Auctioneer excessive for the child to feel and play boat and the view of the shortage to rancorous life

As an auctioneer excessive it is also of serious factor in the deviation of child psychological and moral .. to be interpreted in often is detectable with a compound deficiency, and his malevolent life .. and its results in the ordinary shyness, and submission, and the loss of manhood and courage, and poor self-confidence, and the progressive fluidity, and failure to peer ..
The fact that the auctioneer over the child born in the same phenomenon of a sense of inferiority, and the view to malevolent life Vllaattabarat the following:
He sees people coming at the bottom of the convoy.
People see in the feet and the courage in fear and cowardice.
People see the movement and fight .. and by applying an in silence and stillness and rigidity ..
People see a convergence and a meeting in the introverted and isolated ..

Seeking people see the difficulties he was crying .. and alarmed if a disaster hit him lower ..
This would Fuld, a situation .. Do you have a man together? Will be a useful member of society? Will be his view of life with hope and optimism? Does a person have a personal independence of the self-confident, and reliable?
If the answer is no!! ..
Why exaggerate parents to coddle the boy? Why Adlaana Aldla this? Why did this relate to its attachment to excess? Especially the mother, then the excess of care for newborn or whispering so to speak .. it pays to be overly Tdleilh embrace her son and pay it in the familiar and the limits of moderation ..
This dangerous phenomenon we see in many of the mothers who do not know the rules of Islamic education in the education of the child:
It is the wrong aspects of this education in the mother not to allow a child to be the work he was able by the belief that this transaction, such as pity and compassion for the child ..
One of the manifestations of this education to embrace the wrong child permanently, it does not allow itself - if empty - never to leave foster care whether justified or not.
One of the manifestations of this education should not leave the wrong mother for her child lose sight for one moment of fear that gets hurt.
Manifestations and also not accountable for her son when the spoil furniture home, or when climbing up the table, or when there is the wall with his pen ..
And increasing manifestations of pampering at the same parents Arozkan worse when the child after many years, or the mother gave birth to this child after several miscarriages continues, the child was male or several females, or if the child has recovered from a severe illness threatened his life imminent danger ..
But what treatment developed by Islam to mitigate this phenomenon?
A - deepening the faith of God in the same parent, even Iatkda that affects their children's health or disease, or shows them a blessing or suffering, or an estimated them from the offspring of God, or infertility, or slaves as its richness or poverty of all .. that the will of God, and His decree ..
He says: {No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but in the book before that Nbroha That is easy for Allah (22) for an agent Tasoa on what you missed, nor exult whatsoever and Allah loveth not each braggart boaster (23)}   Surat iron
What Osapkm O people of the ills in the prospects for land Kqaht and sterility and lack of livelihood ... And whatever in yourself from disease and ill health and downs .. but a Mstor in the Book of God, before he recovers God of this creation (or before it is discharged is these souls ), and the science of God, including the former will fall from the events in the earth or in heaven, and demonstrated in the book, it is easy to walk, because God knows what was and what will be.
  The inform you God O people, the progress of his knowledge of what will occur from the events, and were pioneers wrote all what will happen before it happens, to know that what Osapkm not Ikhtikm, do not grieve for what you missed or Tthsroa, but agent say: If we did well as he would as well, even if we do not As well as well. agent and proud of the people what God has blessed you, this is not Bsaikm not Pkdkm, but it is as much about God and his living, not take God's grace and Btara Asherah, and proud of the people [1]
And the Almighty said: {Allah belongs the heavens and the earth, He creates what He wills upon whom He wills and bestows female who wishes to male} (49) Al-Shura
He says of the: {And We shall try with something of fear, hunger, lack of money and lives and fruits, and human patient (155) who, when afflicted with calamity, say: Allah and to Him we return (156) of those for them blessings from their Lord, and mercy, and those are the rightly guided (157) [al-Baqarah: 155 -157.
B - gradient in disciplining a child, it was a benefit with the boy advice and preaching is not permissible for breeders to resort to abandonment, but benefit the abandonment is not permissible for him to resort to beating .. and if unable to jam on the reform of the child and calendar Aauajjajh having taken all the means of disciplinary and punitive then resort to severe beatings.
C - raising a child from an early age to Alakhchihan, and self-confidence, responsibility, and moral courage ... so that the child's physical integrity, and existence, and even feels the duty and responsibility ..
