Curses and insults and the role of the tongue lesions and the effect of obscenity in breaking the personal

Is to create an ugly common in the vicinity of a private boys were brought up away from the teachings of the Koran, and commitment to Islam.
Sheikh Abdullah Alwan, may God have mercy on him: "The reason for the spread of curses and insults. Among boys is due to two things:
The first bad example:
Valold when parents hear the words of the obscenity and insults and words of insult and evil .. the boy - no doubt - will replicate their words, and get used to repeating Olvazam. There is no issue of it in the end only obscene speech, and uttered only words and evil actions Zorh.
The second mixture is corrupt:
Valold who is on the street, and leave the bad for couples, companions and corruption, it is obvious that the language of cursing them Atlguen.
  To all of this must be the parents and educators all have to give the children the good example of good speech,
And refinement of the tongue, and the beauty of word and expression as they have to play Egnbohem the street, accompanied by the bad guys, couples and bad - so do not be affected and gain from deviating from the customs. 
They must also Abesrōhm consequences of lesions of the tongue and as a result of breaking obscenity in the personal and the fall of prestige, and stir hatred and animosity among members of society.
You can receive the hear of some hadiths that forbid swearing and cursing, narrated Zabid said: I asked Abu Wael for Murji'is, he said Abdullah told me that the Prophet - r - The «insults with a Muslim market is, and fight Kafr»[1] ..
And Abdullah bin Amr - may Allah be pleased with them - said: The Messenger of Allah - r - «One of the greatest sins that a man curses his parents». It was said, O Messenger of Allah cursed the man and how his parents said, «the man reviles father of the man, so he insults his father, and cursing his mother» [2] .
[1] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (48) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (230)
[2] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (5973)
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