Equality in education between males and females .. Women are like men in legal costs and to get the penalty eschatological

The scholars and jurists in advance and succeed, what must be learned for the imposition of the eye in which women as men alike, for two reasons:
I: women are like men in the cost of legitimacy.
Second, women are like men in the penalty Neil Hereafter.
- The fact that women are like men in costs legitimacy is because Islam is entrusted with all the costs assigned to the man of prayer, fasting, Zakat and Hajj,
righteousness, justice and charity .. and the sale, purchase, mortgage and power of attorney .. and enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil .. and the other of these burdens and responsibilities, except In some special cases, which excluded such as:
- Either because of hardship and prejudice to the health Kaafaúha of fasting and prayer in the days of menstruation and the puerperium.
- Or the fact that the burdens and the business is not consistent with the physical composition and the nature of femininity as if the exercise of hostilities or be constructive and metal ..
- Or that the work is practiced by the conflict with the normal function that created the responsibilities of standing for her family, raising children, and supervision of the House ..
- Or have the effect of corruption on their work as if there are serious social functions and in the work of the mixed men and women ..
All the rest of the business and the costs and duties as men are worse for same.
In appreciation and with brilliant insights that such exemptions for women and raise its estimate for the dignity and status.
Otherwise it is satisfied that the work of women hurling raised concern about their duties towards her husband and her home and her children?
God bless and Shawki when he said:
Is not an orphan of parents who are over life and successors humiliated
The orphan is the one who had abandoned him or the father is busy
Here is what the philosophers of the West about women going out, and work outside the home:
  Said Mark English (Samuel Smills) in his book (ethics): (A system that requires that operate women in the laboratory and the role of industries, however the resultant wealth. The result was destructive to build a home life, because it attacked the structure of the house, and undermined the pillars of the family, and tore links Social .. because the function of real woman is to do homework: arrangement home and raising her children, and the economy in the means of living with to the needs of family .. but laboratories Slchtha of all of these duties so that the house is houses, and become the children growing up on the non-breeding true because they are throwing in the corners of neglect, and extinguished love, marriage, and went out of women from being a wife is cute, and context-loving man, and became his colleague at work and hardship, and are vulnerable to the effects that erase the often humble intellectual and moral, which it over saved Virtue ..).
The fact that women are like men in Neil penalty eschatological be enough to leaf through the Koran great to look at verses extensive settle for women to have their reward .. Here is a party to these verses: {he did to them will I be lost the work of you, male or female, some of you from some Those who migrated and driven from their homes and traumatized in my path and fought and died for their sins and Okvrn Adkhalnhm Gardens underneath which rivers reward from God, and God has a good reward! (195) Surat Al-Imran
{And whoever does good deeds whether male or female, is a believer, such will enter Paradise will not be wronged Nkira} (124) Nisa
{The Muslim men and women, the believing men and women, the devout and Aleghantat, {The Muslim men and women and believing men and women and devout and Aleghantat, honest and Alsadqat and the patient, and Alsaberat and humble and Alkhashat and Almtsedkin and Almtsedkat and fasting and Alsaúmat and conservers their private parts and folders and who remember Allah much and the memories Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and great reward.} (35) Al-Ahzab
It indicates that women as men in gaining wage and reward are not characterized by something, what was the names of the girl than of the sons of Abdul Ansariya Alohhl, they came to the Prophete Is among his companions, she said: my father, you and Mom, I am a newcomer women to you, and I know, myself to you sacrifice, that there is a woman located in the east and west I heard Bmkhrgi this or did not hear but which on such opinion, that God sent you to the men and all women, Vamana you and your God, and I O women Mahsourat booths rules of your homes and Mufdi instincts, and carriers of your children, and you Socialized men Vdiltm we combine, groups, and visiting the sick, and witnesses for funerals, and for the pilgrimage after the Hajj, and better than that of Jihad in the way of Allah Almighty, and a man of you if it comes out Hajj or 'Umrah, or stationed we keep your money for you, and you Ghazlna Othoapkm, and you brought up your children, what we share in pay, O Messenger of God? I turned the Prophet e To face all his companions and said: "Have you heard of any woman, the best article in Msaltha all of this is religion?" They said: O Messenger of God, you think a woman to be guided like this, the Prophet turned e It, he said: "Anasrfa Woman, and remember the women behind you, that good Tbaal that when one of her husband's request and please Him, and follow the agreed adjusted all," he said Vadbert women are cheering and grow Astbashara " [1]
It is clear from this Hadith that the reward as did women in the order of her home, and obedience to her husband, and raising her children .. men in the adjusted wage jihad and competence ..