But to be education for the child based on the Alakhchihan Vllhaddat   Came from Qatada, he said: I heard Abu Othman, says, came to us a book Omar We Azerbaijan with the threshold bin Farqad: As yet, Vatzrua and dressed and Antalo and Shoot khufoof refers, and slaughter Alsrawilat, and you dress your father, Ismail, and you and enjoy the uniforms Persians, and you the sun, they pool the Arabs, and Akhchocnoa Akhlolqgua and Shoot and purposes, and Anzoa Nzoa, and the Prophet eSilk forbade us only so: fingers, middle and index finger, said: What we learned that it means only flags. [2]
And Maaz bin Jabal that the Messenger of Allah e When he sent him to Yemen, he said: Beware of the enjoyment; the servants of God are not Palmtnamin. [3]
But if the education is based on self-confidence and responsibility Vlamom hadeeth narrated from Ibn 'Umar - may Allah be pleased with them - that the Messenger of Allah - e - Said: «you is a shepherd, and is responsible for his flock, the Imam is a shepherd and responsible for his flock, and the man is the shepherd of his family and is responsible for his flock, and the woman is the shepherd of her husband's house and responsible for her flock, and the server shepherd in the master's wealth and is responsible for his flock - he calculated that the said - The man is the shepherd of his father's wealth and is responsible for his flock and you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock » [4] . It includes small and large, women and men, the ruler and the ruled ..
To guide Omar may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that Osama bin Zaid, told me Makhool of Damascus, that Umar ibn al-Khattab, wrote to the people of Syria: "Teach your children to swimming, shooting, equestrian" [5]
It is well known that the child - a little - when he learns how to swim? Aims and how? And how to ride horses? Have been documented by himself, and felt his presence and personality, and therefore included to withstand the hardships and responsibilities ..
The education should be based on moral courage Vlhaddat Junadah ibn Abi said illiteracy entered the bin silent worship, a patient said Osalehk Allah narrates God will benefit you heard from the Prophet - e -. He called us the Prophet - e - Fbayanah   - As he said we have to take pledged allegiance to the hearing and obedience, and in Mnctna Mlna, and Beefna, and we are pleased, and its impact on us, and that his family do not dispute it, but can see outright disbelief, you have the proof of God [6] ..
There is no doubt that this pledge include young and old, men and women ..
And with honesty and responsibility and to notice that one of them a personal and human dignity and entity!! ..
D - follow the example of the Prophet e It is small that the young man grew up to be a prophet sent of God, because God Almighty literature so well disciplined, and protege, and was built on the same ..
Here we Ola Znserd some models in different stages of life - especially childhood and youth - to be a guide for educators and a beacon for generations to secure a role model and like:
From Abu Hurayrah - y - From the Prophet - e - Said «God sent the prophet only sponsored the sheep». And you said to his companions and said «Yes, I Oraaha carats for the people of Mecca» [7].
'Amr ibn Dinar heard Jabir ibn Abd Allah - may Allah be pleased - he went to the Prophet built the Kaaba - e - Transporting stones and Abbas, said Abbas, the Prophet - e - Make lower garment on your neck will protect you from stones, the pride of the Earth, and has sought his eyes to heaven and then woke up and said «Siddeeq Siddeeq». Made ready by the garment [8] .
The Messenger of Allah e - As mentioned to me - going from what God was memorized in childhood and is Jahlith that he said have seen me in the young men of Quraysh move the stones to some of the plays by the boys have all naked, and took his lower garment made ​​him stand on his neck, holds it rocks I am to accept them as well and gone as punched me to the ECM is I see a punch and then he said Jaah pulling you lower garment; said I took him on and then tightened and made ​​to carry the stones on my neck and Siddeeq among my friends [9]  
The e Out of travel and trade, has proved to be blessings and peace traveled twice: once before puberty with his uncle Abu Talib, was narrated from Abu Bakr bin Abi Musa, from his father, may Allah be pleased with him, he said: Abu Talib went to the Levant and came out with the Prophet of God e Oceach of the Quraish, and when he oversaw the monk, landed Fajlfoa parcel, the monk went out to them, and they were going through before it goes out to them not paying any attention to one of them, came and started Atakllahm came up, however, took the Messenger of Allah e He said, this Master of the worlds, the Messenger of Allah, this Aptosh God's mercy to the worlds, he said to him Aceach of Quraish: What is your knowledge? He said: You, while Ohrvatm of Aqaba, is no longer a tree or stone only bowed, and worship only the prophet, and I know the seal of prophecy down the cartilage in his shoulder like an apple, then came back did the same thing to them food, and when he overtook him, he said, sent him, and was in Parish of camels, accept and it cloud is under the, when DNA from the people and their grandfather had preceded him to the shade tree, and when he sat down money shade tree it, he said: Look at the money shade tree Thus, while it exists upon which appeals to them not to go by the Romans, the Romans that they saw Balsafh knew him, killing him, he said, then turned, and he saw nine knights had turned Roman Fastqublhm, he said: What brought you? They said: We came to the Prophet who is out this month, has not only been left by people who had sent him, and I have told us experience Fbosna your way to this, he said to them: Do one behind you is the best of you? They said, but chose us the best way for this, he said: Have you thought about something he wanted the Almighty God to spend, can a people react?They said: No. He said: Farjawa, said: Vtabauh and returned, he said, then turned to these, he said: Oncdkm of you and God Why? They said: Abu Talib, but he did not still appeals to the ISF to return it, so Abu Talib and his reply sent with him from ... [10]
  And the second time after puberty, under the guidance Khadija, may Allah be pleased. It was narrated that Jabir said, hired Khadija, may God bless the Messenger of Allah - e - Safartin each trip to Jerash Bgulws [11] .
