Allaah mentioned in any case

1 -    When you start doing something, say: the name of God.
2 -    When you intend to do something, say: God willing.
3 -    If you like something, say: Allahu Akbar, Allah Sobhan.
4 -   When something backs say: God wills.
5 -   When someone thanks, say: May Allaah reward you.
6 -    When you sneeze Say: Praise be to God.
7 -   A sneeze when you say: God bless you, if Hamdallah.
8 -    When you are working less a sin: forgiveness of God.
9 - When shall one say: in the safety of God.
10 - when he had a problem you say: I put my trust in God.
11 - When you are in distress, say: there is no god but Allah.
12 -   Notify you when the death of a say: Allah's mercy.
13 - When you eat or drink or wear, say: Praise be to God.
14 -   When you forget something, say: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and when infected Bmuseibh Say (To God we return to Him).
15 -   When something is too hard for you, say: There is no strength except in God.
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