Ethics listen during the recitation of the Quran out of respect to him and pay homage to the Almighty dismisses

He says: So, when the Qur'an is recited, and listened to him, that ye may obtain mercy} (204) Surat norms
God said that the Quran for people insights and guidance and mercy, commanded the believers to listen to it when read to benefit Bhadah, and Aazama and respected him. If you read the imam in prayer out loud Valmatamon by listening and reading with him. [1]
Listening to the Quran and listen to him - the villages where E - is Aloliq majesty of this view, Glory and majesty of saying! If God said do you not listen to people and listen?! Then please mercy to them: «You may receive mercy» What .. devoted to prayer? Where read the Koran, and heard his breath and listened, it was because the allergic aware of and are affected by and respond and that was allergic to show mercy in this world and the Hereafter all ..
People lose the loss is not something opposed Bansrav for this Qur'an verse .. but the one to make sometimes in self - when he hears them and listens - marvels of emotion and vulnerability and to respond and adapt to vision and perception,
And reassurance, comfort, and move away in the conscious knowledge of the enlightened do not realize that .. only knew him and he tastes! If getting down to the Koran - in the awareness and management, not just reading and Alturnm! - To establish in the heart and mind of a clear vision and long-term knowledge and reassuring Amestiqna heat and vitality and start! It is positive and determination and no other sport or Tdanyh knowledge or workout! The vision of the realities of existence - through photography the Qur'an - and the realities of life, and the vision of human life and nature and needs of the allied casualties Qur'an, amuse see the impressive and clear accurate deep. Permanent to be addressed and practiced in a spirit other than what he is to be other depictions and allied casualties human .. 
All of this is allergic to .. and he shall be mercy in prayer and in other prayers. And there is nothing to be allocated this year to pray Quranic guidance as al-Qurtubi for copper. [2]
And Abu Amama, said: The Messenger of Allah r : Learn the Koran, it will come on the Day of Resurrection intercede for his friends, and you Balzhrawin: Baqarah and Aal, they come on the Day of Resurrection like two Gmamtan, or if they were Gaaatan, or Farrakhan of birds Thajan for their companions, and you fit of the cow, it took her blessing, and left her grief, and can in heroine. [3]
The two bright ones: Color Flower: the yoke, and cast iron, white yoke and Venus, which is the best color eggs.
Cloud: the cloud, and combining the clouds.
Agheiaah: I keep all rights and the other above it, a Calcahabh, and he wanted it: that the sura Kalshe the human remains from harm in the heat and cold, and others.
The difference: the group of individual sheep and birds and so on.
Sawaf: Safh collection, which describe their wings when flying.
Thajan: argument: argument and debate, and demonstrate the argument.
Alasthsae: and statistics: collection and promise one thing and take it.
"Listening to him and listen to Islamic duty is worth Bjalil speech and the greatness of the speaker, then descend mercy. Wherever and whenever he read the Koran, followed by the faithful mercies Tnazelt described the souls and hearts that were recommended in the Qur'an and dhikr and worship, and the provisions of legislation." [4]
"We must not forget the impact of good faith in response to the child, who revered Valmrbe the Koran and revered and improves the listening to it, will have the greatest impact in the same child and a great appreciation for the Word of God Almighty" [5]
  It is a book of God, his status Kmenzelh his home, and maximize the veneration of the saying, and literature with the literature with God and it behooves a Muslim to learn these arts to Altzmha with the holy book of God.
1 - that means reading the face of God Almighty, and learn the rules of writing, the implementation of the Command of his Lord by reading the Koran.
Allah says: {and ordered not to worship God worship none but Him and establish prayer and pay Zakat and the value of debt} (5) Surat evidence.
This is the base of the religion of God at all: the worship of God alone, and the sincerity of religion for him, and the tendency for polytheism and its people, establishing prayer, paying zakat: «and the debt value» .. faith pure in conscience, and worship of God, translated for this doctrine, and to spend the money in For God, and zakat .. it has these rules, he has faith, as ordered by the people of the book, as is the religion of God at all. one religion. and the doctrine of one, coming in the messages, and Atuay the Apostles .. religion is not ambiguous and complicated . The doctrine does not call for separate There is no dispute and, in this Nasaah, and that simple, and this facilitation. Where is this complex of these perceptions, and so much controversy? [6]
And Imran ibn Husayn that he passed on the storyteller reads and then he asked Fastrdja then said: I heard the Messenger of Allah - r - Says «read from the Koran that can ask God it will come some people read the Koran by asking people». Narrated by al-Tirmidhi [7] .
2 - To be on the purity of the two events, Valtharh of impurity, menstruation, postpartum forced to read the Koran or Quran and touched him.
