The emergence of children in a poor environment and respect for human dignity and social solidarity

The factor of poverty is a big factor in the deviation of child psychoanalysis, and strengthened by the deviation which when open his eyes and sees his father in distress, and his family in misery and deprivation .. the more it has the worse when he sees some of his relatives or children of his neighbors or his friends at school .. they are in the best case, and radiant Accessories, and complete the grace of a dismal sad .. hardly find a piece of bread that saturation, and the dress, which concealed ..
Fold this case what do we expect him to be psychologically? Inevitably will look to the community looks of contempt and hatred .. and inevitably will develop disease of inferiority, and the psychological contract and inevitably will change .. hope to despair, and optimism to pessimism .. Anas bin Malik said: The Messenger of Allah e "Poverty should be almost disbelief .." [1]
It was blessings and peace be upon him seek refuge with Allah from poverty in his supplication, was narrated by Muslim ibn Abi Bakra, from his father that the Messenger of Allah e He used to say: I seek refuge with You from disbelief and poverty, and the torment of the grave. [2]
And Islam addressed the problem of poverty, two things:
I: respect for human dignity.
The second year of the principles of social solidarity.
The respect of human dignity is because only among all races, colors and layers in the mind and human dignity, and if it was necessary to let the trade-offs and production of piety and good deeds ..
The principle on which edition of Islam in the conscience of the time until the Day of Resurrection, says: {O mankind We created you from male and female and made ​​you into nations and tribes so that the sight of God that ye} (13) Al rooms
Because he did not look at the images and objects, but to make the perception of the hearts and actions, was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah e That God does not look to your photos and your money, but look at your hearts and your business. [3]
And because it raised the amount the weak and the poor, and considered Igdhabhm and Thakaarham Igdaba to the Lord Almighty, has Muslim narrated from Aa'idh ibn 'Amr, that Salman and Ziba, and Bilaal were sitting in the people, passed by them, Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, and they said: What took the swords of Allah from the neck of the enemy of God After the River, Abu Bakr said: you say that Shaykh al-Quraysh and her master? He said, so he told the Prophet e He said: O Abu Bakr, you might angered, For if you are angered, has angered the Lord and he came back to them, he said: any brothers that you may Gilltm, they said: No, O Abu Bakr, God will forgive you. [4] .
The age of the principles of social solidarity, there is no doubt that Islam is the age of the principles of solidarity to solve the problem of poverty is one of the finest and highest up-to-human effort in the modern era.
Here are some of these profiles in the treatment of Islam to the problem of poverty in the community:
That he had initiated Baitulmal Zakat handled by the Muslim state, and to make its banks on the eligible poor, the needy and the wayfarers, and borrowers, freeing slaves .. the Almighty said: but alms to the poor and needy and those employed to those whose hearts and necks, debtors in the way of Allah and the wayfarer ordained by God, and God Knower, Wise} (60) Repentance
Allaah mentioned objection hypocrites, ignorant, and Mzhm the Holy Prophet in the apportionment of alms (zakat due), the God that which is divided, between the rule and took her own kind, and did not tire divided into one other, Vdzoha to those mentioned in the verse. They :
The poor - and they are of their little money without any quorum of less than 12 dinars.
The poor - who are nothing to them, and they do not find it enriches them sang, and paid attention to them Visedk them, do not ask people anything.
The workers - they are messengers and collectors, provided that they are not relatives of the Prophet e , Because the relatives of the Prophet is not permissible to give charity to them.
Made up their hearts - they who give to corrupt their hearts, some of them gives salaam, and gives them to improve his conversion to Islam, from whom the conflict is to give alms of those who followed.
Necks - they are slaves Almkatebon who want the performance of their duty to Aatagahm (or means of exchange is part of the money in charity in the necks of release).
Debtors - like carrying strap, or within our Vlzimh Vogehv done with his money, or fined in the performance of his religion, or in sin and then repent of them, those paid from the funds of charity.
For God's sake - they are invaders, the Mujahideen in the path of Allah, or intends to do Hajj for Allah giving them handouts of money.
Wayfarers - are passed by travelers in the country is not something with them will help them to travel, have limited access to them to bring something of their money from their country, giving them handouts of money enough to spend. [5]
Tabaraani narrated from 'Ali Karam Allah and his face in the Hereafter, he said: The Messenger of Allah e That God imposed on the rich Muslims in their money as much as poor ones who can, and will not strain if the poor starved and stripped Elapma lost, make, their rich, not even God judge them on the resurrection account is severe, then punish them a painful punishment. " [6] .
It is not considered a Muslim if the full while a Muslim, and his neighbor is hungry by his side and he knows him, narrated that Anas b. Malik may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allahe What is safe me from Havana, and his neighbor is hungry by his side and he knows it [7] .
And Abdullah bin Almsawr said: I heard Ibn Abbas y, a spare Ibn al-Zubayr said: I heard the Messenger of Allah - e - Says, «is not a believer who eats his fill when his neighbor is hungry by his side». [8]
But considered first aid and to bring happiness by one of the best acts of worship, and the best business, narrated Abdullah bin Hassan bin Hassan, from his father, grandfather, said: The Messenger of Allah e "The obligations of forgiveness to bring happiness to your brother Muslim." [9]..
Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah e : The most beloved deeds to Allah after the obligatory prayers to bring happiness to a Muslim. [10]
And Sufyan bin appointment; said: It is said of Mohammed bin Munkadir: Any business better? He said to bring happiness to the believer. He was told: the world I love you? He said, favors the Brotherhood. And if the pilgrimage out his wives and apprentices by their masters to the Hajj, and was told to do so, he said: show me God Almighty. The Hajj and in debt, and was told to do so, he said: I spend is the religion. [11]
And Abu Darda 'said: The Messenger of Allah e : It was a link to his brother to a Muslim Sultan in the amount of righteousness, or to bring happiness, Allah raised in grades high in Paradise [12]
It made ​​the ambulance hungry and deprived at the time of the intensity of the most important duties, narrated that 'Abd-Rahman ibn Abi Bakr that the owners of such people were poor, and that the Prophet - e - A «of the food had the two should go third, and four or sixth Fajams». And that Abu Bakr came three Hence, the Prophet - e - Ten, and I said, it is my father and my mother, I do not know, and my wife said, and a server between us and the house of Abu Bakr. And that Abu Bakr ate supper with the Prophet - e - And then broadcast where I prayed dinner, then came back and he tarried until dinner the Prophet - e - Came after what went on by night, God willing, she told him his wife and kept you from Oziavk - or said your guest - said Uma Ashitem said they refuse even coming, have suggested they refused. Said I went I hid, he said, O Günther, Fjda insult and said, Eat not Blessed . He said God does not feed at all, and Im is what we take from the top only Lord of the bottom more of them. said means until they were filled and became more than they were before, looked at her, Abu Bakr, if is the same or more of them. He said to his wife, my sister built Firas What's that she does not amuse and delight my eyes now than before that three times. he ate, including Abu Bakr and said it was from the devil - means his right hand - and then eat them a bit, then carry them to the Prophet - e - Became him, and it was between us and the people who a decade, he went away-term Vfrguena twelve men, each with a man whom people, God knows how much each man ate with them Ojmon, or, as [13] . .
Narrated that Abu Sa'eed said: While we are on a journey with the Prophet e The man came to his camel, he said, he started hitting right and left, said the Prophet e : Who was he preferred to back same thing to those who do not appeared to him, and whom he had preferred to increased same thing to those who do not have more money, recalled from the items mentioned until we saw that not one of us right to the virtue. [14] .
That it requires for the ruler to create for each of the work he was able, from Anas bin Malik, that a man from the Ansar came to the Prophet e Ask him, he said: "The thing in your house?" He said: Yes, we wear Helles and simplify some part of it, and it Qab drink of water, he said, "bring me with them", he said, came to them, the Messenger of Allah Vokhzhma e His hand and said, "Who buys these?" A man said: I am, I take very Dirhams (AED), said: "It is more than AED twice, or three times," said a man: I take very Bdrhmin Voatihama him, and took Darhmin and gave them Ansari, said: "Buy one of them Vanbzh food to your family, and buy access by the other I missed it, "came to him, he stressed the Messenger of Allah e Promises in his hand, and then said to him: "Go, sell Vaantab, and ARINC fifteen days," the man went Ihttab and sell, and he came was hit ten dirhams, he bought a dress each other, and each food, he said the Messenger of Allah e "This is good for you that the issue comes a joke in your face the Day of Resurrection, the issue is not only good for three: the one who abject poverty, or the one who was fined Mfeza, or the one who's blood painful" [15]
It is the enactment of family allowance for each child is born in Islam, whether born son of a governor or employee, or was the son of a worker or Sooqah .. It was narrated that Ibn 'Umar said: The age is not required for the newborn until weaned, he said, then ordered the calling he called out: Do not Hasten your children for weaning; then we assume each child born in Islam, he said, and wrote that in outlook for each child born in the imposition of Islam " [16]
And my father before, he said, the people in time of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab if the child is born, the imposition of his ten, when he reaches that supposedly attached to it, when he was Sid singled out the baby, and make that of Al-Futtaim, but he kept so until the pieces of Omar bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan all, except for those willing Abu 'Ubayd said: saying: the right by means obligatory, and saying: If a child is born to impose it, the other is the view of life which returned to him " [17]
And illiteracy ibn Yazid said: I asked 'Umar bin Abdul Aziz: to impose the son to me, he said: "If you impose the son to me like imposed for this," said Abu Obaid: I do not know this face, but he was not weaned, because this is known of the opinion . as well as the opinion of Umar ibn al-Khattab one: not to impose the baby until weaned, then left and the imposition of all births. as well as the opinion of Othman and Ali, who issued a fatwa by Al-Hussein Bin Ali, peace be upon them, Verahm wherein they differ, as long as the baby, if became to weaning did not which differ, not only to be strains of the people present who described their experience in the door first, but they are from their parents "[18]
This is apart from education, which instills emotional roots of Islam in the hearts of Muslims, and in the depths of their feelings, and their consciences .. Hanaaa for everyone rushes to achieve cooperation, solidarity, altruism and the desire and faith, and voluntarily choose ..
