Yuri Aobimov abandon theater «Taghanka» legendary

The Russian theater director Yuri Aobimov for leaving the scene of «not Taghanka» legendary in Moscow, which was founded in 1964, after a disagreement with the representatives during a tour of the Czech Republic. He told the Aobimov «RIA NOVOSTI»: «no intention to me after the day the management of this theater». He explained that this decision was made after a scandal occurred when actors refused to work during the training, demanding money.
He added: «Vlakhaddawa to manage the trade unions! I am enough of this humiliation, when people want to work but only to get money ».
He criticized the representatives who have demonstrated a poor image of the Russian theater: «our tour in the Czech Republic ended in humiliating».

The irony was that the band play during this session «good human from Sichuan» German of Brecht, who launched an offer to the Aobimov «Taghanka» in 1964.Despite the fact that in the fourth and ninety years old, still Aobimov out theater performances in the theater of «Taghanka», a symbol of resistance to Soviet control system and Tasvh.
In 1984 he was dropped for Russian citizenship to a Aobimov in London, where he made statements that the authorities did not like the substance. Did not return to Russia only in 1988 during perestroika. Regaining his theater and his vitality and momentum themselves, despite the separation of a section of the band.
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