The best ways to raise the child from an Islamic perspective

The teaching of the Apostle r And said the children always follow the example and encouragement of them urged him to my association with Psonth, and granulation of the laws of Islam to them by events; as minors, prayer in travel, for example to draw the attention of children and young people that this religion is pleased and easy.
* The Holy Quran it well to teach the child in the third or fourth years of age, Al-Fatiha, the short fence, and then in the age of six can be sent to the workshop to teach the Koran in mosques, and the role of the Koran, and linking the child's Bait Allah and his words Almighty connection between the soul and its Creator, as that watching the child for a teacher workshop was interested in the application of the year to wear, and appearance, and his province on prayers, and his removal of his beard, good handling, and morals, all emitter to follow in the future, God willing.
* It is Traúv children, that child came in one day from kindergarten and asked his mother:
What if I grew up? The name of the child Muhammad, his mother said to him: Do you want to be the imam of the mosque and teach people good?He took the child think a little and then he asked his mother, you will be in our country - and it was the people of Qaseem - Sheikhan names are Muhammad? Said to him: It is two? He said Sheikh Mohammed bin Uthaymeen and me. 
Consider my educators to this child, and looked forward, and to have initiated in his thinking, his mind where Tbard to this world of Galilee and children affected by those around him and its surroundings.
* One of the tasks Breeder: creating children, and aids: the cause of its children in welfare centers, and the role of the Koran, the role and the centers that are open throughout the year, focusing its efforts in the summer period for the investment times of young boys, no doubt that access to the link the young people of the good, and this is the most important factors of righteousness, God willing.
* Do not forget instill self-control a child's faith, that the sow in the same love of God, and God observer of his actions, and early on his secret, and Alnh, and real evidence of the following story:
* Went a children, family reunion, and sat watching television, while this device is not in the house, passes by his mother near him, but did not like to talk to him to get back to the house, and when they returned to their house I asked him, saying to him: Did you that do not should be watching TV all the time? Because it displays some of the sights and sounds that do not satisfy God said to her: I sat him see the Temple to pray, and when the woman appeared - What are ashamed - I closed my eyes, it is watching this child be? If the marker is not close his eyes? However, planted in his heart that He is watching him, and I feel that women seem cynical woman who is not ashamed or afraid of God.
* Another story in the sense of control, and Tora, if young people grew up on the good, one mother says: I found some of the days of riyals in a rack house, I asked the people of this House, all of whom riyals? Everyone said it was not me, and was placed in this family, some of the secretariats, and was afraid the mother to be riyals to one other, and forgot Voattha a son, aged seventeen years, and asked him to buy some sandwiches, and ordered him to go out to a poor family, and actually went This young son, and bought food from a restaurant to be, and delivered to poor families, and after returning to their home, he asked his mother who this charity that I went out Are you or someone else? When I asked his mother about the reason for his inquiry, said this: I found in the car piece of tomatoes Vokltha, and feared that the charity money and those it has, but that was from the owner, It's not problem with it.
This attitude of this young man on what evidence?, From watching this young man, but God Almighty, but he can take full Sanducha, one does not know him, but the power of control to God made ​​him abstain from that.
* It helps to link children's education trust in their Creator God, and turn to Him the Almighty, and that his parents have no power and no strength except by him, and I knew the stories of what feeds this aspect of education.
It is the story of Abraham u When thrown into the fire and trust in his Lord, when Gabriel came to him u Need to ask god? As you said it, and nothing else but God Allah and the agent, if such a story, such is the most powerful motives; to entrust children to their Lord, and raising them on it.
* The stories of children in this area: the child who went to one of the cities entertainment, has wanted to play in the game did not Aalbha before, and they are large, and rise during play by a sharp rise, for the children and when to do once her knees the Child, and was next to another child It seemed they fear, he said to him:
Let's read the verse of the Holy, this situation indicates that the child understand God to save them, and the descent of reassurance on them to read the book of God, or something from it.
* And another child, I feel bored of going to kindergarten, and asked his mother to allow him not to go, but the mother continued to encourage him every day to go to it, and the child does not want that, and one day entered the mother to her child in the room, I found him with his hands and calls, saying: O audio listener, get us out of kindergarten.
Here we note the impact of education of faith, has turned this child to God in the position is in need of being rescued from this problem for him, and after his mother did not send him to kindergarten, so he joined the then school.
* The meeting of the family or the mother with her ​​children, and remind them of God Almighty and His Messenger r From time to time, a significant impact on them, and their interest in their religion, but they were young, we neglect these sessions useful; the pretext of a part-time, and we believe that they understand not; to young age, and that a serious mistake, for example in the story of the Prophet r For the boy who had his hand to wander in the dish, if extended to young children, the where morals great, it is difficult to learn their children have if they grew up, and on this measure from a male conversations relevant to them, each according to his age, and confirms the benefit of these sessions, which narrate one of the sisters for her baby , who taught in second grade, where she says he returned my son from school and said to me: I have attended today to our school Shaykh Muhammad ibn Uthaymeen may God have mercy on him and wanted to ask him a question, but I was not able to do so; because it came out of school before the origin of the , what do you expect to be asked this child? I asked him what his mother wants him to ask Sheikh? He told her: Do you ask him to calculate pace from the place of women and against which the wudu it, to Musllagha, raising the level of literacy and as bad as men or not? Then I remembered that the mother had a talk about this subject, with a child by nearly two months of this incident, but still stuck in the mind of the child.
«Him ascend good words and good deeds bump»:
Girl turns to her mother, sitting in a short break from the fatigue of the work of the house, and remember Allah with the same girl asked her mother, why are you sitting so, and what you work?Has been used to this little girl from her mother, it does not waste time without interest, (work or read or write, and so on) replied the mother, 'I remember God, and I explained to her the meaning of the previous verse, I sat the girl do like her mother, remember God, and says to herself, this rose to God, if I had finished, the word of worldly matters said: This is not lifted, and so she felt the child the importance of good work, and immediately applied what I learned, tracking her mother.
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