In fact, the largest historical witness to what we say .. Here are some examples of symbiosis in the Muslim community, and in sympathy and Trahmh and cooperation:
Muhammad bin Ishaq said: The people living in the city do not know where to live and gives them, and when he died, Ali Ben Al Hussein lost Frvo that it was he who was brought to them at night as it gives them.
When he died they found in his back and his shoulders carry bursa impact to the homes of widows and the needy in the night.
And it was said that he was counting one hundred one household in the city do not know this until he died.
And entered the bin Al-Hussein Bin Ali Mohamed Osama bin Zaid Aaudh's son wept and said to him: What makes you cry? He said the religion, he said: how much is it? He said: fifteen thousand dinars - In the novel seventeen thousand dinars - and he said: It is Ali. [19]
Laith was used twenty thousand dinars in each year, and said: What is the obligatory Zakat, and never.
And gave Layth Ibn Lahee'ah thousand dinars, and gave the owner of a thousand dinars, and gave Ben Ammar Mansour preacher thousand dinars, and ongoing settled three hundred dinars.
He said: A woman came to Laith, said: O Abu al-Harith, the son of queer to me, and coveted honey.
He said: O boy, Give Mirta honey. Almrt and: twenty and one hundred pounds.
Al-Harith bin and poor, he said, people who bought from Laith Called a map where the bags, he ordered them fifty dinars, his son said to him, the Al-Harith, said: Oh God, forgive me, they hoped they had the hope, and I wanted to Oawwadhm hope of this. [20]
It was Abdullah bin Al-Mubarak great imam updated many alms, and went back to the Hajj Vajtaz some of the country and he died a bird with them and ordered threw him to the dustbin of there, and walked his companions in front of him and leaves is behind them, and when he passed Palmzbilh if the current has gone out of the house close to them I took the bird dead then gesture and then rushed him to the house, came and asked her for her and took her dead, she said: My brother and I here we do not have anything except this Mizar, and we have no food except what blemishes on the dump, has been solved for us dead a few days ago and was the father his money Fezlm and take his money and killed.
I ordered the blessed cold loads and told his agent: How long to spend with you?
He said a thousand dinars.
He said, counting them twenty dinars enough for us to MRO and give the rest, this is the best of our pilgrimage this year, then returned. [21]
On concerted efforts of the State, and the efforts of the community, and the efforts of individuals in solving the problem of poverty, does not remain in the Muslim community is poor and needy, and blessed the Muslim Ummah cast security, and prosperity, solidarity and stability .. and free members of the society of all the factors of crime, and deviations mental .. and see first hand our eyes fluttering banner of Islamic pride in Alia glory and dignity, and that day believers will rejoice in Allah's victory. [22]
[1] - People of faith to Bayhaqi (6336) Upgrade to others
Sheikh (Alkbave) Allah's mercy: may be he wanted ingratitude for the blessing, which is against the thanks not Kafr ingratitude which is against the faith, which is that poverty is a blessing from Allaah to His slave; to have caused the return to God and enjoy him, and demand it, which ornament Prophets, Alosfia uniforms, and logo of the righteous, and Accessories believers, it is narrated in the hadeeth: "If you see poverty coming to you, then say hello sign of the righteous." And Roy: "The poverty of the insured slave Azin Alawar good horse on the cheek," and it was so great a blessing, but hated painful, heavy duty, said, "almost," atone for the grace of poverty borne the weight of the soul.Sea-called benefits of the meanings of the good guys Klabave (42)
[2] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (3 / 303) (1028) correctly
[3] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (6708) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (2 / 120) (394)
[4] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (6 / 885) (20 640) 20 916 - and true Muslim - Thesaurus - (6568)
[5] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1296)
[6] - Little Dictionary of Tiberias - (1 / 275) (453) is brought and detained and arrested like
Out loud: Any question or theft
[7] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (1 / 314) (750) is true for other
[8] - Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi - Thesaurus - (10 / 3) (20 160) is true
[9] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (3 / 141) (2665) Upgrade to the other
[10] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (9 / 284) (10 916) Upgrade to the other
[11] - Sit in jewels and the flag - (4 / 30) (1180) correctly
[12] - Musnad Ahamyin 360 - (1 / 40) (28) Upgrade to others
[13] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (602) - cutting: cutting off the nose called - Aghannther: heavy decay or
[14] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (4614) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/238) (5419)
[15] - Sunan Abi Dawood - Thesaurus - (1643) good
[16] - Funds for Qasim ibn Salaam (500) weak
[17] - Funds for Qasim ibn Salaam (514) Posted Hassan
[18] - Funds for Qasim ibn Salaam (513) Hassan
[19] - Beginning and the End of Ibn Kathir Checker - (10/212)
[20] - Nubala (8 / 149)
[21] - Beginning and the End of Ibn Kathir (c / r: 10/192)
[22] - Who wants more Islam in the treatment of poverty refer to the book (of social solidarity in Islam) to Alwan
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