Educational impact of cohabitation and its role in strengthening the response and interaction of learners

Almterban and experience the effect of mixing his active role in their response, as much as gives the breeder the interest of this concept in the educational reality and the extent that the response Almstrushdin him, and demand it.
In the story of the groove tells us to talk to: the boy heal the blind and the leper and heals people from all ills, even his reputation, and spread experience; turned to the people by the droves, and could Bmaisth people, and the proximity of them to be an asset blessed people love it and demand it, I gave them his time, effort, and God gave him talent and energy, have displaced to the religion that brought him firmly and Astmsaka. Should be directed to the breeders and overcome his energies, and abilities possessed by the cause of God, and to be a key to experience the people, and calling them after that.
It was for this property (cohabitation), a significant impact in people's interaction with the Prophet - peace be upon him -, and grabbed him,
And acceptance of it, and their desire to science and the work that will direct them to it with conviction and love, and the pupils were integrated personality - peace be upon him - whatever the merger, without making or cost, making the resulting educational genuine and deep on the one hand, and broad and diffuse on the other. 
«The subject of research in psychology and in the field of social relations of this property the study, and assumed to be related to what the extent of demand for the learner or the receiver on the professor; to take him, or asking for, or assess a personal relationship with him than to benefit career in academia to personal counseling and social . One of the assumptions on which anticipated some of the researchers, was just that: cohabitation, and near the breeder, and show it to the proximity to the provision of office hours can be an important variable is located between the determination guided to go to breeders and consulted, and a guide really, and then the emergence of the breeder close to them place, time and people were an important factor in the interaction, influence and popularity, and this is also supported by some other research, it has been found «Wilson Woods» that there is a relationship moving between the availability of the teacher or educator at certain hours, and seeming ready to receive the learners, and spend time with them, and the demand for these educated him and Astaanthm it, and view their problems it; and on this basis, research psycho-educational recommends a lot to save time, organization and selected for, guided and accompanied by the willingness of personal and myself from the teacher and mentor; to receive them and deal with them, no matter how made ​​it difficult circumstances and the variety ».
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