He says: It is a Quran Karim (77) in the book innermost (78) none can touch but the purified (79) download from the Lord of the Worlds (80)} of the incident.
This is the Quran which was revealed to Muhammad the Koran is a great benefit, many of the good, a prolific science, in the book shall be maintained hidden from the eyes of creation, a book which in the hands of the angels. Do not touch the Qur'aan except the noble angels who Tehrhm God of pests and sin, and touch is also only Almttehron of trap and impurity and the event. This is the Quran's house from the Lord of the Worlds, it is right that not uncontroversial. [8]
It was narrated that 'Amr ibn Murrah said: I heard Abdullah ibn Salamah said: I entered the Ali Bin Abi Taleb and I are two men: a man of us, and a man from Bani Asad, I think Fboshma face, and said: ye Agan Fga for Denkma, then entered the outlet and then went out, He took a handful of water and then wipe it came, and recites the Quran Vonkerna read this, 'Ali said: The Messenger of Allah r comes the toilet make up the needed, and then come out with us eats bread and meat, and read the Koran, the Koran does not veiled for something that is not impurity, impurity, or unless the "Son of Khuzaymah [9] .
3 - cleaning the mouth bleed and others, because the course of the Word of God be blessed and exalted.
It was narrated from Ali Ibn Abi Talib said that your mouth ways of the Koran Aftebouha them bleed. "Narrated by Ibn Majah [10]
4 - is recommended for the reader to sit in the future if he can kiss, it was narrated that Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah r : Akram councils are received by the kiss "Tabaraani [11]
Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah r : The honor of all things, and honor councils are received by the kiss, and look at his brother's book is his, if he has seen in the fire. " [12]
  And may be read or standing or walking or lying in bed or on the road or on other cases and has paid, albeit without first [13] .
5 - purity of the place, clothes, Nzafthma, and beautification and perfume preparation for conversing with God by reading his words. He says: {And purify your garments! (4) Al Amma, is likely to be his clothes, his all, and cleared clearance and advice, and rhythm in the best faces, and purification for Alambtalat and Mufsdat, and Tenders from the evil and hypocrisy, and hypocrisy, and wonder, and grow, and negligence, and so on, which ordered a person but avoid the acts of worship.
And enters the clean clothes of impurity, that it will be very cleansing for the work especially in prayer, which he said many of the scientists: The removal of the filth be a condition of prayer. And is likely to be his clothes, the clothes are known, and that officer cleared for [all] impurity, at all times, especially to engage in prayers, and if it is enjoined, the apparent clearance, apparent purity, the purity of the fully sub- [14] .
6 - seeking refuge with the Bismillah before starting Ballawh. He says: If I read the Quran, seek refuge with Allah from Satan the accursed! (98) Al-bees.
Allah orders His Messenger r and His believing slaves, on the lips of the Prophet r Istaazu that Allah from Satan the accursed, if they want to read the Koran. [15]
Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah r : All is not insignificant begins by saying Bismillaah il, he is cut off. " [16]
7 - to constantly read the Koran, the commitment stated on even less, and avoid abandonment Koran and forget about reading. From al-Hasan said: Commander of the Faithful Othman bin Affan may Allah be pleased with him: "If our hearts pure as our people from the words of our Lord, and I hate to come on I do not look in on the Koran, "Matt Osman and even a breach of Msahvh to what was considered perpetuates" [17]
He says: 'O my Lord, that made ​​the national deserted this Quran (30)} Criterion.
The Prophet said, complaining to his Lord: O Lord, that the national had taken the Quran abandoned, meaning that a national who Bostna them to invite them to Touhiedk, and ordered me to inform the Koran to them, had abandoned the book, and left the faith, you did not heed Buaiedk, but turned away from the hearing and his followers. [18]
And Abu Musa that the Prophet - r - The «Read this Qur'aan in Whose Hand is the same is even more to escape than a hobbled camel» Narrated by Muslim [19] .
8 - demand passion and longing and love the Word of God so possesses him his feelings and his feelings, and his heart and mind and soul, and appointed to that put all that occupied the thoughts or words or the worries of this life, especially in the night prayer. He says: God came down the best modern book similar cystic telling of skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and hearts soften to the remembrance of Allah} Zumar 23.
God revealed the best of the modern Koran is similar to each other (cystic), and hesitate in saying, with sermons and provisions for people to understand what he wanted their Lord, and if you read him the verses of torment and punishment Aqhart have skins of those who fear their Lord, and Ocalt with their hearts, and if you read the verses of mercy and forgiveness and reward soften their hearts, and satisfy their souls for Allah. It was called the guided him God, and God guides whom He wills, and lost it, knowing that God will show him the right not to guide him without God. [20]
And Abdullah, said: "I like to know that he loves Allah and His Messenger, so please read the Koran it was like to love God and His Messenger r ". Tabaraani [21] .
