What a beautiful Muslim brothers participate in the joy and Mrham occasions and, under Sharia law adopted by the glue. But the ugliness of the words and deeds perpetrated by our youth today, the so-called (kidding), or in another language (farcical / cynical) difference between them is vast and large, this is where I'm from what is old, and the second of the contempt in like manner in it.
Valmzah means "extraversion with others is a diminution or contempt of any of the colors."
By talking which was narrated by Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him said: They said: O Messenger of Allah, you joke, he said, "Yes, but I really do not only say," This is the foreplay, which maintained the Messenger of Allah r Throughout his life.
Valmzah Mahmoud ", which is not tainted by the hatred of God Almighty, do not be a sin or severing of family ties, and blameworthy reversed, raising hostility, and go pomp, and cut the friendship and dare him despicable, and malice by the Sheriff."
When asked about some of the advances bantered r He said: "It was a great prestige, if not joking Otaqgua people to meet him and receive him, and he was joking but really does not say."
Imam Shafi'i said - may God have mercy on him:
AFED Tabek Almikdod industrious and comfort in Jeddah ills some pranks
But if I gave him, let the pranks as much as you give the food from the salt
You from the Messenger of Allah set a good example, and after you understand the good ancestors of his companions and his followers, and they understand and know that this nation, their religion and its provisions ... Blessed Ancestors, who was still keen to apply the law of God on earth.
When the joke was kind of fun and recreation, the better for us to Nillth legal regulations, including:
- Should not only be honest. The opposite is a lie!!
- That does not hurt anyone, do not grieve him a heart or tears by the kind, because it then becomes a pejorative, and not fun!!
- Not to overload it, because it generates excessive laughing too much and laughing too much deadens the heart.
- Not to take it maintains a habit to ask you for your time, Wim Ffenath.
In effect from Ibn Abbas - may Allah be pleased with them - said, "guilty of a sin entered the fire, laughing, weeping." Said Omar Bin Al Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, "Do you know why so-called joke joke? Said, because it removed the right owner." The joke of the religion to those who knew how to put him in his place, asked Imam Sufyan bin appointment: (Joking is not right? Said: it is years, but those who know how and put it in places like).
The second face for fun (or making fun of farcical ...) is a sin under Islamic law because it is in like manner and contempt and ridicule of others, as I came to speak right from the hadeeth of Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah r Said: (The person to speak a word that does not shed, God bless her not to give him the grades, although a person to speak a word that angers God does not cast her not to plunge in hell). Beware, young man is intelligent to fight what you have no knowledge, many young people today in Skrthm blindly, and in their transgression they please, which tells you bad boards, and the blackness of their hearts, and the lack of religion, he says (O you who believe do not ridicule the people of the nation may be that they good for them ...).
You may find a lot of misguided young people - who ask God to guide him - is creative in the types of ridicule and mockery, there is a veil of mockery, ridicule and another has implemented the rulings of Islam, and anyone who is good and forbade evil, a share of it ... Also reached their term to the Sunnah of the Messenger of God r Was her share of heart patients, of whom appeared to mock the beard and short clothes and tooth brushing, and others.
In answer to the owners of virtue in the scholars of the Standing Committee of those who say to another: (O beard) is making fun of the great evil in order to view, saying (Aalehih) Kafr ridicule it, but in order to identify a person is not kufr, and should not call him so. End quote.
To know the seriousness of making fun of the religion of man, Listen to what is recited in Repentance, he says (and if you ask them to say, but we were in and play, the less Iballah and Ouayate and His Ayaat no excuse have disbelieved after your belief, that the Naf on a range you are afflicted range that they were criminals ).
The stated reason for the revelation of this verse that a man from the hypocrites said: I think our readers only Erbgena Btona, and Okzibna year, Ojbennina at the meeting. He raised it to the Messenger of Allah r Has traveled and rode the camel said, 'O Messenger of God: but we were in and play, he said (and Iballah Ouayate and His Messenger that you joking ...) verse. The legs of Tnsvan stones, and turned to the Messenger of Allah is related to the Messenger of Allah Pencah r .
And fixed his r It is more merciful people to people, and I accept people an excuse for people, yet all that did not accept an excuse for Msthazeee.
- In this he says Ibn al - may God have mercy on him - in the increased walk: This indicates that the ancestor and playing in the show, whether the word blasphemy.
- Shaykh 'Abd al-Rahman al-Sa'di - may God have mercy on him: that mocking God and His Messenger is kufr out of debt, because the origin of religion is based on the maximization of God and religion and to maximize the messengers, and making fun of something that is contrary to this principle and contrary to him the most contradictory.
- His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibrahim - Allah's mercy: It is people habit follow the scholars whom he met or did not Algahm, such as saying: plasticity - the sheikhs and preachers - such and such - mocker them - this is feared to be an apostate does not resent them but they are the people of obedience.
We note here that some say: I do not mean religion, but I mean, man, I say to you, dear brother: Do Thou didst cleave to his heart and looked in it? Valhdhiralhdhir my nation's youth, the matter is very serious, and you are at the crossroads of a sensitive and accurate.