Crises or crises of young people are looking anxiously

"The crisis of" is: which is the required rights willingly and earned it, and it is derived, which gives them, such as: "praying" .. and "drug use" .. The "general crisis" is not required by society, does not seek it, but received it and needed it, as mentioned above.
The "young" strata of the society more vulnerable to crises, because of the availability of causes including, in the "youth": Kamal health, the unit was a constant activity and are less than others, and brings these things are evil and trouble, as he says:
The young and the vacuum, and the grandmother of the evil one, that is evil
If Alanslan: a young man, who has not empty, nor are they to him, an active body is strong, has gathered the reasons for falling into the evil, God have mercy Lord Almighty.
Therefore, Islam came to fill the time the provisions of rights, and distract him from thinking about corruption, and protect him from the temptations and desires and delusions of Satan, such as prayer .. And seek knowledge .. Time and God said .. And a voluntary fast .. Etc..
This was seen as a bulwark and a shield, protecting the rights of all Muslims from evil, as He says in the "prayer": {the prayer restrains from indecency and evil ..! The Almighty said: {not the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest}.
In order to remain "young" immune from the dangers, he: to remain cautious alert, conscious smart, and fills the vacuum of his time to work good, and avoid all Almtert and irritants, from magazines, photographs, films and songs that turn a blind eye and keep the vagina.
It is advisable for the young to do in addition to the above:
Not home to bed only when sleep too long.
And not to sleep on wool, sheep Kjld, or: what is suspected.
And sleep on the remembrance of Allah Almighty, to read any available wall Kassar, sayings and veins.
And rise from the bed immediately after waking up from sleep, without delay.
These things are a shield and provisions, to make young people if they have used in safe from the dangers of crises, injuries and their consequences, and without it does not remain for youth protection, prevention, and so the their crises and fall into sin and evil deeds.
After this go back to the statement, "special crisis", which we see: it is limited to two sections: the left and the duties of worship, the act of immorality and evil, we say:
أحدث أقدم

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