To be hollow laughter .. And looked at the history books when the guns and were convinced she was living Ketba?

Large population with quality a virtue at United but the error that frequently number no benefit in the production, Islam urges the request of the Atomic good good, but if you turned the large number of offspring to the social burden has become this error in the estimate, and we are in the east than the United population growth with poor   Education, you may find when one twentieth son, but he neglected to discipline them and teach them became Sohrhm in Tbekh popular with play great loss and eating Alvcefs no production, no work, but have become a heavy burden on sanitation, roads and airports and hospitals, while Khawaja birth to two children Viatna them come out, one doctor and another fall his vehicle on Mars, and I am against self-flagellation, but as long as the error is repeated statement, and treatment is hard duty, some Arabs still raises their voice through
Screens and says: I'm Gela and Talaa folds, and then find it in the world of Islam does not keep a verse of the Holy,
In the world of this world have not heard of Ibn Khaldun, Ibn Rushd, and find the western silent asleep in a factory or lab looking produce and invent and innovate, I hope our young people to read the story of Professor ox Japan Industrial «Takeo Awsahira» which is found in the book «How to become great?» how he was a student a small went to study in Germany, was a slip to the workshop nearby serves the fifteen hours on one meal, and when he discovered how to run the engine and told the nation of Japan so he was received at the his return to the airport, the Emperor of Japan, and when he ran the engine and heard the roar of the engine the Emperor said: This is the best music I heard in my life,
And Arab students, on average, asked Professor: book Sibawayh of written? Student said: Allah and His Messenger know best, and expansion in the objects at the expense of minds, a tragedy, and the pride of parents with disabilities unfortunate aspect, will not recognize us one until we work and produce, Valmagd cope with the market Mnahph, and success drops of Alzfrat and groans and sweat and effort, and failure of showers   Frustration, sleep and procrastination, be successful and do not care about the criticism of those who injure or cynicism, if you see people Armonak brackets Monetary then know you have reached the court of glory, honor and artillery fired you and twenty-one shots to celebrate Bakdomk Many of us have abandoned the book and became a live illiteracy, and saves the verse recently in beta and did not read a book he read was a story not a novel, but he made ​​his home in the genealogical tree; to prove to us that   Family of Al-bankrupt from the tribe of ignorant people, and revelation calls «the sight of God», and history tells you that Bilal Mawla Habashi, a muezzin of Islam first, and that the essence of Sicilian light of Egypt and builder of Al-Azhar Amazigh his mother sell watercress in the city of Ceuta, but the self-Skipjack great not   Depends on the bones of the dead;  Supervised self-reliant because of his tribe and nation and its people is not expected to honor  People, it was Napoleon's young and poor but hard and worked hard, even taking the crown of Louis XIV, and the opening of the East and became in the history of myth, which says: «the war need to be three things: money, money, money, and glory requires three things: work and work and work ».
We have our territories our arrogance praising ourselves until sugar heart wine praise . On the doctrine of Greer: Are not you better than riding Almtaya? The other rode Magic Carpet F-16 and Concorde. What if we met, we have produced a car «Volkswagen» and «Karaseda». May God bless the man who knew his shortcomings Vosaleh of himself and should convince even the patient's illness can be treated the same
I admitted that on our geniuses and geniuses need to research centers and institutions for their care and plants and factories to receive Nteghm.
I left Japan war and repented to God of fighting and went to work and production, it became a sign asking for CDs and Iraq before the invasion, the weapons and the   Worked wars with neighbors, and ended its leaders to the gallows, and hungry people and then killed and crushed. Will be proud if one of us look to his car, his refrigerator and Tlvazh whispers to her cell phone and a local industry.
I hope to economize in the evenings of poetry, ten volumes of poetry does not produce a saa 'of barley
Nizar Qabbani says:
And looked at the history books and were convinced when the guns were living Ketba?. We must restore ourselves by faith, work and fine tune our minds to science and thinking, This is the essence of our Lord's eternal and the road to the mosque, library, factory, and the first step a library home on the doctrine of Caliph al-Nasir Andalusian day committed people create a library in every home and read daily, focused, and this is better than boards of backbiting, gossip and killed time delirious ..
«Say work soon will Allah observe your work and His Messenger and the believers».
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