It demonstrates that Islam is the daughter took care of her education in terms of this hadith the following:
From Abu Sa'eed that the Messenger of Allah e , He said: Whoever has three daughters or three sisters, or daughters, or sisters, Sahpthen so well, and fears Allaah, will enter Paradise. [2]
And Abu Burdah from his father, the Messenger of Allah said: - e - «Any man who has been the result of Flmha so well taught, discipline and literature so well, then set her and married her double reward, and very much a man of the people who believed in his book and believes in me will have two rewards, and whatever has owned the right of freed slaves the right of his Lord will have two rewards» [3] .
And Abu Said, a woman came to the Messenger of Allah - e - Said, 'O Messenger of God men have taken all your time, so make us yourself, Natick days when we learned that your knowledge of God. And he said «gathered in on such and such place in such and such». Vajtman Votahn Messenger of Allah - e - Flmhen than knowing God and then said, «What a woman of you made ​​between the hands of three of her child, but had a veil of fire». She said a woman whom, O Messenger of Allah said two Voaadtha twice, and then said, «and two and two and two» [4] .
Which saved him from these texts that Islam is the education of the girl beneficial knowledge, and culture useful .. and if any of the scholars, past of preventing women's education, so prevention focused on learning poetry obscene, and empty talk, and literature, cheap, and science harmful .. but to learn science that of benefit in both religious and worldly terms, and that says hair wise sober, and speak the arbitrator .. there is no glorious ending of this and stop him!! ..
Stated in the introduction to the book teachers of Ibn Sahnoun (that the judge piety Isa bin poor person was Ikri daughters and Hvidath .. said Ayaz: If after the times called for his two daughters and daughters of his brother to teach them the Qur'an and science, as well as he did before light glossy (Asad ibn al-Furat), his daughter, whose names gained a high degree of knowledge .. and told Khushani that was polite Palace, Prince Mohammed bin mostly, and he knew of children during the day, and girls in the night ..).
Has been proven historically that women under Islam and reached the highest levels of science and culture, and won the largest share of education in the early Islamic period ..
Muslim women was a writer and poet like an ant attic girl Mehdi, Aisha Ahmed bin girl is coming, and the birth of girl Caliph Mustakfi God ..
The doctor of them built like an ant Zainab doctor I knew that treating eye diseases, girl, Umm Hassan Abu Jaafar Tunjala the judge was highlighting the famous doctor of medicine ..
It was decent of them be playing like an ant Almrozih, Ms. Nafisa Mohammed's daughter, has said Hafiz Sakba - the narrators of a modern - that the number of elders and teachers of the women had invasive and eighty professor.
And reached many of them the status of scientific high was of them professors and teachers of Imam Shafi'i, and Imam Al-Bukhari, Ibn Khalkan, Ibn Hibbaan .. all of whom are scholars, scientists and writers famous .. and the biggest proof of what the advantage of Islamic education from the care of science and genius intellectual, and Islamic culture diverse. .
If Shara authorized for a woman to learn what benefit her in something religious and worldly terms .. you should be learning in isolation from males, and far away from them .. until he handed over the girl presented and honor, and even the always reputable, dignified manners, much respect ..
Perhaps the first writer to education advocated the separation of the sexes in the field of education and the other is the imam, Gabes, it was stated in his letter on education (it is good-looking not to confuse the males and females), and when he was asked (Ibn Sahnoun) for co-education, male and female, he said: (I hate that knows slain with the boys because that corrupt them) .. and if I Sahnoun and Gabes considered that separating girls from boys for fear of corruption - Froehma This, in fact - is derived from the Sharia, the Islamic ruling, submitted on each order and the rule in this life to the verse:
  {What was the believer, man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger is to have the good of their affairs and disobeys Allah and His Messenger has gone astray astray indicating} (36) Al-Ahzab
He says: {O you who believe, do not enter houses of the Prophet except that authorized you to the food is beholding his self, but if you were called Vadkhaloa If Taemtem Vantchroa not quoting the hadeeth that Such is the harm of the Prophet Visthieddi you, and God does not shy from the right and if Saltamohen baggage, ask them from behind a screen that is purer for your hearts and their hearts and what was Tazu you that the Messenger of Allah nor marry his wives after him that never was with God; that is great! (53) Al-Ahzab
If this verse was revealed in the mothers of the believers .. What matters is - as fundamentalists - for the whole word is not on reason, and if the mothers of the believers lump Bafthen and purity were Mamorat veil, and not to appear to foreigners, Muslim women in general Mamorat conceal and not to appear a fortiori, this concept of so-called priority when scholars and scientists of assets.