9 - improved sound and decorating at the recitation, and singing the Koran to be the most severe, and the biggest impact in the hearts.
Abu Huraira narrated that he heard the Prophet - r - Says «What is authorized for something authorized the Prophet good voice recite the Koran by». Agreed [22] .
And Aisha said: The Messenger of Allah - r - "It is not the Koran Itagn not one of us." Narrated by Abu Ali [23] .
And Mutrif bin Abdullah bin snoring from his father, he said: I saw the Messenger of Allah r pray in the chest, wheezing Koziz boiler from crying. "Son Hibbaan [24]
10 - read the Koran according to the rules of Tajweed, the hymn, as developed by the scholars of the Qur'an Btadath characters, characters, other than speeding, as reported for the string related to the Prophet r to receive the Koran, Ibn al-island:
And the introduction of tajweed inevitably required ... ... ... of grants to the Qur'an not a sinner
To that revealed by God ... ... ... and so it Link to us
This duty Atady practical application of the provisions on what we read is the reader, even if he does not know the rules of Tajweed and its provisions in theory, the important thing to read Baltertal what his God, and singing is refining the characters, and learn to stand as the scholars said, the Almighty said: {The convoy Quran recitation (4 )} Muzzammil.
Read the Koran and strolled to read, because it helps to understand its meaning and manageable, as well as the Messenger of Allah ( r ) Read the Koran [25]
And second to none bin Mof, said: I asked Umm Salamah for prayer, the Messenger of Allah r at night and read it, she said: What you and your prayers and read it? He prayed as much as you sleep, and sleep as much as you pray, and if reading is labeled explained letter by letter. "Ahmed [26] .
Aisha and she said the Messenger of Allah - r - «Skilled Koran honored trip with sons, who reads the Koran and Ataatata it because it is difficult for him a double reward». Narrated by Muslim [27] .
11 - reflection: enact reflect upon reading and understanding, it meant the greatest, and most importantly to be, and its Tnscherh breasts, and inform hearts. He says: Mubarak Book sent down to you may ponder its verses} (Surat Al / 29)
And God sent down to you, O Muhammad, the Koran, and the good and the pool, and the benefit and guidance for mankind, to guide them to the well-being and happiness, and to contemplate Oulu be led and minds and understanding. And ponder the Qur'an does not have good reading, but rather to work upon it, and follow what is in it from orders, and finish what was forbidden by the [28] .
  And said: 'Will they not ponder the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked} (Surat Muhammad / 24)
Do they not ponder what the hypocrites in the Quran and through the sermons to teach residents what they mistake him, or that God has placed upon their hearts, locks are stand between you and understand the Qur'an and ponder his sermons? [29]
  Recipe that holds his heart Baltvkr in the sense of utter it realizes the meaning of each verse, and ponder the commands and prohibitions, and is believed to accept that, if that limit him in the past, I apologize and ask forgiveness, and if over the verse mercy rejoiced and asked, or suffering compassion and seeks refuge, or disliked outings and bone , or supplication and prayer request [30].
And Ali, said: Shall I not tell right Faqih doctrine? People who did not despair of the mercy of God, did not authorize them in the sins of God, did not Aamenhm cunning of God, and did not leave the Qur'an to the other. Not no good in worship is not where they understand, and the best in the jurisprudence of which is not understood, and the best read not in the management [31] .
And Abu Hamza, said: I said to Ibn Abbas: I am a quick read, and I read the Quran in three said: "Because the read-Baqarah at night Vodberha and Ertlha dearer to me than to read as you say," In the novel "beloved to me than to read the Koran whole cluttering" [32]
And Abdullah, he said, who wants the flag should read the Qur'an, which informed the first two and the others. " [33]
And Abu Abdel Rahman Salami said: Tell us companions of the Messenger of God r Iktrion they were from the Messenger of Allah r Ajuzun not ten, so they know what a work of science, said: Vtalmana the Qur'an and science, work all. " [34]
It is now a lot of advances followed one single verse of the whole night, repeating to manage what is already there, and whenever he returned it was revealed of sense, and appeared to him from the lights, and it overflowed from the sciences and blessings.
He said bin Qais Ahnaf "I introduced myself on the Koran I am not a verse like this verse" {and others confessed their sins mixed good work and another bad may be that Allah will forgive them that Allah is Forgiving, Merciful (102) Repentance " [35] .
He says: Mubarak Book sent down to you may ponder its verses and remember Ulloa kernels (29) r}.
