?Who is responsible for the bad direction for the life of young people

Established a child in the family, in a society, which is when a boy, was common sense, a blank sheet of pure, all innocence and purity, in his words and his actions all, even interfere with the ideas and beliefs and behavior of accessory, from the father, or mother, or: the Crown to the order, or teacher, or ruler, or friend, that patent goes away, in most cases, and resolved in the doctrine of young parents, and influenced the morality of his teacher, and guide the governance Alambthothboasith media.
The "youth" in our time, and are under the impact of direct conflicting, inconsistent, contradictory, they end to the loss and emptiness, they read in books and publications, and hear and watch by the media, video and audio, all Almtardhat of ideas, raises them: dogmas of faith, and talk of atheism and heresy, not without a bit separated, and had them
Information Mojtroh truncated, distorted or adulterated. 
They hear about the "justice" and read it .. But in reality they do not see, but see: that the right always with strong .. With the ruling clique .. And agents of the ruling .. The weak .. And the poor ..It does not support him .. There is nothing to him ..
They read and hear about the "morality" of public and private, and "morality" .. But what surprised destroy the foundations of morality and literature, magazines and books, "sensuality" nationality and Arab films .. Yes: "Arab" .. The whole shameful prostitution .. The depravity and Rmalh .. And the wickedness .. Not to mention the theaters full of Balthrig .. And farcical .. Sneer and people to each other .. All this as: "art" .. And evil "art" .. -Plane, how our young men and women in this infected air ??!.. How will reform their morals ... They live in this reality ??!..
They hear about the "freedom" .. The country's freedom .. And freedom of the citizen .. But they do not believe that something on the ground, do not suffer from oppression, repression, denial, and see the "home" prisoner of the forces of the East or the West ..
The "youth" have no one to guide them towards the virtues, nor take their hands towards the lofty goal, and very honest, nor guide them to the way of righteousness and goodness, they are plagued by bad direction, and allegations of Education .. Understanding between the hands of the butcher Kaldhah ..
The "young" orchard planting neglected his family, leaving him vulnerable to parasites, insects and plants, and then became the implant of it all, looting and Antiquities of the emergency, though they had served and protected his companions, and looked after him, to become a "committee" .. Reaping the fruits of delicious fruit and good .. Where educators?? ..
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