Etiquette of food and drink .. Wash your hands, label, and eating right-Mmaala, not bloating, Doxology

An ablution pond food before washing your hands and mouth and ablution beyond:
For Salman, he said: I read in the Torah: pool food after the ablution, he said: I mentioned that to the Messenger of Allah r and told him what I read in the Torah, he said: pool food ablution ablution before and after.[1]
And the light of the food is not the light of prayer and light food, wash your hands and mouth only, If caught with something in your hand before, or took off your shoes, or put your hand on the wall may be dirty, or it may be a child did not clean himself and put his hand on the wall, or I caught something clean, during the day may be the mouth open and there is dust or do not see things, fabricating food ablution before washing hands and mouth, and ablution after it.
2 label in the first food and praise at the end:
Aisha - may Allah be pleased - that the Messenger of Allah - r - A
«If you eat one of you Vlivkr the name of God, the forgot to mention the name of God in the beginning, let him say the name of God from beginning to end». [2] 
The meaning of the label: the name of God I drink this water, this water is from God, and the label has two meanings: First, remember that this is a blessing from God, that reminds you of the grace of God to you, and the second to drink according to the year, to remind you of Sunnah of the Messenger of God in the drinking water, remember the grace , and the application of the year, the meaning of this label, the name of God means the drink is to drink water from the grace of God, and drink water, according to God's command, the meaning of this label.
Anas that the Messenger of Allah r When he went to bed he said: Praise be to Allah who fed us and given us to drink and enough, how many of those who do not enough for him or Cent. [3]
3 but wrong food offered to him and praises:
Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah saliva r food was available to eat it, but hated to leave it. [4]
4 that the and eat with his right hand, which followed:
Wahab Bin Kisan narrated that he heard Umar ibn Abi Salamah says you're a young boy in the Messenger of Allah - r - The hands wander all over the dish said to me, the Messenger of Allah - r - «O CM Ghulam God, and eat with your right hand all». Tamty still those yet. [5]
  5 other than eat reclining:
Not to eat for the reclining of health damage, and the phenomena of old age, of course, only patients in hospitals, the patient should not eat while sitting session order. It was narrated from Ali Ibn Aqmar I heard the father say Juhayfah The Messenger of Allah - r - «I do not eat reclining» [6] .
6 is recommended to speak on food:
Jabir bin Abdullah that the Prophet - r - Asked his family for food is what they said, We have nothing but vinegar. He asked for it and started to eat him and says, «Yes, food is vinegar good food is vinegar». [7]
Father and tell them to listen to his children, exhorting, the story, blink, for example, may be a family, children in school and says, 'Thus spoke the parameter, this is a beautiful thing with food, it is the year to talk with the food.
7 call for the host:
Abd-Allah ibn al-Zubayr, he said: Messenger of Allah fast r when Saad, said: fasting breaks the fast with you, and you got the angels and the righteous eat your food. [8]
Anas that the Prophet - r - Came to worship bin Saad came and he ate bread and oil, then the Prophet said - r - «Fasting breaks the fast with you and eat your food has reached you and the righteous angels». [9]
8 - do not eat the young by adults:
Young children do not eat before eating the largest man in the session, and now works as much in the official functions, if started eating the highest personal Palmadbh total after eating, so a year, if found children sitting with their father, or students with their teacher walk, and the development of food, The student has no the right to eat before eating his teacher, if a piece of food, this dispute for years, do not eat all but after reaching for the President of this session, Prince, the group and eat the first bit, and not to Prince Emir table or the Prince of Pleasure does not have the right to food that begins only after attending both with him and makes sure of that, everyone of his whereabouts and well-distributed food distributor, and then begins eating them and determined that the kindly food, and they do not have the right to begin before the accuracy of this system
Hudhayfah narrated, he said, if we attended with the Prophet r food, did not put our hands until the Messenger of Allah r , Laying his hand, and I once attended with food, so she came running like a push, so I went to put her hand in the food, so he took the Messenger of Allah r hand, and then came a Bedouin, as if to pay, so he took his hand, he said the Messenger of Allah r : The devil as regarding food that does not mention the name of Allaah be upon him, and he came to this current as regarding it, I took her hand, came to this Bedouin, as regarding to it, I took his hand, and my hand, that hand in hand with her ​​hand. [10]
9 - licking the fingers after eating.