The Almighty said: {and villages Vriqnah for people to read on and stayed Nzelnah Downloads (106)} Isra.
And Atinak O Muhammad Koran Nzelnah you differentiated and mines, followed by the people, informing them of him slowly (for staying), to be able to save it, and understand its provisions, and to meditate where entrenched in their minds and make them understand. The Nzelnah slowly depending on the circumstances, incidents and facts (Nzelnah Downloads).
The emphasis Vriqnah - was also read by Ibn Abbas: The meaning is that Allaah revealed the verse, explaining and showing Faye followed by the people slowly, and tell them to him slowly. [36]
He says of the: {And We have indeed made ​​the Qur'an Is the male remembereth (17)}.
We have made ​​the Qur'an easy to sense, the pronunciation is going to read thoroughly the people and its meanings, and Atazawa what it said, but it Mtaz it, Mzadgr him for his sins? [37]
'Amr ibn Qays that he heard the Canadian Asim bin Humaid bin' Awf said: I heard you say with the owner of the Prophet - r - Began Vastak and wudoo then he prayed began Vasfh from the cow does not pass a verse mercy only to stop and asked not pass verse torment only stop to seek refuge and then knelt stayed kneeling as he says in his bowing «Sobhan ever more powerful and the kingdom and the pride and greatness». And then bowed as bowing say in his prostration «Sobhan and ever more powerful kingdom and greatness and pride». and then he read Surat Al-Imran Sura then act like it. Narrated by Women [38] .
12 - humble heart, head ptosis, and the silence of the limbs, and evoke the grandeur of the status of the Koran, and crying from the fear of God, it did not cry Felictjelb crying and trying to be free when it is far from showing off ..
Abd-Allah, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah r "Read on," I said: I read you and revealed to you?, He said: I like to hear it from someone else, I read it even if they are at how about if we come from every nation a witness and We bring you a martyr, Gmsena winker, I raised my head, if his eyes Thmlan "
  And Abu Rafi said: 'Umar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with him, "reads in the Fajr prayer Palmin; Ehv and Mary, Taha was close, and others like them from the wall, then I brought one day with Omar may Allah be pleased with him in the Fajr prayer when I was last among men include women, which is read stating that peace be upon him, passed by this verse only complain of my distraction and anguish to God, and the bass was read, wept so cut off and read it until I heard Nhiba "
And Aisha, may Allah be pleased: "It was Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him a man crying does not have a tear if he read the Koran" [39]
He says: Had We sent down this Qur'an on a mountain I saw him humble flawed from the fear of God and the sayings of people cite that they may reflect.} (21) Al-Hashr.
The mountain would understand this Koran, and manageable, and is focused to the cracking of the fear of God Almighty, how worthy of human beings that do not soften their hearts, not cracked and are subject of the fear of God has understood its meaning and what Tdberoa it? He cites the parables God for people to close to make them understand the meanings of the Qur'an, where perhaps they may reflect and consider. [40]
He says: {Those who blessed them from the prophets of the descendants of Adam and of those We carried with Noah and Abraham and descendants of Israel and those who guided and Ajtbena If Rahman signs are recited to them fall down prostrate and cried *} (58) Maryam.
Cut those prophets who God be upon His Messenger r their stories, the ones who blessed them from the offspring of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Jacob, and guided them and their proximity, and they were when they heard the Word of God containing the arguments and the manifestation in the Brahinh, worshiped their Lord tightly and humility and thank and thank you for what they are of the greatest blessings crying [41] .
And Abdul Rahman bin loose, he said, he came to us and Saad bin Abi Waqas The palm of his sight, Votih granted him, he said: Who are you? I told him he said: O son of my brother heard that you sound good Koran, I heard the Messenger of Allah r says: "This is the Koran was read by Vibikua sadness If not, then weep Vtbakua and sang it, it is not Itagn its not one of us" [42] .
Abu Hurayrah said: When I got to talk this {then He is amazing to see and laugh and weep} [Star: 60] cried capacity until the owners were tears on the cheeks, and when he heard the Messenger of Allah r longing wept with them, he said Vpkina Bpkaúh r "Do not go to the fire of cries from the fear of God, do not enter Paradise Egypt to sin, even if no Tznpoa came to a people would commit sins God will forgive them." Narrated by al-Bayhaqi [43] .
13 - work the Koran, Aútmara his command, and the end of the prohibitions, and in fulfillment of His commandments, and ending with the cataclysmic limits.
Ibn Masood said: "The man we know if the ten verses, did not even know Ijauizen Amaanihn and work for them". " [44] .
