the only goal of the procedure was to remove Syria from the axis of evil Americans. Sharon, who opposed the waiver of the Golan Heights did not dream Bmanazaah Administration in Washington to Syria, beyond the incident by the movement of disparaging. 'Maher and his plan is important not for me', he said. Damascus has denied skilled and committed to silence. Ben-Tzur, and preferably also now maintain confidentiality: 'I do not want and I can not in this regard that I say nothing', said yesterday . 
Knows very little about the life of Maher al-Assad. Here and there he was photographed with Bashar to show the unity of the family. And trips abroad (Russia, Lebanon and Iran) are rare and few and always under the veil of secrecy . 
He was the younger brother of the sons of Hafez al-Assad and Makhlouf Anisa five. They say that the smartest and worse of Bashar but sharp mood. Two died of their brothers: Basil, who I know and prepared to be the heir to the head and killed in a road accident in 1994, and the glory of the troubled mind, who died two years before the disease . 
Maher, like his brother lived a modest life, and studied at a government school, and continued study at the Institute of Business Administration at the University of Damascus, and chose the military life.'Showing that Bashar unlike Maher, a very intelligent man and at some point the ideas of that is private is to be the heir to the president, but he was very young', says Israeli expert of the ruling family in Damascus. 'After his father died of cancer and installation of President Bashar, Maher began to appear when the demons of many violent and very early signs of severe behavior since the start of the events in Syria '. 
In December (December 1999), at the height of controversy in the family palace, Maher pulled out a gun and fired a single shot before they were repelled, the belly of his sister's husband virgin Bushra, General Assef Shawkat. Debate centers on the behavior of Uncle Rifaat, who was deported to Spain and tried to incite an uprising within the area of family Qardahah In the coastal city of Latakia.Shaukat curse lifted and his sons. Maher said his sister's husband: 'Do not poke your nose, do not dare to insult the family' and pulled out a gun . 
They did all that should be in Damascus to hide the gun case, which stated that the nervous face of Saddam's son Uday Hussein into the belly of the sister pair, Hussein Kamel, the presidential palace in Baghdad. Transfer Shaukat, who was wounded a deep wound quickly to a military hospital in France and the leaked power struggles within the family of the Syrian president to the media. Shaukat far from the high rank as the head of military intelligence in Syria, a prisoner in the office of a large palace in order to ensure monitoring and follow-up and not trying to eavesdrop error to return to the previous position as Syria was a man of strong . 
Since kicking, Maher relations were settled in some way. Both are shining named in the top of the list of suspects they called in the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. It is good to shake their hand 'spring peoples' in the Arab world and the events in Syria held off on publishing the conclusions of the investigation committee of the UN indefinitely . 
Refugees are leaking 
Provide human rights organizations reported 1,300 citizen of Syria, of whom 77 and son, were killed in violent clashes between security forces and the army and demonstrators. But the number may grow up when it is shown the fate of hundreds of missing and abducted persons who have taken up in military vehicles and taken to an undisclosed location. Disappeared as well as the effects of dozens of soldiers and officers in the regular force used by Maher al-Assad in the centers of the demonstrations. 'Shot of them to death for refusing orders to shoot demonstrators and threw the bodies', says Rustam, who remained in the town of Dara and transmits reports in particular through the mobile network, provided the Lebanese not to reveal his real name. 'Section succeeded in escaping and are hiding in Syria, revealed for others in the mass graves uncovered this week '. 
Appear from the refugee camp which was established in Turkey and across the border with Syria, the stories about the brutality of soldiers of the fourth year and fifth of the army, which shall receive orders from Maher Assad. 'I was in the fourth year', says soldier's refugee Mohammed Cebu. 'After that revealed Cbihh you bribe the officer in charge of me makes me sick leave and ran away'. Cebu also speaks from the guidance issued to veterans by the band to jump on the cities: 'Maher Assad, appeared suddenly and said: do not shoot it, according to the military will shoot him, and tried to escape will receive a shot in the back as traitors deserve '. 
The official excuse is woven in the remote town of Dara, the center of the violence that has suddenly appeared, not far from the border with Jordan, for 'gangs of armed criminals' entered Syria and Hbihh 'with a foreign accent in Arabic' handing out weapons and sabotage materials to fuel demonstrations. Maher al-Assad, who sent the unit is excellent from the fourth division to the shield.At a given moment during the shooting at the demonstrators managed to identify him among the wearers of uniforms, holding a machine gun and directed towards a group of young people. Since then Olsqoa by the title of 'the butcher of a shield', and then they said 'a killer bridge vacancy'. While power became panicked and the government in Damascus are not functioning, Maher summoned foreign journalists and local (was chosen strictly by the amount of loyalty to the regime) to stay with, according to US-style in Iraq, security forces in the invasion Bridge vacancy. As revealed amazing 'offer' gathered for a mass grave where 120 bodies of the wearers of the uniforms the soldiers and officers of the Syrians. There has been some acts of harassment bodies . 
The images designed to promote the official story about the armed gangs that kill Syrian soldiers, but residents of the bridge decided to vote with their feet and fled to Turkey. Refugee says Hamid: 'the story about the armed gangs made ​​up. The bridge of the vacancy before it became a ghost town, a small town where everyone knows everyone. The foreigners did not come armed not distribute weapons. Bodies are revealed by the soldiers refused military orders '. 
Publication of Adonis, Syria and more poets who chose to live Galia, the day before yesterday 'invitation' to Bashar al-Assad to his brother, Maher, anti: 'prepared speech to our people, dignity and life. " Maher Assad, who reportedly was angered at a wave of negative news published by isolating the new spokeswoman in Damascus. Belle promoted Reem Haddad, Director-General of the TV, which recruited in order to offer 'positive face' story about the citizens of a very crowded cities who decided to leave for 'family visits' to Turkey. The story did not work and ended the lives of professional mourning in less than a week . 
What will happen if he lost in the Syrian Bashar al-governance at the end of it? Is the elders of the minority Alawite sect, and heir to maintain the economic feasibility of the connection between money and power? Does Maher Assad and informed the planned transfer of power within easy family? What they think the ayatollahs in Tehran, Syria's allies are the only ones? What is better for Israel Ibhar AC immature or sectarian war in Syria can show a Muslim leader? Fly countless scenarios between the intelligence agencies in the United States, Europe and the Arab world, and we have also . 
Not controversial in that the name of Maher al-Assad shows a prominent known as taking the reins in his hands and maintain the loyalty of the army and the devices even if the back of corruption here and there. But it is not the only top candidate. There are senior military officers, members of the community most notably the sister husband Asif Shawkat, who bites the molars, and in the past week, the names of other members of the community unknown to readers of newspapers as candidates to receive government . 
Maher's name not be raised in refugee camps in the province of Iskenderun in Turkey only. In the last week met in the province of Antalya, a group of Syrian opposition of the community. Discussed the future governance and piles of papers written recommendation to the Western world, especially the administration in Washington, calling for intervention in Syria last thing . 
They were still open when they recommend new confrontations Maher Front in Syria. After the shield on the border with Jordan and the bridge of vacancies in the border with Turkey sent troops to flood towns along the border with Iraq. From the viewpoint of Maher believes that sends the soldiers and officers, again to eliminate the guerrillas. It was feared for his life in Syria Vlijma his family and his luggage and passed the border and smuggled into Iraq .
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