He says of the: {Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that is purer for them that Allah is Aware of what they do (30) Say to the believing women to lower their gaze and Ihfezn them has not to reveal their adornment except that which is apparent and stamp their necks and bosoms and not to show off their adornment except to their husbands or fathers or fathers of their husbands or sons or the sons of their husbands, brothers or sons, or their sister's sons or their women or the slaves their faith or their non-primary Alarbh men or children who did not show the faults of women not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment and repent to God and all, O believers, you may be successful (31)}   Surat Al-Nur
If so - in this verse - including lowering the gaze, and put the veil on the head and opening the chest, and not to show adornment and attractions but the Back .. Is not this indicates that the inclusion of Muslim women are enjoined to conceal, modesty and chastity and not to mix with foreigners?
He says: {O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women screen themselves completely except the minimum not to be annoyed and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful} (59) Al-Ahzab.
Imagine how the mixing of alien women and Muslim women in this verse, is commanded to wear hijab, wear robes?
These texts from Qur'an, hadith prohibits the mixing of men and women are not likely to strictly boycotted the doubt or controversy!! ..
Those They allow mixing, and justify it Ptauadat social, and psychological treatments and the arguments of legitimacy, they in fact invent the Shara, and ignore the instinct instinctive, and ignore the harsh reality that has contributed to human societies as a whole ..
As they invent to Islam - in their case to the mix - .. Vlnasos many already mentioned earlier.
But they ignore the instinct instinctive .. it is because of what God created men and women rode in their sexual orientation to the other.
{Framed your face upright for religion of human nature which God has created in mankind does not switch to God's creation is religion, but most people do not know} (30) Ar-Rum
Does he want the advocates of mixing and music to change laws of the universe, and that changed the human nature, and transform human life, especially if both men and women - in the event of Achtlathma - hungry, sexually and Maúaan moral, the strife - no doubt - the most, and attracted to the outrageous informed and stronger!! ..
If mixing since childhood, and in all stages of life makes to look at women is a familiar commonplace does not move myself in men and women instinct and lust .. the overturned affection between the spouses to enmity, and compassion between them to injustice, and sexual contact to Brod .. and what may one of them to stay with the other in the shadow of marriage, and that otherwise the viewer and reality!! ..
But they ignore the bitter reality that has contributed to human societies in the experience of mixing .. Vlasaloa communities of Western and Eastern than reached by the women from the degradation and corruption, pornography and immorality .. note that mixing is common in all the layers and at different levels: in the street, at school, in the store, in the circuit, at the university, in the parks .. everywhere ..
Here's something from their reality: and the results of their experiences of reality and the numbers:
It is these facts:
According to the book (Islam and world peace) of the martyr Sayyid Qutb (the percentage of pregnant school girls high school in America was in one of the cities (48) per cent).
  Newspaper Sunday quoted the Lebanese in the number of figure (650) for sex scandals in American colleges and universities as follows:
- (Sex scandals in American colleges and universities are among the students is renewed and growing every year).
- (Students who were demonstrating at the universities of America chanted the girls want .. want to Nrvh for ourselves).
- Attack of the following from students to student bedrooms, and the theft of clothes Interior).
- The Dean of the University commenting on the event: (Most of the students are suffering from hunger sexually terrible, There is no doubt that the current of modern life have the greatest impact on the abnormal behavior of the students).
- It is said the newspaper as well: (and statistics indicated last year that the (120) thousand children born to illegal girls as young as twenty, many of whom are students from universities and colleges ..).
- And went on the newspaper, saying: (A report to the police in the state (Providence) to (66) students were killed in May last weekend in (Rodailand) is no longer the students to the university, but to the state prison, where they were arrested and are in situations of suspicious and some were using drugs ..).
- The newspaper quoted a governess social (Margaret Smith) recently said it: (that students do not think only of Bawatafha, and means to respond to this emotion .. More than sixty percent of the students dropped off in the examinations, and the reasons for failure is that they think about sex more of their lessons and even though their future .. (10) percent of them are still only provinces ..).
  The (George Baluchi) in his book (the sexual revolution) is as follows: (In the year 1962, stated (Kennedy) that the future of America is in danger because the youth fluid promiscuous steeped in the passions can not the responsibility upon himself, and that of all the seven young men applying for recruitment is Six is good, because the desires that sank the corrupted fit medical and psychological). In the year 1962, said (Khrushchev) - also told Kennedy - that Russia's future is in danger, and the youth of Russia can not be trusted on its future, because the fluid promiscuous steeped in lust).
  He says (Del Durant in his book Platform philosophy): (We are again faced with the problem that has troubled mind (Socrates), we mean how to guide us to the ethics of natural replace balances upper that champion their impact on people's behavior? We squander our social this corruption, immoral) .
(And the invention of contraception and Veuaha is the direct cause of change in our morals, it was the moral law out of date restricts the relevant sexual marriage .. because marriage leads to paternity can not be separated, was not the father responsible for his son's only way of marriage .. Today, the dissolved Association between the link between the sexual and reproduction, and created the position our fathers did not expect, because all the relations between women and men are changing as a result this factor ..).
