Conscious role models for boys and their association with a guide for the faithful understand the religion and life

The intention of the conscious role models: a guide to be associated with a child understand a sincere conscious of Islam, his impulsive, Mujahid in the process, applied to its limits, not in God to take anybody as long.
And dealing with the scourge of today's guidance they give to the disciples and Tlamivthm distorted inverted image of Islam only from the womb of your Lord and a few tasks.
Some of them directed and focused his attention on the reform of self and commending them .. and neglects the duty of enjoining the good and for evil, Olney, and counseling to the rulers, and to stand against injustice and oppressors ..
Some of them make the most of its attention to the manifestations of Islam is that of the beard and robe and head dress .. and neglected by the motor work, and the Islamic Alliance for the establishment of the rule of God in the earth ..
And give each of them taking care of forensic science, and ignore the direction of the case, and the jihadist movement .. thinking that he supports the Islam .. and .. and some of them ...
Note that Islam is an integral whole, is not permissible for a guide in the world, and those who take people a role model to suppress a duty enjoined by Allaah, or condone the evil God forbade him .. for the general meaning of the Blessed and Almighty: {Those who conceal what We have revealed from the evidence and the guidance of After what we have pointed out to the people in the book of God and curse those who curse them blasphemers (159) except those who repent and make amends for those, and Benoit, and I repent for them, the Most Merciful (160)   [Al-Baqarah: 159-161]}
  Threatens God curse those who conceal the truth and what God revealed to the people in his books of true religion, and the guidance useful, and understood to mean the people of the book, who concealed the status of the Prophet received in their books, and what was preached by these books near the source of the Prophet Arabic, believes in God, and believes for the believers. Those who conceal Allah's religion and his orders for people to Adilohm, and Barvohm on the right, God curse them, cursing them and the angels and the believers (blasphemers).
  (And the rule of this verse includes all of the Mute note of the imposition of God's statement to the people, so said the imams: The one who sees God-ordained violated before his eyes, and religion trampled in public hands, and misguidance faint guidance, then he does not win the religion of Allah be those who deserve and rejoicing of God).
  And excludes God from the curse those who repent and do good work, and turn from concealment of what Allah has sent down, and showed people what is taught by the Prophet and the message, and God says that he accepts their repentance, and pardon them, and erase their sins [1] .
It features a deviation of some of the stand up to guide the day they claim infallibility for themselves and associate the right in person, seeking the indifferent including govern-Shara to them or to them, thinking they got rank Tensham for error, and the place which prevents them from falling into the fault .. is not permissible for a people to If the critic wrong, not right for the disciple that Arajahm .. If ordered for their arrival to the status of conservation and infallibility infallibility .. note that especially the prophets, peace be upon them! ..
This Imam Malik Allah's mercy to stop time in front of the tomb of the Prophet e He said: "What we only received a response which only the owner of this tomb," and pointed to the grave of the Prophete .
It positions the Eternal, which was Aagafha scientists conscious faithful position world era and mentor Sheikh (Said Nursi), Turkish, and nicknamed the "wonderful time" may God have mercy on him, and the highest Mthopth, this position is that when I feel once that among his students and followers from going to sanctify and venerate the end great, and connects the parameters of the right person is mortal, he said, recommending to them and directed and counseled: "Beware that Terbtoa right, which I invite you to Bash_khasa guilty mortal, but you Commit yourself Fterbtoh Benbuah the Sacred: the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet e , And learned that I am not more than Dalal on goods Rahman, the Almighty, and to know that I am not infallible, and abandon me to the guilt or appear to me to the deviation, Vitshuh the appearance of the right (which Rbttamoh me) so guilt or deviation, either to be so set an example for the people of this deviation, and committing sins, or Sarva them on the right, including mixed and distorted by its diagonally and my iniquities. "
What the educators, then only a guide to link their children gives them a sincere conscious world of Islam is a comprehensive curriculum years, both in regard to doctrine and legislation, or related to religion and state, or associated by acclamation and the jihad, or regard to worship and politics ..
And give them instruction and educational reform psychological sound guidance and connecting them aware of the right and Shara and advance directives .. not mortal existence, and the guilty person ..
There is no doubt that the boys while linked by example conscious - so that we have pointed out - Virbun on piety and jihad, and growing up on before Allaah to God, and courage in the right, and include the worship in the apse, and fight the enemy on the battlefield, then they are of the style that he said them, the poet of the Islamic :
Youth Zlloa meanings and ways of Islam, known only
Vothbthm their pledge to plant a decent choice, in this world Gsona
If you witnessed the battle were strongholds and truffles Iedkon Alhsona
If Jane does not see them the evening of compassion only Sagddin
Islam also directed a national youth loyal secretary free
Dignity and knowledge of how to build Faiby restrict or Ahona
And when they are like this come at the hands of each of pride, victory and the rule of Islam and Muslims.
[1] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 166)
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