The e Have participated in the war, a dream without the grave, said Sir wrote that it was prayer and peace Enbl his uncles in the war on the ungodly. The Messenger of Allah e I was the noblest of my uncles: the nobility of their enemy they want if it threw [12] .
The e I then fourteen or fifteen years, and was twenty years old, and likely the first that he was collecting arrows and partake of his uncles, indicating recent years.
And thus gained the courage and the courage and bravery, and the practice of fighting since the prime of his youth [13]
The Mujahid, told him that for his master, that he was the one who builds the Kaaba in ignorance?He said, crown stone I carved my own hands I serve without God, the Almighty, Vojie milk Alkhather which sanctioned for myself, Vosbh it, brought a dog Velhsh, then vacant Vipul I built until we reached the subject of stone, and sees the stone one, and he saw the center Hjaratna such as the man's head almost discretion him, the man said: the belly of the Quraish We put him and said, others we put it, they said: Make you a ruling, they said, the first man to get out of the crude, the Prophet came e They said: There has come to the Secretary, they said to him, placed him in a dress, then called their stomachs Bnuahah they took him, placed him is e . [14]  
It is sufficient e Pride and honor to grow up - a young orphan - the best characteristic of the soul of the noble characteristics, and Hamid qualities, habits and beautiful .. did not prostrate to an idol of ignorance did not participate in their consequences, have not won a bit of meat Aqrapinha.
No wonder that attributed to the Lord, who surrounded by seeking to, and made ​​the eye, and took the discipline, he said peace be upon him: "My Lord so well disciplined," narrated by the military [15].
These fleeting glimpses of the life of the Prophet e In his childhood, and married to him and his behavior in his youth .. flares guidance in identifying the educational curriculum, which should route of educators with their children .. There is no doubt that peace be upon him a good example in his childhood and youth, and manhood and Kholth, Those whom Allaah Fbhadahm Aqtdh.
And, then, to offer after that the phenomenon of excessive pampering is one of the biggest factors in the child's psychological aberration, because it leads often to a sense of inferiority complex in the life of childhood and beyond.
What the parents - especially mothers - only to walk the Sunan set by Islam in the upbringing of children.
And that moderation in the love of a child, and attachment to him, and submission to God in all that acting and intimidates.
And which ones should be the discipline for the child at the age of discrimination as required by the Department of Education of the punishment.
And which ones should be education for the child based on the foundations of Alakhchihan, and self-reliance, and responsibility, and the development of moral courage.
The torment from which the personality of the Prophet e The child as having a role model before and after the prophecy.
On walking educators on this Sunnah, and are committed to these rules who have liberated from them their right to education of the factors that lead to the destruction of personal, and waste of human dignity, and they may also have raised the level of child psychological, moral, mental, and became a life a human being together!! ..
[1] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 4975)
[2] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/269) (5454) correctly
[3] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (7 / 375) (22 105) 22 456 - Hassan
[4] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (893)
[5] - The virtues of throwing to Isaac theca (15) which break
[6] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (7055)
[7] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (2262) - Karats: carat, a collection of parts of the dinar
[8] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (3829) - aspire: rose
[9] - Biography of Ibn Hisham - (1 / 183) without support
[10] - Mustadrak for Governor (4229) and the rest fully Bazaar - (1 / 467) (3096) Upgrade
[11] - Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi - Thesaurus - (6 / 118) (11 976) Upgrade
[12] - Biography of Ibn Hisham - (1 / 186) without support
[13] - Biography of the Prophet display and analysis of facts and events - (1 / 78)
[14] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (5 / 341) (15 504) 15 589 -   True
[15] - Talk Sakhawy mentioned in the objectives (p. 39, No. 45) and weakness
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