(.. But it is shameful that satisfy the pleasure of half a million American Girl presenting themselves victims on the altar of child pornography, which is presented to us in theater and literature short, those trying to earn money to evoke sexual desire in men and women deprived of (Fort) Marriage and sponsorship of health ).
(.. Every man, while delayed marriage, accompanied by street girls who Itskan in vulgarity apparent, and finds a man to satisfy his instincts for in this period of delay, an international system is equipped with the latest improvements and regulated highest forms of scientific management, and the world seems to have invented every conceivable way to raise desires and fulfill ..).
(And more likely that this renewal in the popularity of pleasure more than they had thought cooperation with the attack on Darwin's religious beliefs, and when he discovered that the young men and women sought Bmlazhm defames religion in science a thousand reasons to stigmatize the religion ..).
(... No choice but to take the body in the revolution (citizenship), and to weaken the power of restraint than in the old time, and become chastity was a virtue derided, and disappears modesty, which was to confer on beauty beauty and the pride of men counting their sins, and calling women the right to Adventures Unlimited on an equal footing with men and become a contact before marriage is common, and disappear prostitutes (ie, adulterous paid) from the streets to compete with amateur (ie adulterous motivated by passion) does not audit the police .. ) [5] It is published (Alheiraldtrbion) American edition 29/06/1979 A summary of the research carried out by a group of American specialists on the strange phenomenon began to spread in Western societies in general, and in American society in particular, a phenomenon that commit adultery with the taboo Kalpnt and sister .. The researchers say: (This is no longer a rare occurrence, but it is so hard to believe, there is a family of ten households where this is practiced homosexuality )!!.. How this with incest if he met the young couple with each other in study or work or a job .. not an association of two ratios, from almost nothing to do ..? There is no doubt that Aqtrafhma to be obscene, a fortiori!! .. These facts we have listed for the reality of the United exotic experience of mixing is only the tip of the iceberg, and a point from the sea of ​​the deviations of sexual and moral, which led to the global community as a whole as a result of painful to the curse of wanton display and unveiling and mixing in times of recession and of delusion .. note that mixing at the Western and Eastern starts from kindergarten to the primary to lower secondary to secondary to university .. but mixing - as we noted - is common and is present in other applied social life at all. Does any sane person believe a vision - a dimension that we have explained - that mixing between the sexes - as claimed by the advocates of mixing today - limits the instinct of revolt, and reduce the frenzy of lust, and makes the meeting of men to women was commonplace and ordinary? The schemes of colonialism and Zionism, and the doctrines of pornographic material and target .. first targeted to corrupt the Muslim community, and the destruction of his being, stripped and then fast .. And it tore apart the moral values ​​and religious concepts among young men and women, and promote fluidity and decay in every aspect of Muslim society .. women when they are the first targets in this call pornography, and the field cunning, they are the element weak and emotional to implement any plan to call pornography, and the methodology of colonization. Says one of the leaders of the colonists: (Cup and the Ghanaian nation are doing to destroy the Mohammedan than doing a thousand cannon, Vogrkoha in love with the material and desires). He says much of the Masonic elders dissolute: (We must win the women's, any day stretched out her hand to us we won something haraam, and dispel the victorious army of the religion).
A (Protocols of the Elders of Zion) is as follows: (we must work to break down morality everywhere Vtsel our control .. The (Freud) of us, and will continue to display sexual relations in the light of the sun in order not to remain in the eyes of young people is something sacred, and becomes his main concern is a strong quench sexual instinct, and then collapsing morals). Those who claim to mixing of the female mentioned in the land of Islam, and they want to be a common effect in the rest of our social life .. what are in fact only propaganda tool and the implementation of the plans of the enemies of Islam from the owners of the doctrines of the material and atheistic and pornography, and advocates ideas of colonial Zionism and Freemasonry .. from where they know or do not know, and where they feel or not feel. What parents and educators and officials permission to set aside females than males in education and other education to arise girls on virtue and chastity, and recognizes the community of evil and decay, and checks for youth and young women to Yakathm medical and psychological .. and even edit the Islamic nation as well as the plans of the enemies of Islam in the corruption of Muslim women. The best what she said Aisha Timorese flag in pride and chastity and the veil: However, chastity and safeguard the Izz diaphragmatic Bhmte Osmo to my peers What Dharna literary learning and good but being a flower kernels What Aagueni Khgele for Supreme Muffler and Sdl Bmutai union and [6] [1] - to know the companions of Abu Naeem - (6 / 3259) (7512) and the people of faith - (11/177) (8369) Upgrade [2] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (2 / 189) (446) is true [3] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus -, 5083 [4] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (7310) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (6868) [5] - the first part of the book (Platform philosophy), p. 6-134 [6] - Raising Children in Islam to Alwan - (1 / 222)
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