The Syrian regime and dignity lost.. Intimidation and killing of citizens does not make glory, or tying free

Showed the noisy protests that bore the name 'Good Friday' and included various parts of Syria yesterday, that confidence between the regime and the people, or the majority of whom, almost non-existent or lacking entirely, for several reasons, foremost of the protests came one day after the abolition of emergency law and the Court Security Supreme , and more than about fifty martyrs have fallen through, the highest number since the start of popular uprising nearly two months before the Syrian . 
It is true that the cities of Dara and Homs have seen the momentum the largest in the protests, in terms of the number of participants who have high regard by some observers of tens of thousands, but what is more important than that it, any demonstrations, and came to the cities of Syria remained calm throughout the past few weeks, did not participate sons never where, such as the cities of Hama and Aleppo . 
It is clear that people did not believe the statement to cancel the emergency laws, did not believe that the approach to security will change in terms of Dealing with the demonstrations through bloodshed and participants, and with every right to do so, and killed more than fifty witness confirms that he has not changed anything on the ground . 
People continued to adhere to its demands, and security of Egypt to address roughly the protests, which means that the crisis in Syria would last longer, and perhaps intervention phases bloodier in the coming days or weeks, even bringing one of the parties, the people or the government, the white flag, surrendering and admitting defeat. . 
Is interesting that the tone of the claim by dropping the system was the highest tone of the demonstrations yesterday, which was not the case in its predecessor, where slogans were for the most part, calls for political reform, and the launch of freedoms, and to amend the constitution and issuing new laws for the media and political pluralism, which means that the ceiling of demands rise in an unprecedented way, and that the gap is widening, between the ruler and the ruled, to the extent that it is difficult bridged in the foreseeable future . 
The Syrian regime lingered in the application of political reforms over the forty years of his reign, and relied on the security services deadliest to impose its prestige, and to terrorize its citizens, but it is clear that the prestige of this system began to erode in return for the fall of the culture of fear among his opponents, the equation will change the face of Syria's old and emerging and another side is totally different in terms of features and its strategy and its regional and international . 
'' 'System, which imposes its prestige through the security services, and repressive policies, has popularized longer than others, but the end is more dramatic, and there are many examples in this regard, some of an international system such as Ceausescu in Romania, and Franco in Spain, and some other Arab systems such as the Tunisian and Egyptian . 
There are growing fears of a possible explosion of a sectarian war in Syria if it continued protests, and stepped outside parties, Arab and international, in an attempt to employ them to tear the social fabric and national unity of Syria, this is possible, and we have a clear example as being of the Libyan revolution . 
We are talking here about sending the United States by U.S. drone aircraft to meet the forces of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, and hunt supporters and troops in the cities, as well as to send all of Britain, France and Italy, advisors and military trainers as a first step, or introduction, to send in ground troops . 
Uprising or revolution, the Syrian, call it whatever you like, characterized by being entirely peaceful, and resisted the participants, like their Egyptian counterparts, Yemenis, Tunisians, all the pressure, by the system or the sponsors of foreign plots for militarization, and the payment of sectors including the resort to arms to defend it against the intrusion of the system and their security . 
It was interesting that there is order among the demonstrators on the consecration of national unity, and avoid the risk of falling into the trap of sectarianism, and this is reflected clearly through the participation of all kinds of political and religious spectrum, religious and national organization without any exception . 
Difficult for us to deny the existence of a solid base in support of the system within the Syrian society, after forty years of absolute rule, formed layer of a beneficiary, associated with its future and even its existence and continued down the system and its solid control over the destiny of the country, after the collapse of the regime of President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt by the revolution of youth liberation we have seen the new transitional regime arrested most of the symbols of the previous era including President Mubarak himself and his children and solve the ruling party and the confiscation of all assets, funds and property. Therefore Ststmit base of the Syrian regime to defend him, and to maintain continuity in all ways and means, which may lead to prolonging the crisis, and its descent into bloody clashes in the end if it does not overcome the mind, and Syria's interest in all the key players in government or opposition . 
'' 'Biggest sin committed by the Syrian regime, in our opinion is to insult his security for the majority of the people, and elite cultural, political, and underestimate the capabilities of these people and their reactions, and betting on security solutions for all issues and positions, small or large, it is now paying the price for this sin of security and stability . 
We do not have a magic crystal, and read the fortune so that we can provide the features of the future prophecy set in Syria, and what we can say that what we saw yesterday, and what we've seen over the past six weeks from the rejection of the reforms of the root system does not inspire optimism . 
There were many opportunities in front of the system in order to reassure the people, and underlines the seriousness of his intentions toward reform, the last ten days ago when he was in connection with the formation of the new Syrian government, went begging, as a lot of missed opportunities earlier . 
Some accuse us, especially in the circles of the system, and he criticized us, to provide advice on the need for reform and how it is done, what can we do so, and we see the Syrian street is boiling demanding change, and offers dozens of martyrs, even hundreds, to get to the legitimate goals . 
Personally, I wish that someone like Dr. Aref Dalila, or any independent person, other than the opposition, entrusted with the formation of a government of national unity of the faces of the different shades of mosaic Syrian, and known for their cleanliness, experience and ability to change, but what we wish for something, and what has happened and is happening on the the ground is something quite different, we say a lump in our throats, so we put our hands on our hearts for fear of what is coming . 
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