Divergent questions and questions the employee information on a daily basis and its role in activating the civic education

The intention, here, is not that questions the information the employee on a daily basis by trainers or teachers, which had either the purpose of supervising the department or the purpose of testing the knowledge comes requests closed do not expect only one correct answer, but the meaning is, exactly, those questions open divergent associated with science-based participation and to encourage young children, students or trainees, students or adults, on the analysis, installation and evaluation of information. It's the questions, do not expect a group or section of the participants in a panel configuration yes or no answers, but rather designed to facilitate and stimulate the process of open exchange of ideas at the same time in which to learn these beneficiaries active manner. And examples of this:
- Hypothetical Questions, such as: "What can you do ... / think that ..." and that will help participants to visualize situations and active reactions;
- Provoking questions to contemplate, such as: "How can we help to solve this problem?";
- Encouragement and support questions, like: "This is important, however, and after?" Which had to highlight the personal experience of being targeted and their views;
- Questions examine the views, as in: "What is your opinion ... or, do you feel about ...?", And questions are members of the group indicate that their views of the importance of appropriate component / teacher / activated.
- Audit questions to consider, including: "Why do you think so?" And is, as raised without violence, help the group to deepen the reaction and examined, and to analyze the opinion and prove it;
- Questions summary clarification efforts, such as: "Am I right when I say that you will see that ...?", so that the benefits of the teacher or facilitator summarize what was said by one of the participants an opinion and the desire to ascertain the extent of his understanding of that statement, it stimulates others to question about whether they agree on what is being said.
- Questions set the type of agreement on certain points, such as: "Do most of us agreed about why ...?" And is the one who can raise a discussion or interference in the end. Or such as: "A so may not be finished this part?", Which is used to facilitate the acceptance of the transition to the topic pro.
And so on, these questions employ as well as to stimulate interest, or to determine the level of knowledge of the participants or to monitor their previous experience on a particular topic, and that as little activator (component / teacher / facilitator) great benefit from the shake of his head or smile which by the way, and just sitting in the same group level, taking care to avoid putting leading questions directed to propose to answer questions or bombs, and avoid throwing a lot of questions at the same time, or set of vague or ambiguous questions ... Whenever he can raise and obtain the best answers and richer responses.
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