  And Qasim ibn Awf said: I heard Abdullah ibn Umar said: We have lived a moment of Dherna faith and one of us brought before the Koran, Sura down to Muhammad - r - He learns Should stand him of them. As you know, today you are the Koran, then I have seen today, both men brought before them the Koran of faith and he would read between the heralded its conclusion to what is known what his injunctions not what should stop him from Vintherh Adakkl prose. "Bayhaqi [45]
He says: who gave the Book the right to read those following him believe in him [al-Baqarah 121.
The people of the book a read the Bible with reverence and reflection, and ponder its meaning, and understand its secrets and the like, and those are the ones who comprehend that what I came by, Mohammed is right, believe in him, and guided a gift to the straight path, (such as' Abd-Allaah ibn Salaam). And disbelieves in what was revealed to you After he found out that he was right, of presidents stubborn, and ignorant imitators, who have lost, they are the happiness in this world, and the glory and sovereignty of God that gives victory to his religion. [46]
And Abu Dhar, he said: Messenger of God said to me r : O Abu Dhar, because the Learning becomes a verse from the Book of Allah, better for you than to pray hundred rak'ahs, and learned to become Pope, because of the science, business, or did not work, better than a thousand rak'ah to pray. "Narrated by Ibn Majah [47] .
And Ben Hawshab month, said: I heard Abdullah ibn 'Amr, said: The Messenger of Allah r : Lord of the holder's jurisprudence jurist, and will not benefit from his knowledge will harm doctrine, ignorance, read what the Quran has forbidden, and if you do not read it does not harm "Tabaraani[48] .
Suhaib and said: Messenger of God - r - «What the Koran from the safe permissible for his female relatives». Narrated by al-Tirmidhi [49] .
14 - read the Koran with the consideration of the Koran, to meet him Ebadta reading and looking, and Ibn Massoud may Allah be pleased with him: Adimoa consider the Koran.
Abu Sa'eed said: The Messenger of Allah r "Give your eyes share of worship," it was said: O Messenger of God, and their share of worship? He said: "Consideration of the Koran, and thinking about it, and the mind wonders." Narrated by al-Bayhaqi [50] .
15 - listen, listen and listen when you recite the Koran, because that is the lowest for understanding and meditation, including the mandates of God's promise and threat of punishment, and preaching and threats, and the wisdom and admonition, and ordered and forbidding, and closer to make the mercy of God:
He says: So, when the Qur'an is recited, and listened to him, that ye may receive mercy (204)} norms.
God said that the Quran for people insights and guidance and mercy, commanded the believers to listen to it when read to benefit Bhadah, and Aazama and respected him. If you read the imam in prayer out loud Valmatamon by listening and reading with him [51] .
Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah r "It was followed by a verse from the Book of Allah had a light day of Resurrection, and listened to a verse from the Book of Allah wrote him a good double," al-Bayhaqi [52] .
Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah r , Said: Listen to a verse from the Book of Allah Almighty, he wrote a good double, and was followed by a light day of resurrection. "Ahmed [53]
16 - avoid all prejudice Balkhcua with Jalal Quran during the recitation or hearing, Kaldg and yawning and playing with clothes or members, and bang the fingers, and talking to others without the need .. etc. and should refrain from reading if you drop yawning because in the presence of the speech of God, and the yawn of the devil. Narrated Mujahid, said: "If you read Tthaept and grabbed the Koran reading, so go Tthaapk" [54] . Ikrima and, he said: "If one of you yawn while reading the Koran Felickt, no less haha he reads" [55] - He wants to act in honor of the Koran [56]
17 - work on memorizing the Holy Qur'an and rote, and the greatest graces that God made ​​the hearts of the faithful slaves of his vessels, cabinets and chests of verses, Atlunha parties the night and day.
Remember that what may be the prayer is obligatory, and keeping with the Al-Fatiha and a duty, and save the rest of the imposition of the adequacy of the Quran and the Sunnah of the eye is better than prayer shamrock, and on the major learning first save the remnants of the Qur'an [57] .
And forget about the Koran of the greatest calamities and also protested the hadeeth narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi narrated from Anas ibn Maalik said: the Messenger of Allah r : I was offered my wages, so give it Alqmah men from the mosque, and offered me my sins, and did not see the greatest sin of the Sura of the Koran, or any, Ottaha a guy and then forgotten. [58] .
The father through high suspended "We promise the greatest sin that man learns the Qur'an and then sleeps with him, (so forget it)" and attributed a good [59] .
It is by Ibn Sirin, who forget the true attribution of the Koran and say they hate the very word, and Abu Dawood narrated that Sa'd ibn worship brought "no one reads the Quran, then forget it was only God is Ojzm" In an article also attributed [60] , Has said its Shafi'i and Abu El Makarem Alruyana and argued that the reluctance to cause him to forget reading the Koran, and forget indicates a lack of complacency and take care of him about it.
