Uprising of the Syrian people and the disappearance of the fear of death despite the siege tank Baath regime

The descent of tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets and squares of most cities in Syria in 'Fri Challenge' yesterday, and the fall of more than twenty martyrs shot by security forces in Homs, Hama, confirms that a wide sector of the Syrian people do not fear death, and that the landing of tanks to encircle the cities did not succeed in killing , or put down, the Syrian uprising . 
Uprising in Syria is still peaceful, rejects all provocations lead the security men to turn to the military rebellion, despite temptations and incitements big coming from outside the border, because the degree of political awareness, moral is very high in the ranks of the sons of the Syrian people, they understand the risk of a spark civil war and the outbreak of strife sectarian, as also know that the battle would not be commensurate with the system have a strong bursting with the latest arsenal of weapons and army will not hesitate to use them to crush any armed rebellion Ahli . Sure that the tanks are stronger than unarmed demonstrators, but the question that arises is about the capacity of these tanks to kill more than two million Syrians got rid of the knot of fear, death is no longer undaunted, and they are now looking forward, or large numbers of them to the certificate.
  Err hawks regime in Syria if they thought they could crush the uprising through the encroachment of the murder, a security solutions, here are the protests into raging for the seventh almost without showing any signs of weakness or fear in its participants, but what has happened and is happening is increasing in strength and coverage, as evidenced by landing of the army tanks into the streets to the siege of cities and to address the demonstrators .
It is true that the uprising did not succeed in imposing the democratic reforms demanded by the first day, or regime change, but it is also true that the security services and military deals with, despite its strength, its might not win, did not achieve the main goal to quell protests . 
Militants in the Syrian regime, who have the upper hand so far, believe that providing real concessions respond to the demands of the uprising may be interpreted as reflecting the weakness of the system, therefore increasing the dosage of repression in response to protests, and continue to give orders to kill shot with live ammunition, and this style of suicide is missing to conscious vision based on lessons from others who have walked on the same approach and came up with the end of a miserable . 
'' 'Of the paradox that while President Bashar al-Assad the day yesterday laid a wreath on the tomb of the martyrs of the Syrians were killed in clashes with the Turkish army a hundred years ago, when he shot any Ottoman army, the demonstrators who were demanding an end to the Turkish occupation, the forces security and the Syrian army firing on protesters in Homs and Hama. We do not know whether President Bashar had learned his lesson from this paradox, and how the Turkish occupation is over, and his empire collapsed, while the remains of the Syrian people, and remained Syria? 
Media Syrian questioning the patriotism of the protesters, and focuses on an assassination plot against Syria was involved in foreign countries, and may be talking about the plot involves some health, Syria targeted always, but the response on the plot comes through the home repair procedure, and strengthen national unity, and the launch of the reform process real . 
Syrian opposition, both internal or external, to a high degree of patriotism, and if there are groups of related projects abroad, and U.S. in particular, are groups completely isolated and shunned by all constituents of the Syrian people, and the same is said about the means available to the media and its leaders-funded bodies suspicious . 
Syrian people took to the streets and faced live bullets, because he has not given the opportunity to participate in real political process, and thus in the departments and decision-making mechanisms that determine their fate, and manages its affairs, that the people who carried in blood genes greatness of empire and civilization can not and should not be dealing with him like a the people of a minor . 
There is still a chance for salvation, but through dialogue and not security solutions and bring the tanks to the siege of cities and fire at the protesters, and painful that we do not see any indicator reassures us that the regime wants such a dialogue, because the militant wing which does not believe in him, and he sees a sign of weakness and fatigue, a concept reflects the wrong vision lacks the correct reading of the modern global variables, which addresses the most prominent of the information revolution, the widening influence of modern means of communication . 
Attack on the Arab satellite channels that broadcast the proceedings of protest demonstrations, and displays images of martyrs and the wounded that we see from time to time and the other on television Syrian official is not the ideal response, and the same thing we say about hosting top artists to criticize these channels and some of their employees, the answer the best in our opinion, comes through open country in front of satellite TV and free and independent press to move the facts from the field, and identify all points of view without censorship or pressure . 
'' 'Artists, the Syrians have made ​​works dramatically affected the awareness of the Arab and the new generations of professionalism professionalism, and the topics of historical, national, addressed and highlighted the values ​​of justice and equality and the revolution of the injustice in the dark ages of the date of the Arab nation, but do not exaggerate if we say that these dramas is the Syrian by contributed to, but accelerated, the outbreak of uprisings in the face of Arab regimes and repressive Arab dictatorships. Therefore we wish to maintain the drama and stars on the bright image in our minds and tens of millions of our proverbs along the Arab world and currently . 
We do not want destruction to Syria, we do not want to slide into the abyss of civil war and sectarian strife, shaking the stability and rupture of national unity, no doubt at all that the Syrian people in various parts Vsevsaúh sectarian, ethnic and religious share our same concern, but the forces that push towards mass murder and civil war is getting stronger and tell all the grief and pain . 
When imposing the forces of Western sanctions on some Syrian personalities within the system and around it, and excludes President Bashar al-Assad, this confirms to us what we have said always, that the reason lies in the old guard still think the mentality of the stage of the massacres of Hama, and uses the tools, and refuses to dialogue, is one of the calls for reform, an enemy must kill him, and this siege continues and continues to shield the fall of the martyrs in Homs, Hama and other cities . 
Fri yesterday was the challenge, and before that was Fri anger, do not know what name will be next Friday, and all that we know that the ongoing intifada will not stop as long as people refuse to rule in Damascus dialogue and reform, and listening to the whine their compatriots .
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