From Anas that the Messenger of Allah - r - If you eat food was licking his fingers three. He said, «If one of you fell for the summit Vlamt them harm, and do not let her eat the devil». Winslet and commanded us to Kassa said «you do not know in your food the blessing». [11]
Abu Darda said: "Yes, do good neighbor of God, not Tmloha not Tnfroha, they are seldom alienated from the people she went back to them." [12]
The etiquette of drinking:
1 mustahabb label and praise and drinking three times:
Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of God, r : Do not drink and one camel's like drinking, but drink two, three, and named, if you drink, Give thanks and if you have raised. [13]
Anas bin Malik said: The Messenger of Allah r If drinking breathing three times, he said, is faint, and be healed. [14]
2 Apostle forbade r Drinking in the proximity of:
From Abu Hurayrah - y - The Prophet - r - To drink in the allantois. [15]
Any of her mouth, from the mouth of the bottle, jug or directly, the Prophet to be drinking so on.
But forbidden to drink from the allantois for fear of what harm is going to be when he sees the mustache does not even enter his stomach, Fasthab to drink from a vessel apparently seen. [16] .
3 hate blowing in the drink:
Abu Muthana al-Juhani, he said: I was at Marwan ibn al-Hakam, and entered upon Abu Sa'eed, Marwan said to him: I heard the Messenger of Allah r forbidding the blowing of the drink? He said: Abu Said: Yes, a man said to him: O Messenger of Allah, I do not Arwa of the same one, said the Messenger of Allah r : Son mug for you and then breathe said: Alqmah I see it, he said: Vohrgaha.[17]
For example, drinking one of three people by the year, but the second time to leave the pot on the inside of his mouth and breathe, breathe sometimes carry diseases, the Sunnis between Alcherbtin beyond mug for you, for the Prophet r To breathe or blow into the vessel which, because of ill health, and social Contravening for Literature.
4 mustahabb sitting eating and drinking:
Khudri that the Messenger of Allah - r - Forbade drinking in place [18] .
  May be drinking and standing for a reason, Ibn 'Umar said: We eat and we walk, and drink and we do at the time of the Messenger of Allah r . [19]
For example, if you increase it in the Kaaba is an honor and very crowded, if you want to drink sitting down, you will find a million people, Vacherb standing, the Prophet r Zamzam water to drink and stood a few cases where the first sitting down to drink, The Prophet r Drinking place, lest there is nothing wrong with the cases when necessary.
5 is forbidden to drink in vessels of gold and silver:
Umm Salamah said the Messenger of Allah - r - «The drinking vessel of gold or silver, for he scuffs a fire in the belly of hell». [20]
6 Prevention of stomach is filled with eating and drinking:
For brave Ben Ma'di Canadian, from the Prophet r said, "does not fill any vessel worse than his stomach, as Son of Adam to eat him alive, if not inevitably one third of his food, and a third drink, and a third for himself." [21]
[1] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (7 / 826) (23 732) 24 133 -   Hassan
[2] - Sunan Abi Dawood - Thesaurus - (3769) correctly
[3] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (7069) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/350) (5540)
[4] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (3563) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (5501) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (14/348) (6437)
[5] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (5376)
[6] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (5398)
[7] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (5473)
[8] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/107) (5296) correctly
[9] - Sunan Abi Dawood - Thesaurus - (3856) correctly
[10] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (5378)
[11] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (5426) - Winslet: erase
[12] - Asceticism and chips for the Son of the Blessed (1795) in which interruption
[13] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (2006) in which weak
[14] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (5405) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/147) (5330)
[15] -   Saheeh Bukhari - Thesaurus - (5628)
[16] - Mosque of assets in the sayings of the Prophet - (5 / 78)
[17] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/145) (5327) correctly
[18] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (5397)
[19] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/143) (5325) correctly
[20] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (5509) - scuffs: Ihdr the
[21] - People of faith - (7 / 447) (5261) correctly
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