  He says: {It is the verses in the breasts of those who were given the flag! Spider 49.
And this Quran verses, are clear indication on the right, keeps scientists, has pleased God memorization, recitation, and lie and rejected the revelations of Allah, and the right Abouksha only unjust aggressors, who know the truth and deviate him [61] .
And Asim bin Damra, told us Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet rsaid: "Whoever reads the Koran and save Fastzarh enter God's heaven and been accompanied by ten of his family, all have their obligatory fire" Narrated by al-Tirmidhi [62] .
Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah - r - «That which is not something in his stomach from the Koran like home debris». Narrated by al-Tirmidhi [63] .
Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah r "Supervision of my campaign, the Koran and the owners of the Night" Bayhaqi narrated by al-Bayhaqi [64] .
18 - observe proper etiquette peacekeepers if God him save his book, and only robbed him this virtue Great, said the holy bin Ayaz: should the holder of the Quran that does not have a need to one of creation, to the Caliph, it is without, and that help the character to him, he said: I heard a holy says: pregnant Quran bearing the banner of Islam should not Algo with the Algo, do not overlook to the overlook, not playing, "he said, and I heard the Holy says, but sent down the Qur'an to do them, take people to read in accordance with, or to replace Halaleh and deprived forbidden, and stand at the similar " [65] .
And Abdullah bin Masood, he said, should be the holder of the Koran to know the night if people are asleep, and Pinharh if people Maftron, and grief if the people rejoice, and Bpkaúh if people laugh, and made ​​his mark if people confuse and Bkhcuah if people strutting, and should the holder of the Koran to be crying and grieving Skita wise, forbearing, and should not be the holder of the Koran to be, Abu Bakr said the word, not Ckaba, no vocal, no iron. " [66] .
And Zaid bin Habbab, said: I heard Sufyan revolutionary, he says, should be the holder of the Koran to know the night if people are asleep, and if people Pinharh Maftron, and Bpkaúh if people laugh, and grief if the people rejoice " [67]
And Abdullah bin Amr bin Aas, that the Messenger of Allah r said: Whoever recites the Qur'an has been drawn between the sidearms of prophecy is that it is not revealed to him, should not the owner of the Koran to find with the grandfather, not ignorant of the ignorance in his stomach with the Word of God Almighty, "narrated by the ruling [68] .
19 - that which helps to memorize the Holy Quran Starting saved since childhood, and emptying the mind has Batnam blessed time in Bewitchments, and hymn-singing in the night prayer, and hear from the mouths recited savvy and try to mimic them, pondering the meaning and the causes go down, and fragmentation of the Koran to the quarters of the parties and to develop a specific program for the conservation, preservation of offline daily regardless of the excuses, and the commitment of a teacher of the Koran hear what he saved every day, and repeating a lot and not boredom or despair if hardened by some of the verses, and conservation in the Koran given and commitment, preferably Mus maintain, and the Question of God sincerity and determination to honor him Bhfezz his book, and piety, and cleanse the soul and heart which only God.
For Obeida Alumblyki, and the company has said: The Messenger of Allah r : "O people of the Qur'an, not Koran Tosdoa right to read and read out the night and day and Avhoh, and Ngnoh Tdberoa and that which you may be successful, do not read the Hasten his reward." Narrated by al-Bayhaqi and Abu Naim [69] .
20 - concern for the conservation of oblivion, Ballawh ongoing, and the daily repetition of the history of the Koran, and to avoid sins and taboos, because the Koran does not remain in the hearts of the sleeping.
Anas ibn Maalik said: The Messenger of Allah - r - «Offered to pay my nation Alqmah pay it until the man from the mosque and offered to the sins of my nation and did not see the greatest sin of the Sura of the Koran or a verse and then forgotten man Ottaha». Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawood [70] .
And Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah r , He said, but such as the Koran as an Almaklh camels, grabbed her by the covenant, and launched on the go. "Narrated by Muslim [71] .
21 - supplication after each reading, commensurate with the verses that followed, and make sure pray after completing the Holy Quran is the time when people usually respond, the verdict, he said, sent to Mujahid, and a slave bin Abi by his father, saying: but we have sent you I want to conclude the Koran, was said: "The prayer answered when completing the Koran, when he poured out of the seal called the Koran calls" [72]
Anas, the Prophet r said: "With each call is answered khatmahs" [73]
And'Irbaad bin force, said: The Messenger of Allah r "It is obligatory prayer, he prayed his prayer answered, and he completed the Qur'aan call is answered" [74]
And fixed, that Anas ibn Malik, the Quran if seal gather his family and his son, and called them. "Tabaraani [75]
22 - enacted when he has finished completing it to initiate a new recitation to be directly continuous reading without a period or after the deadline or failure to complete it ..
