You changed the face of history and published a pure monotheism, belief net

O youth of Islam where your role?!
O youth of Islam Do you know who are you?!
Do you know your history?!
Who are your ancestors?!
You are a follower of Muhammad and the apostles Giralonbia r , You are a descendant of the prophet Alamagd righteous good guys - God bless them all - who drew us to the road, and carried the banner of Islam, and took the religion and science from its source to the net sent as a Mercy for all creatures, from the first two and the others Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah r .
Young brother Muslim, you have changed the face of history and published a pure monotheism, belief net
I have been a loyal soldier of soldiers, advocacy, and a bright star in the sky, flying, and the note in its territory, and if your tongue:
Attitude of his approach protects from damage your prophet ... a role model and take Fastrushdoa
Said what language a look at the cloud 9 ... our spirit of peace if it was held
You Guentm tyrants of the world lessons in science, literature and courage ... Lessons in good manners and good treatment ... Lessons in chastity and honor and purity!!
I speak my pillars of advocacy, Loya fruits of the nation, for you will be warned and informed that the shrewd world Zionism and Marxism and imperialism - and the rule Afassadkm - have done their best to disable the machine manufacturer for generations and manufacturers of heroes like you, have mobilized all forces to demolish the edifice which Alautam Batbaekm him, Bsircm and you open the country with him, and Sdtm world application of what ticked.
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