The etiquette of peace .. Greater aspirations and goals of human rights

Looking the world today for peace at the latest is the hope of Rights, and the purpose of the hope for mankind, while we find that Islam fourteen centuries ago had the glory of peace and generosity, then we achieved and published, having instilled in the heart of every Muslim on the tongue and in all his works.
Jerusalem peace Fjolh name from the names of Allah which Allah ordered people to call him out: {is the God who is no god but He, the Holy, King Abdulaziz insured dominant mighty arrogant He is Allaah, associate} (23) Al-Hashr  
Peace is the greeting Abu human gift Zvtha him angels of the righteous, was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah e : God created Adam in His image and whose height was threescore cubits, and when he created him said, 'Go and greet those Alinver, They are the angels sit, and listen to greet it greeting and the greeting of your progeny. He said he went and said: Peace be upon you, Vzarroh: The mercy of God. He said: All of the enter Paradise in the image of Adam, sixty cubits tall. People kept getting shorter until now. [1]
And angels came to Abraham, peace be upon him Isaac Tbashrh made between her hands at the entrance greeting of peace: {   Is the story of the honored guests of Abraham (24) as they entered it (saying) people Mnkron (25)   [Alone: ​​24-25}.
Allaah has commanded His slaves to peace on the Prophet e Allaah says: {Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet, O you who believe it arrived and handed recognition} (56) Al-Ahzab.
Islam is a religion of peace He says: {O you who believe, enter into peace entirely follow not the footsteps of Satan he is to you an avowed enemy} (208) Al-Baqarah. Peace and the word holy repeated Muslim in prayer several times, and then concludes his prayer by saying "peace and mercy God be upon you "which is best in Islam, narrated that 'Abd-Allaah ibn' Amr, that a man asked the Messenger of Allah e , Ie, Islam is best? He said: feed the food, and read from the known to the peace, and did not know. [2]
And if peace is so important in Islam, he has the morals of many a Muslim to be taken into account in the knowledge of its provisions, and how delivering, and other precious Arts, which does not leave Nkira do not fuse nor Qtmira:
(1) be rooted in the same salute that would make up the hearts and strengthen the links, which is a manifestation of the Civil sound, from Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah r : And my hand does not enter Paradise until you believe, do not believe until you love one another, do not tell you of something you did if you will love one another? Spread the greeting of peace among you. [3]
And Zubayr ibn al-Awam, that the Prophet r said: "Bear Here's disease nations from before you: envy, and hatred is the shaver, I do not say: flying hair, but shave religion, and my hand does not enter Paradise until you believe, do not believe until you love one another, do not tell you what proves that you? Spread the greeting of peace You " [4]
  (2) that knows the formula for peace, a (peace be upon you and mercy of God be upon you), they bring love and strengthen the bonds of affection. Imran narrated that a man came to the Prophet eHe said: Peace be upon you, replied, then sat down and said: ten. And then another came and said: Peace be upon you and mercy of God, replied, then sat down and said: twenty. And then another came and said: Peace be upon you and mercy of God be upon you replied, then sat down and said: Thirty. [5]
Ibn al-Zubayr and on the loop, that a man handed him, and he said: Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings, said loop: "What is left to us as well, peace concluded: and blessings" [6]
Al-Hasan, in the words of the Almighty: in return with what better, he says: "If the peace you have your brother Muslim, he said: Peace be upon you, tell him: Peace to you and the mercy of God, or her response, she says did not say to you: Peace be upon you and mercy of God, replied, He also said: Peace be upon you, and peace, no less: and you. " [7]  
(3) to teach him that peace is a confirmed Sunnah, and the response it is necessary to impose " [8]Come for saying: {and greet in return with what better than it, or return that God was on everything Reckoner} (86) Nisa
If one of you peace, peace be upon him replied, the best of it, or responded to it as much as they handed you (if you said you peace they responded by saying, and you peace and mercy of God be upon you). The increase delegate, and imposed similar. [9]
  (4) "to deliver the next report from him, and the passenger on the pedestrian, the pedestrian on the swivel, and a little to much, and small to large, fixed for the freed slave Zaid bin Abd al-Rahman that he heard Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of God says - r - «Delivers passenger on the pedestrian, the pedestrian on the swivel, and a little on a lot» [10] .
And son Greg, he said: Abu Zubair told me that he heard the Jabra says: The Messenger of Allah r : Delivers the passenger on the pedestrian, the pedestrian is sitting on, and began Almashiyan whichever is better. " [11]
  (5) we know that when he enters upon his household, to give them peace. " [12]
Said ibn al-Musayyib said: Anas ibn Maalik said: The Messenger of Allah - r - «If you built your family came to greet you and be a blessing to your family». [13]
Anas said: the Messenger of Allah r : "O Anas, if you entered on your family, greeted them, a lot better home" [14]
Jaber and it said: If your family came to greet them with a greeting from Allah bless the good he said, but dictated by what I saw as saying: {and greet in return with what better than it, or return that God was on everything Reckoner} (86) Nisa [15]
[1] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (6227) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (7342) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (14/33) (6162)
[2] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (12) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (169) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (2 / 258) (505)
[3] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (203) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (1 / 472) (236)
[4] - People of faith - (11/182) (8373) is true for other
[5] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (6 / 708) (19 948) 20 190 - Right
[6] - People of faith - (11/364) (8675) correctly
[7] - People of faith - (11/363) (8673) Upgrade
[8] - Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 330-332
[9] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 579)
[10] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (6232) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (5772)
[11] - Detect the scenes - (2 / 420) (2006) correctly
[12] - Siham Jabbar Mahdi, a child in Islamic law and the education curriculum of the Prophet, p. 332
[13] - Sunan al-Tirmidhi - Thesaurus - (2915) good
[14] - Maps of morals (799) good for others
[15] - Literature of the single-Bukhari (1136) correctly
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