It was narrated that Ibn Abbas said man said, O Messenger of Allaah, which deed is said «the case Almerthal». Almerthal said case and said «that hits the first of the Koran and so whenever he traveled solution». Narrated by al-Tirmidhi [76] .
We note from the previous view that the social ethics are important in the upbringing of the believing soul on ethics, which required adherence to law of Islam, Islam is wanting for the same insured to be polite is protected from all causes of diseases, far from all the colors of defects psychological, in order to be recognized as a creation of cream and to be himself the finest good reassuring. and it wanting to be social ethics at all of the assets of Islamic education, because of their great influence in shaping the human personality is recognized, personal characteristics of dignity and prestige, and moderation and the power of personal creatures in Islam is to promote a Muslim to the runways of perfection.
[1] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1159)
[2] - In the shadows of the Qur'an agree to print - (3 / 1425)
[3] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (1910) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (1 / 323) (116)
[4] - Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and method, p. 127. Look at the arrows Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 344-346
[5] - Ik, Khaled Abdel-Rahman, rearing sons and daughters in the light of Quran and Sunnah, p. 129
[6] - In the shadows of the Qur'an agree to print - (6 / 3952)
[7] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (3167) and right (257) and Saheeh al (6467) is true for other
[8] - Interpretation of the facilitator - (10/15)
[9] - Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah - (1 / 117) Upgrade
[10] - Sunan Ibn Majah - Thesaurus - (306) and the Dictionary of old Bedouin - (1757) Poor
[11] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (11/336) (766) and Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi - Thesaurus - (7 / 272) (14 982) Upgrade to the other
[12] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (9 / 197) (10 630) Upgrade to the other
[13] - See: Food kernels in explaining the system of Arts - (3 / 382) and Oaqah lights divine in a statement covenants Muhammadiyah - (2 / 87) and the opinions and advice Islam today - (1 / 510) meaning of the hadeeth: "The best councils are received by the kiss"
[14] - Tafseer al-Sa'di - (1 / 895)
[15] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1999)
[16] - Whole narrator of morality and ethics of the listener of the imam al-Baghdadi - (1219) and the weak
[17] - People of faith - (3 / 510) (2030) Upgrade
[18] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 2767)
[19] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (1880) - the mind: a collection of sensible cord, which connects by camel
[20] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 3960)
[21] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (8 / 38) (8575) correctly
[22] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (7544) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (1883)
Which is obtained from the evidence that good audio is required, not well Fleihnoh what he can, as Ibn Abi Malika a narrator talking, was knocked out by him by Abu Dawood, the attribution is correct, and inter improved to take into account the rules of music, the good sound increasingly well so If what comes out about the impact on its good and good is perhaps more conscious Anghebr, unless the requirement for performance what counts when the people of readings, it came out it did not improve the sound is aware of performance. See the "conquest" "9/68-72".
[23] - Musnad Abi mounted Musli (4755) Upgrade to the other
Abu Hatim said: saying r : Sing the Koran, he wants Athzn it, and this is not rich, albeit from the rich said: Itagany it, not say, sing it, and not Althzn Koran purity of the offense, and good sound, and obedience to Allahoat types of melody Bovaq nightwatch, but Althzn Koran is that compares two things: the regret and anxiety: regret at what happened from the default, and the lust for what is hoped of reverence, if he suffered heart and aching, and sad voice, he returned, Badr eyelid with tears, and heart Bamua, then Estelz Almtahjd Mounajah, escaping from the creation to the Walker retreats, please forgive of the above sins, and to waive the crimes and faults, we ask God to reconcile him. Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (3 / 28)
[24] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (3 / 30) (753) is true
Abu Hatem y : In this story a clear statement that Althzn authorized God Almighty when the Koran and listened to him is Althzn sound with the beginning and the end, because Bdath is determined the correct Alanqlaa for Almzjurat, and the end and immediately roll in the types of worship, if included Althzn the outset that I have described, and the end I have mentioned, the Qur'an became Altzn like throwing himself into the sling of drawing closer to his master, and no relation to anything without him.
