Educational cohabitation controls and distance from access to privacy

Diligent teacher mentor in achieving this principle in the reality of education and strive to do so, but the controls are set to apply this concept on the ground we should stand with them and clarify the application of this principle of education, so that the teacher with insight from his command, and not even located in the excessive or negligence, and in order to preserve the desired role of farmers in these controls:
Not lead to a hung blameworthy jam:
Origin in the educational process that the individual who called the efforts should be focused educational upbringing has documented links to the Lord of the Worlds, and that relates to the strong in God and his discreet straight and not with human beings, but the large number of mentoring and mixing undisciplined Palmterban and proximity to them may cause dependence, especially that were not of such cohabitation educational objectives seeks to achieve the breeder, and in the evocation of those who live with, bring them up. The teacher must be alert to this, and be disciplined so as not to live with a lot of them,
And to be in the range is reasonable, and be drawn objectives, formulations in live with, and when found the breeder the emergence of this phenomenon in a Almterban, he must remind him of God, and warned of the danger of this attachment, and link with God, and by example infallible - peace be upon him -, and methods some of the concepts of therapeutic concept in the difference between love of God and love with God, and other educational concepts. 
To not be overcome by the collective education of individual education:
Education is based on two important elements: the collective and individual, and when one leaned education elements are seeking to build a palace in the sand. And experience Almterban and mix with them and a lot of this may cause a lean on the side of the mass only, Viterbi Almterba on this element of mass only, and who lives the mass alone will remain a fish in water as soon while leave him or leave him to breath, and while living young man's education group alone, It carries with large gaps in his character is soon to lose his brothers Almterba days, sees himself before the world was not accustomed to it. Not significant to remain empty, and no consequential to take his time and benefit from it.
Should the teacher be alert to this during live with Almterban so there is balance in the application of cohabitation, and not a lot, including the multitude overcome collective individual, he should develop in Almterban sense of individual responsibility and the importance of education the individual and it is no less important than the collective, when it felt that There is a sellout in this aspect.
C not long enough to lead to a daring young man on the rears, and the demise of the cost themselves, so that melt between personal teacher Almterban:
Because of the benefits of mentoring and contact Almterban, break the barrier between the placebo and Almterban jam, and then be transparency and generosity in dealing with each other. But this does not justify that cohabitation way to the fall of prestige between the teacher and Almterban; so that the issue brotherhood private abstract of the meanings of leadership, guidance and education, should the breeder be alert to this, and that there is some degree of appreciation, respect and prestige that are the gateway to the meaning of leadership and direction with Almterban, and not to dissolve his personality a lot cohabitation; fall from his hand so that the issue of guidance and education, so that the later response.
D not lead to the neglect of himself to the upgrading of teacher:
In the midst of experience the teacher who will bring them up, and mixing them, and strive to provide advice and guidance, which contributes to the upgrading of their own, you may forget the breeder himself and that she has the right attention and upgrade them, when it neglected to jam himself on the side of raising self might have led to a loss of score in One day, until the teacher does not have what gives Almterba; because missing something can not give him, and then lose jam recipe is one of the most important qualities; a recipe tender; we do not want to be a teacher like a candle lights up for the people and burn themselves, but we want it to be like the sun light to others as it maintains the property in the same glow. The breeder should be a balance between experiencing Almterban and upgrading them, and elevate himself, and to acquire, including the validity and sponsorship, and proximity to God.
So there's a kind of partial isolation, and behind it is intended isolation of Education, where sometimes one's own without the purpose of worshiping, or the supply of science, or soul, or so of the purposes and educational purposes. It was made ​​by God to His Prophet - peace be upon him - that and the jurisprudence by the revelation of him for this kind of isolation, and dear to the toilet, was free in the cave of Hira, Vihant the nights animate number, before tending to his family, and provide themselves for that, and then return to Khadija, Fitzd came right up to its ideals, which is in the cave of Hira.
E dimension of entering into the particulars:
All living organisms maintain themselves in the field is a vital break into a kind of aggression, and the person comes on top of the list. He says: {O you who believe, do not ask for things that you showed Tsakm} [table: 101], he went to some commentators that the meaning of this verse is the question of what does not mean that the conditions of the people; to lead to the disclosure of their nakedness , and access to the misdeeds.
Perhaps with cohabitation may forget that the breeder for this officer, Viswg himself to the question of what does not, and to see what terms of bring them up without their permission, and all these things are ungodly, and the audacity of some educators to overcome them in the pan says: {O you who believe! Avoid a lot of thinking to think that some of the sin of not spy nor backbite one another one of you does not like to eat the flesh of his dead brother, and fear Allah, for Allah accepts repentance, Most Merciful '[rooms: 12].
Piety, and not neglect the legitimate duty:
Including with respect to the company of and experience the beardless youth; may prejudice the educator piety legitimate the Vijlo, or travel with him alone, or spend the night with him, or otherwise Bmsog cohabitation, which may give rise to undesirable consequences; so stressed Ancestors, God bless them in the company of beardless youths, and the effects of this are many, including:
1 What was narrated by al-Bayhaqi in people for some officers said: «They hate that limits the man to look beautiful boy».
2 also narrated some of the followers: «I am a young hermit Pukhov of the seven harmful beardless youth of the boy to sit».
3 narrated from al-Hasan ibn Dhakwaan he said: «Do not sit with the children of the rich; they have the images as images of women, who are the most strife of virgins».
«Has become today, accompanied by educators for these events is an urgent need, no justification to ignore, or forbid educators from company with them under the pretext of piety; so that the reality of the predecessor was different from our reality, it was not the alternative they have is the street is disorderly, or groupings falling than what we see today, but was homes and community educational institutions provide for their breeding and care, but now the alternative to the company of educators to these people is to be accompanied by an intimate friend spoilers, and the fact that many of the users while away from these areas slid in safe methods of corruption .
However to say the need for educators to accompany the events of these texts remain the advances are of value and respect, For the breeder to take into account the important guidelines include: not being alone, or traveling with a beardless youth alone, and taking into account the accommodation and related »(6).
And not lead to the occupancy Almterba most of his time, they must leave as much free time Aaudh on the use of time in the education itself, and allows him the opportunity to take care of his studies, and social engagements.
G reducing individual meetings in other public programs; Almterba experience the pretext of being close to him and more; Many of them turn into a personal relationship is purely educational lose their impact.
H economy in jest and humor, and not go out for the extent of dignity and prestige.
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