Ensure the effects of social and functional.. Neglect of home and family and negligence in the performance of career and school attendance

First, the neglect of home and family:
Sitting young man in the cafe or on the sidewalks or in parks or in the other .. and enjoys Balsmr with his friends either watching satellite channels or play a great loss, or playing ball .. and forget himself and his family and his parents and meet their needs or, the more sad thing is if the family is busy for the follow-up of his children and care and consideration of the interests and meeting their needs and follow-up lessons .. the wife is the latest thinking in Vtgls poor to the late hours of the night and taking her hand on her cheek waiting for her husband, who were not in the mind, and there were in his imagination .. All of this negligence, which held to account for which a person Day of Judgement Al-Bukhaari and others from Abdullah ibn Umar
'Umar that he heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him says, "you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock Imam shepherd and is responsible for his flock and a shepherd of men in his family is responsible for his flock" to talk drew up an answer to the question and the answer is correct
And that continuing this habit may lead to separation between the spouses because women with frequent pressure and difficulties faced by the offset relinquish the house and the children frequently leads to explosion problems or at the request of separation and divorce!! Then you then think of the evil consequences of divorce, especially if between you boys .. and if you want to know some of these evils, you just need that one visit to the role of social care and ask the experts about the cause of the President in the presence of these young people to this place and you are adversary yourself?!! God has given you the reason and please all the other creatures will do your mind? And the movement of your mind? And think for yourself? I ask God for it and to help you and to guide us.
Second compromising functionality or school attendance:
If the young man to stay awake late into the night Can this young man to attend to school early?! Can this employee to come to work on time? If it came as a presumption in time, will be attending his effectiveness and its activity is required? But be on the pitiful state?!! Shall be in existence Kaadmh!!Human body should take a rest until the restoration of his abilities and intellectual and physical activities; and without this convenience will continue throughout the day tired Qlqla.
Third, to ensure violation of the divine years:
Allah says:}, who made ​​you the night clothes and sleep repose, and makes the day resurrection {[Al-Furqan: 47] and the Almighty says:} God who made ​​you the night to dwell therein and the day Mbesra {forgiving: 61] God Almighty made ​​the night a home and clothes faint world Vtskn the movements, and home to animals to their homes, and birds to the nests, and Tstgm the souls and the rest of the code search and fatigue, even if you took the souls comfort and slumber and looked forward to Maaischha and their disposal, came unconformity Alabbah Almighty during the day .. Vanchr animal behavior in this life and interests and out bird nests.
Why are you, O Muslim violates this year and the Lord's divine wisdom?!
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