Tumors of the stomach The stomach tumors. The small intestine Small intestines

Stomach tumors   The stomach tumors 
Malignant tumors of the stomach are malignant tumors of infection by several factors facilitate the occurrence, such as : 
gastric adenoma . 
General blood A 
eating certain foods 
chronic peptic ulcer . 
It seems the tumor mass of sprouts Alychkl prominent toward the lumen of the stomach . 

Lack of desire to eat . Pale, wasting and underweight . Difficulty in digestion and vague abdominal pain . Vomiting, eructation . Severe bleeding in the stomach . Can diagnose the disease early if it did not neglect the patient's initial symptoms as the treatment becomes difficult when exacerbated . Treatment : Can be used to Alkamiaúa treatment or radiation or surgical treatment as surgeons excised the entire stomach with the spleen and lymph vessels accompanying . Non-malignant tumors : The Benign tumors Become non-malignant stomach tumors Achksa doctors offer or through what is caused by bleeding from all dealt with surgical therapy and can heal completely after that . 
  The small intestine Small intestines 
Inflammatory bowel Intestine exposed to a large number of infections that may lead to their becoming intractable disease on chemotherapy, which requires surgical intervention, most of these infections . Inflammation of the krone Cron's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease in different places, is caused by anonymous, often affecting young people . Symptoms : Diarrhea Abdominal pain . Full or partial blockage in the intestines Bleeding Wasting and weakness due to frequent diarrhea Anal hemorrhoids may occur in the final stages of the disease . Treatment : Disease can be treated with drugs Fimrahalh First . In advanced stages, surgical intervention becomes unavoidable. The treatment includes surgical eradication of the blocks and re-inflamed intestine to normal is not often lead only to the treatment of contributions to the disease does not cure the disease itself .
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