Do we need an educational strategy to deal with teenagers and Ngarathm into account the physical, psychological, mental and intellectual?

Strategic or educational methodology necessary When we talk on the topic of education, not only raising teenager, but in any stage of the Age. Must be parents and educators in general are fully aware of the correct methods To deal with all age groups according to their characteristics and needs. Can not deal with a young man in Five years of age, for example the way that we deal with a child in fourth or fifth Of age. On this basis, we must before we talk about strategy for dealing with adolescent That we recognize the characteristics of adolescence, and the changes that accompany this Stage. 

Here, we divide these characteristics into three main headings, Is:
1- Physical changes.
2- Psychological changes.
3- Mental changes and the level Intellectual.

First, changes Physical:
What the young man to enter this new phase of life to bring it A series of rapid changes on the physical structure, the result is a new mood Of the adolescent.
Vafrazac hormonal glands in the body and increasing its activity at this stage Directly cause the elimination of the psychological tie that accompanies childhood, and the development of Young man in the face of a new age group have not been preset to it.
The growth of the body in this Phase is relatively rapid rate so that the broader age group in various stages of man, This does not stop the rapid growth only by attaining the age of almost twenty. And with the growth Physical structure of the girl in this age faster than in the young, but in some respects Kkhcona eg, sound is faster for the young compared to the girl.
With the growth of the body begins Increasing weight, and start doubling the power of the physical performance.
The increased physical strength This is one of the motives behind the involvement of adolescents in some of the things that may seem for the people aroundTheir trivial things is useless or in vain that the teenager is confused about this vast amount ofEnergy and power that descended upon it in (surprise).
It is noted at this age the emergence of muscle And the increase in length, where the skeleton begins to widen the longitudinal first and then cross, and grow Hair and increase ruggedness in the face and genital areas. In particular, the semen begins The young man to emerge and come down from the urethra, while starting menstruation in girls.
All these changes make the teenager's physical and is thinking of standing, contemplating, and then starts strongly about Dictated by the implementation of the idea and understanding of these changes, building on the inherent strength Inside.

Second, changes Psychological:

1- Will May turn Teenager sometimes create some problems - without thinking of the consequences - just in order to put himself In Moajthaa, and thus prove that the ocean has become a strong will, especially if the Problems of the kind of man can be overcome with a sense of pride, strength and joy Alambga is the goal.

According to Dr. Alqaúma in this area to key suppliers, Two:
- lack of scruple and recklessness which come from ignorance of good And evil as well as ignorance of the consequences of things due to lack of experience . 
- Resource competition and motivated by race and encourage others . 

2- Responsibility:
Adakhl teenager feeling a strong capacity to assume full responsibility And the commitment to something quite like men, but it may avoid taking responsibility for nothing, but Out of fear of failure or disability. This might explain how pleased the young man or woman in this age When the task assigned to them beforehand that they know they can do and control.
The Return frequency in this case, adhesion to the large number of parents or one of them and therefore fear Of harassment or failure is sometimes the fear of reprimand.
We therefore recommend that parents give Some of the responsibilities and gradually the young and teenage girls so that they can build Self-confidence and personal capable of independent decision-making and responsibility in Success or failure.

3- Imagination:
Of the phenomena observed in This stage link young imagination and dreams, so maybe a clearer and more evident when Girls because of its connection with emotions and feelings, but that does not mean the lack thereof when young.
May find himself guided by the adolescent to the invention and discovery, or to art or drawing or Music or even asceticism, piety or religious extremism and ideological, intellectual, without the Able to find a rational explanation for it.Scientists believe that psychologists and sociologists fantasies At this age is the basis of thinking in young people, as it moves through the implications Gathered Discussion and installation of the images in the mind creates new images, and then moves to the world Realisms again.

III: Changes the mental and intellectual level:

N Think of a renewed deals with young people thought The various threads but it has a lack of stability and speed of change, despite strong activity.
It may be This is due to the lack of experience and lack of experience Paramount. Because psychologists Social cause of these changes that the young man's mind constantly receives foreign-held views and ideas Affect it without having the ability to evaluate, analyze and discover the strengths And weaknesses.
This is what makes the young man was blown away by deviant ideas and malicious and that coated Manifestations of the non-deceptive and reality.
For this, we see that the owners or the owners of New Thought ideas Destructive if they wish to publish their thoughts baptized into this category of people for ease of control Their thinking and simplicity of the formation of beliefs and therefore servitude to their own purposes.
The Non-possession of emerging and young people to a strong intellectual background is the main reason for joining the Altclat formations and political organizations and multi-purpose.
Young and not Bmissour To discover their mistakes only after a short period of time is gaining the experience And experience that qualifies them to judge the situation. In the view of most psychologists that the young man at the stage of Adolescence pass the register link stages of mental development and the increasing intelligence that reaches its peak as the All the forces associated with the mind takes Kalmakrh breadth and imagination and creativity Innovation and note that the mental capacity to ignore this will cause inevitably and directly to Atrophy over time, so it must work to develop and strengthen them.
Although The emergence of the young mind the level of distinct but unable to be in most cases, the analysis things And interpretation in order to slow crystallization of the mental level to the extent that makes it able to distinguish Between right and wrong or good and evil. For this, the views of young people in this period is characterized by Superficial because it is based on the views not only on practical experiences and realistic, and the fact that this stage Subject to the influence of emotions that are often the dominant first of the decisions and judgments To guide them.
It is worth mentioning here, is that the adolescent is strongly influenced by ignoring Others to him and his personal reason for his ignorance behind it, which may be due upon the results of Reflected a negative impact on the educational process in general and the response of the adolescent guidance And guidance.
Hence, any educational strategy to deal with the teenager should be based To understand these properties and absorbed to ensure safety, but the result was unbridled Things from the hands of educators and thereby sucked a young teenager or a girl was about behaviors Deviant.
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