[25] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 5357)
[26] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (8 / 589) (26 526) 27 061 - Right
[27] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (1898) - Ataatata: hesitate to read
[28] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 3878)
[29] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 4448)
[30] - Perfection, p. 106, and proof of Science in the Quran 1 / 455, and Clarification of the campaign literature Koran, p. 45, Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (13/255)
[31] - Asceticism Abi Dawood   - (1 / 115) (111) Upgrade Reserve
[32] - Virtues of the Qur'an to Bin Qasim peace (180) true - gone: I meditate where
[33] - Uncategorized Ibn Abi Shaybah - (15/466) (30 641) is true
[34] -   Interpretation Mujahid>> Al-Fatihah>> (2300) correctly
[35] - Tafseer Ibn Abi Hatim - (7 / 398) (10 764) which cuts
[36] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 2136)
[37] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 4742)
[38] - Women's Sunan - Thesaurus - (1140) good
[39] -   The night of Muhammad ibn Nasr Marwazi (161) the first is true, and the rest with no support
[40] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 5025)
[41] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 2308)
[42] - People of faith - (3 / 467) (1960) Upgrade
Unanimously agreed that the cry that was limited to the exit of tears only without a voice, it is permissible, prior to death and beyond, like the predominance of crying voice, if not able to reply, and like him grief the heart. They also agreed on the prohibition of scar counts pros Dead show of sound, except transport Branches of some Hanbali. Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (8 / 172)
[43] - People of faith - (2 / 233) (777) and Sindh Wah
[44] - Al-Tabari - Foundation letter - (1 / 80) (81) This assignment is true. It depends on Ibn Masood, but the meaning is raised, because Ibn Masood but to learn the Quran from the Messenger of Allah r . It tells what was in that of the Prophet enlightening.
[45] - Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi - Hyderabad - (3 / 120) (5496) Upgrade
[46] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 128)
[47] - Sunan Ibn Majah - printed Foundation message - (1 / 148) (219) Upgrade
[48] - Musnad Ahamyin 360 - (2 / 282) (1345) Upgrade
[49] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (3168) in which weak
[50] - People of faith - (3 / 509) (2029) Poor
[51] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1159)
[52] - People of faith - (3 / 370) (1828) for other good
[53] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (3 / 298) (8494) 8475 - good for others
[54] - Virtues of the Qur'an to Bin Qasim peace (106) Hassan
  Yawn: from open mouth breathing, without meaning because it is full of body weight and food and frequent tendency to laziness
[55] - Virtues of the Qur'an to Bin Qasim peace - (107) is true
[56] - Tafseer al-Qurtubi OK to print - (1 / 27)
[57] - Sparkle Mahmoudia to explain how the law of Muhammadiyah and prophetic - (5 / 259) and perfection - (1 / 125)
[58] - See the Whole predicate - (1 / 486) (326) Upgrade
There is disagreement about the requirement to hear bin Abdullah ibn al-Muttalib ibn Anas and from Hantab likely that he heard him see discipline 10/178, 179
[59] - High demands Bzoaúd Almsanid eight - (14/409), 3502 true
[60] - Uncategorized Ibn Abi Shaybah - (15/456) (30 617) and Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (7 / 570) (22 781) 23 162 - Hassan
[61] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 3271)
[62] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (1 / 412) (1268) and al-Tirmidhi (2905) Poor
Memorize the Koran: the save, he says: I read the Koran by heart, ie, I read of memorization.
[63] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (3161) said this hadeeth is hasan saheeh.
The contradiction in the weak Vdafh Albanian Mosque (1524) and approved the corrected Tirmidhi in the niche (2135)!!
  In Sindh Qaboos ibn Abi Zabian different and the confidence of the people and weaknesses, and others said, I Uday: close his speeches, and I hope it does not quite "full 6 / 50
[64] - People of faith - (4 / 234) 2447 Poor
[65] - Attitude of the Quran campaign Aggrey - (34)
[66] - Uncategorized Ibn Abi Shaybah - (19/470) (36 734) which cuts
[67] - The entrance to the Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi - (451) is true
[68] - Mustadrak of the Governor (2028) good
[69] - People of faith - (3 / 388) (1852) and knowledge of the companions of Abu Naim - (4 / 1917) (4819) Poor
Abu 'Ubayd said: saying: Ngnoh, say, put him in riches of poverty, and encroached him less poor. And he said: Tguenoh, says: Aqtnoh as Tguetnon money, your money and do it.
[70] - Sunan Abi Dawood - Thesaurus - (461)   And Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (3166) Hassan - Alqmah: What is in the eye and drink from the dust and dirt
[71] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (1875) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (3 / 41) (764) - Almaklh: bound with ropes
[72] - Sunan recaps - Thesaurus - (3546) and the people of faith - (3 / 422) (1909) correctly
[73] - People of faith - (3 / 434) (1919-1920)   Weakness of its chain  
[74] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (13/179) (15 050) is weak
[75] - The great dictionary of Tiberias - (1 / 291) (673) is true
[76] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (3200) Poor
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