Our knowledge of the concept of proper education will help us to do, and Segnibna the consequences of irresponsible behavior in the name of education, and education are in the process!
What is education? Given the objectives of Islamic education and aspects can say that education is: (character development through the various stages of life; the right order to create a Muslim who lives his time, and achieve the good life in his community in the light of Islamic doctrine and the principles that he believes in).
About the definition: when we reflect on the definition of Education identify the things we must take care of it:
Education is that we want; the personal development of all aspects, including mental, physical, spiritual, psychological and social development; to give each of these aspects right to care and guidance, not Nctt side without the other.
Entered three men on some of the wives of the Prophet - peace be upon him - ask for the worship of the Prophet - peace be upon him -.. As if they Tqlwaha, someone said: «But I do not Vosom fast. Another man said: But I Voqom not lying. The third: As I do not marry women ». He answered them, the Prophet - peace be upon him - that is, and guided to the need to take care of all aspects, he said, «but I am fast and fast, and I lie and I, and married women, it turns away from my Sunnah is not from me».
And education that we want that to continue and evolve, taking into account the stages of life different, do not stop at a certain age, and circulated to all the stages approach educational one, but is defined for each phase characteristics that distinguish them from others, and that must be considered for breeding the best, and this requires us to further to identify the characteristics of the stage that we want to guide the education, something that makes education a smoother, faster and gain, and mature fruit. Also, our knowledge of the characteristics of bile phase Segnibna clash with foul and mushrooms inherent in the soul, which can make our losses times the gains in education.
And education that we want to draw is that her goals are to be worked on; since the work without a specific purpose to cause confusion and turmoil, and transform the field of education to the laboratory where the victims abound amid impromptu experiments. Moreover, the work without the goals of waste of the types of wealth advocacy without a big return, and said: «If I go out of your home without a goal; All roads take you to where you want ..», meaning: any place to go is what you want; you did not mean something specific you want to go.
When we call for setting targets for breeding; this does not necessarily mean that education becomes a machine to make every word must be issued by the goal and action as well .. It may sometimes be of the mind and wisdom, and good management to do something for a specific target plus the decree, while going through such an event requires you to put people off of disobedience, or mercy Balmiskin, or recall the conclusion in good or bad as ... Or not of the mind and wise use of the event in effect although not the type of event from the present interim goals?!
And education is that we want to help the individual to live in his time, not out of his time, not far from isolated from society and reality, lies in a valley and the people in the valley and would last.
It was the Prophet - peace be upon him - live time and deal with it deal expert examiner, it was not unaware of the movement of enemies, or hidden by their machinations, and so were their preparations - peace be upon him - an early, and his conquests greatest witness this, was confirmed by the Prophet - peace be upon him - on the companions, and invited them to the need for contact with people and live with them, he said - peace be upon him -: «if a Muslim had contact people and patient with their annoyance; better than a Muslim who is not mixing with people, not put up with annoyance».
And education that we want is that we seek to achieve the good life in society, through consolidation of the spirit of teamwork in the individual, and to eliminate all selfish hateful, make a person utilitarian lives for the benefit of himself only, but we want to prepare the Muslim right, which benefit the nation and society, and would thus be a useful member of society like in kind, not to be a lump on his community and was a punishment, we want an interactive education, where the individual interacts with those around him, around him and interacts with him.
And education that we want is formulated in the light of Islamic doctrine and the principles that he believes the Muslim, in doing so, a practical application of Muslim belief and principles .. On this; When advantage of the Bank and other studies in this area; it must offer it to our faith and our principles, and approved of what faith we accepted, and goes against Rddnah no dignity.
That is the education in the general sense that we all aspire to achieve, and this is what we want from educators in general.
But it remains to point out is important, is: when we want to download this education on a person; it must take into account the abilities and capacities and inclinations personal until we achieve this culture better, and this is expressed taking into account individual differences; as find some educators make mistakes when he wants Almterba that makes a replica of it, or Ertismha example, or wants to make people based on their upbringing and one identical copy!! When the teacher goes on this way; he would judge the Almterba failure just because he did not reach the limit of it?!Almterba with that may have made great strides, but in the eye of the breeder is remarkable; and can therefore say that education is the right of the person appointed: the delivery of the individual to the perfection is (not to Kamal other).