Bases to invite relatives

 I am a girl committed to .. Praise be to God .. And my husband as well, the problem that I've been having that my family and relatives, people who are not careful, he put the veil for example, when many uncontrolled addition to concessions lot like riding a women with the driver alone without a mahram to add to the quality concerns confined in the movies, magazines and travel abroad .., you will find Majalshen about these things and I'm trying to and I advise always to draw and I do some activities such as competitions interspersed with useful questions, as well as the distribution of tapes and booklets, but little interest .. Valahtmamat and evil the same as it is .. Despite a period of not a few on this and I feel that Mkhaltta affect them in sometimes positively and sometimes negatively When I see an evil Kaltsahl

Veil for example excited to call them and find specific ways to influence them and sometimes I find dull and sensual indulgence if this has become commonplace not deny it .. I am confused about my situation, I carry them call relatives, but I fear for myself from the many evils. 
A: There are two rules in the call that is meant to be Hadhartin in the mind of every advocate in order not to feel cool or on the banned..

The first rule: to protect his heart from the frustration and despair of the reluctance of young people away from him and failing to respond to him, right where the Almighty says in its report: (You do not guide whom you love, but Allah guides whom He wills) stories, verse: 56. Making God is guide people to him and only Him, and the preacher but diligence in the communication and sincerity in which manner the right as he says: (Invite to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching ..) Bee, verse 125 and we remember all the calling that many of God's prophets and messengers them the prayers of Allah and peace could not guide some of their relatives despite Bzlhm great efforts in inviting them, and the Qur'an shows us many examples of that, this is Noah, peace be upon him displays his call to his son and the apples of their eyes, but his call did not find acceptance in the heart of this son, Scamp, and after Noah, Abraham, where the result of his attempts to call his father and his people what we were told upon him, saying, God on the lips of Father Abraham: (he said Eragb You are my gods, O Ibrahim While not over the Erjmenk and Ahgerna billion) Maryam, verse 46. It is beyond Mr. Seal of the Prophets and Messengers him the best of prayer and delivery has repeatedly tried to guide his uncle Abu Talib, but my father only to die on the infidels, Allah revealed: (You do not guide whom you love, but Allah guides whom He wills) .. If this is established, you should note that the lack of response to your family and your relatives to call does not detract from your reward Xia, God willing, and this should make you the patience to call them perhaps is written guidance on your hands, and to the messengers of God to them the prayers of Allah and peace be a good example of patience and counted, and adhere to their call.

The second rule: they keep your heart from the taint of the evils committed by Tmutiran to guide him, and Allah says in its report: (and if you see those who engage in Our revelations, withdraw from them until they engage in a talk other meaning), verse: 68. In this verse Allah Almighty orders every calling that would not sit in the Council of the evil unless the denying and tried to change it, otherwise it shall ignore them and switch to another position in which away from the vision of evil. And this rule, you realize, O sister, that you should fancy dress what you see from the evils (style wise) so as not Athbld sense of the many evils of what you see, you can not, the denial to ignore you .. The whispers to the devil in your heart, saying that left the Council Vsagill you some of the parents and relatives, Vcoli him: "Who sought the approval of God incensed people, sufficient for him God-supporting people, and sought the people's satisfaction with indignation of God, and the whole of God to the people," blessings, may Allaah bless you and Sddk and increase you in faith and stable on the right, and God bless.
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