Educational benefits of cohabitation: refinement of morals, knowledge of the energies and abilities Almterban

To experience the many benefits accruing to the breeder when applied this concept to the ground, and to publicly refer to the most important of these benefits and fruits.
Get a reward from Allah Almighty:
He said - peace be upon him - «believer who mixes with people, and the patient better than the annoyance of a believer who mixes with people do not, do not put up with annoyance».
When it sensed the jam this talk, and wonder of this great reward was the motivation for him to achieve this concept with those who bring them up, so they spared no effort to live with and contact Almterban, and patience for them in their upbringing, and patience on what it finds from the harm of them return, of great bounty.
To refine the ethics educator:
Valmaihh educator create a good example to be emulated, and this is taken from the words - peace be upon him - «patient and their annoyance» In the cohabitation of the kind of teacher self-improvement, and refinement of character and behavior, especially that in the ranks of example. It is not enough to be at the breeder what he gives; but must be of good tender leaves until tender in the same impact Almterba.
C Almterban know the energies and abilities:
Can jam through live with, and mixing those who bring them up the discovery of their energies, abilities and qualifications; can then direct these energies in an appropriate, and directs these capabilities in Mazanha, and puts the right person in the right place through those qualifications, so users of the conduct; as in the hadeeth of Anas ibn Malik may Allah be pleased with him, who passed a while ago: «my merciful Bomte Abu Bakr ...». He said - peace be upon him -: «Take the Koran by four: from Ibn Masud, Abu ibn Ka'b, and Maaz bin Jabal, Abu Salim Mawla Hudhayfah».
D know the weaknesses in Almterban and then addressed:
Educator strives and seeks to develop and upgrade Almterba. The axes of development and improve the knowledge of his weakness; in order to provide appropriate remedies overrides this weakness and elevated. And mixing Almterban and provide insights to provide the breeders that. And have been able to - peace be upon him - to his companions Bmaisth know their strengths and weaknesses also, commended the strengths as good over us and urged caution and advised on points of weakness in order to overcome them, and you witness this:
Ibn Umar said: The men in the life of the Prophet - peace be upon him - if he sees a vision cut to the Prophet - peace be upon him -, Vtmanat to see the vision Oqsa to the Prophet - peace be upon him - and you boy single, and I slept in the mosque at the time of the Prophet - peace be upon him - and I saw in a dream two kings Okhmana They went me to the fire, but if it folded Kti well, and if the people had known them, they made, I say: I seek refuge with Allah from the fire, I seek refuge with Allah from the fire . Vlekayama another king, and he said to me, were not observed. I told the Hafsa, Hafsa own story to the Prophet - peace be upon him -, he said: Yes, if the man Abdullah used to pray at night. Salim said: Abdullah was not sleeping at night except a little bit.
E correct Mterban Calendar:
Needs teacher in his educational to stops calendar for those who bring them up; in order to upgrade them and their reformation, nor can a non-educator to strike a correct assessment in Almterban; it is the closest people to Mterban than others; so Bmaisth them, mixing them, and the proximity of them. For this witness from the Biography of the Prophet; narrated that Zayd ibn Aslam from his father, Umar ibn al-Khattab: The man at the time of the Prophet - peace be upon him - his name was Abdullah, and was known as a donkey, and he was laughing the Prophet - peace be upon him -, and the Prophet - peace be upon him - his skin was in the drink, and brought him one day, he ordered it, Fjeld said, a man of the people: O curse, which brought most of it! The Prophet - peace be upon him - not Talnoh! Sure of what I learned: that he loves Allah and His Messenger »(1). We have enjoined the Prophet - peace be upon him - who insult and curse the donkey, may Allah be pleased with him with the donkey was drinking wine, but that the Prophet - peace be upon him - the people closest to him Bmaisth him, and he knew the work of a donkey than others; So said - peace be upon him - «not Talnoh! Sure of what I learned that he loves Allah and His Messenger »This means that the donkey virtues and good deeds in Islam may not be known to run with him, is known only from the Maaiche and Mkhalta him, and soon it, and this was represented by the Prophet - peace be upon him -.
And knowledge of the psychological characteristics of Mterban:
Souls differ, and all the same characteristics Almajabulh it, and educator astute who recognize the characteristics of souls Almterbah, people so by the nature of dealings and the appropriate method for each psychological, and only Palmaihh and mixing with Almterban; it can jam out those characteristics, and then figure out the appropriate method in dealing with those psychologists, and for this witness from the Biography of the Prophet; narrated from Amr ibn overcome may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - came with money or captivity, Vksmh, gave the men, leaving the men, Vbulgh that those who left Attaboa, glorified God, and then praised him and said: «After: I swear! I give the man and let the man, who let the love to which I give, but I but I give some people what I see in their hearts from anxiety and panic, and eat some people to make God in their hearts of the rich and good, including Amr bin overcome ». Amr bin overcome: «I swear that I have what I like the word Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - red camels».
Think about the force of view of the Prophet - peace be upon him - to know the characteristics of his followers, and raise all of them to suit his nature and inclinations and motivations of its own.Therefore Valmrbe obligation to know his followers and psychological characteristics closely; so he can deal with them and bring them to the fullest, and only Bmaisthm and mix.
G Almterban solve the problems of private and family:
Seeks mentor teacher in the educational program to provide the stability Mterba psychological help him to respond, and then giving and productivity, but problems remain in the private or family Almterban obstacle to this stability. The breeder can live with, through, and mixing those who bring them up, and near them, and their interest in solving those problems and overcome, and overcome those obstacles. It was - peace be upon him - as well as to his companions soon Maaiche of them are interested in them and solve their problems, ask about their situation, and what troubled thoughts, and shows the following:
Khudri may Allah be pleased with him said: «The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - one day the mosque, and he saw a man from the Ansar said to him: Abu Amama, he said: O Abu Umaamah!What I see you sitting in the mosque at prayer time is? He said: Worries and debt, O Messenger of Allah! He said: Do they not teach you some words of God go I said, if taken care of and spent about you is your religion? I said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah! Said: «If you become less and if the evening came: I seek refuge with You from worry and grief, and I seek refuge in You from disability and laziness, and I seek refuge with You from cowardice and avarice, your refuge from the predominance of religion and the oppression of men». He said: I did that, God took away Gma and placebo, and spent my religion ».
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