Crises of youth: Leave the duties and acts of worship

Prayer, Imad al-Din, leaving it a "crisis" without SC .. And even greater distress in a Muslim, because of the known status of prayer in Islam, and its virtues and great rewards, and it is the first to account for the Day of Resurrection his work, and it is the right of God to His servant, he has created .. And others .. And a living .. And blessed him for the countless blessings .. And they are immune for the Muslim fight against corruption, because it terminated praying for indecency and evil, it recognizes the value of this worship, and its importance in his life and the Hereafter, it leaves from the age of the assignment, so he gets death,
pursuant to the Almighty, saying: {And worship your Lord until there comes to you certainty}.
On the other hand: show the severe crisis which it is located a Muslim, if he left the "prayer" deliberately, with exposing himself to the wrath of the Almighty Creator, and His punishment and torment, and ill-fate, at the same time, deprive himself of such protection is great, which
Takia was a lot of immorality and evil, and remain vulnerable to falling in many of the delusions. 

And "Zakat", which is the "arch of Islam," and the shield of the financial community, is not left behind the crisis?? .. But a disaster ..
It took note of the status of "zakat" in Islam, and its role in the happiness of the community and help him, knows the value of the Larkin great pillars of Islam, also known as: to prevent all eligible applicants and owners, is an aggression on the rights of the poor and other beneficiaries of the Zakat, and stingy against Allah and His slaves , and eat of that truth with falsehood.
And when we remember: the Khalifa Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, when he insisted on a fighter who wore about Islam, immediately after the death of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he insisted on a fighter who left the prayer and prevented the Zakat, and announced that he "By God, Oqatln difference between prayer and zakat ..", we realize how much was jurist, God bless him, and how much was the note of the experts.
It was a friend may God be pleased with him, knew: that the community of Islam does not sound, but through prayer, almsgiving, and other pillars of Islam, so he insisted on fighting all of the unabated, even brought people to the right path and the right, which left them by the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him .
The "fast", in the month of Ramadan, and who wills in the other, Fpadh obedience, and of drawing closer to God Almighty does not know the reward is only the Almighty, is it not fasting in Ramadan crisis?? .. And not evidence of non-fasting without a legitimate excuse, the weakness of the things that invalidate the same, and his love for his stomach and his desire ??!..
Not suggesting breaking the Ramadan fast, the animal bestiality, fall of man the things that invalidate this, the gendarmerie is in charge of the dumb animals ??!..
The patient is not a man to delay a meal, from noon until sunset, not a human being .. Because the man's first advantage is that it controls is Bshahuath, not governed by the desires .. And be master of his mind desires, desires not to be a prisoner of his mind .. And affect obedience in sin, and God the satisfaction of his wrath.
And "Pilgrimage" that corner of the Great Mosque, which Allaah has made ​​for the Muslims of grace and mercy, which is the only corner of the pillars of Islam, which meets when Muslims from all over the world, despite what he did to disperse from their enemies .. And tear .. And fragmentation. He left "pilgrimage": the "crisis" .. And "crisis" severe .. And a great loss. .
We can not forget the "jihad" .. Dynamism of the Islamic nation .. And for the pride and dignity .. And the door of the Mujahideen to "paradise" ..
The "Jihad" and a means of spreading Islam, and the conversion of the world's light and guidance, when it is not before us for others, if you do not disable the "Jihad" crisis .. When will be a "crisis"? ..And how?? .. And anything? ..
The Muslims did not lose heart but we exchange the "young" for "Jihad", and dipped in a fun and desires .. Our enemies have made ​​their best to kill our young people in the spirit of jihad, and with regret .. Has achieved much of what they wanted ..
If someone were to say: How can you say this .. And young people in every Muslim country, recruits for military service in each country??. We say to this questioner: Do you see that these armies, soldier, in the land of Islam, is jihad in the way of Allah ??!.. If you you see it, Foasva you and like you ..
What we have mentioned in this section of the "special crisis", is the most important and worse and it is .. Have signed a lot of "young people" in the "crisis of neglect their duties," .. So they let the prayer .. And prevent them capable of Zakat, and stop fasting when in the month of Ramadan, and leave them for one who is able Hajj .. The Jihad .. Do not ask him .. But search for it ..
And director of the youth of this serious crisis, not only sensitization, and get them to worship their Creator and Lord Almighty, and to raise the torch of light and faith in their hearts .. We ask Allah to guide us and guide them.
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