The first chapters of the House Education and the teachings of Islam girls' education and equality between them and her brothers

Doha, which your home is unwilling to avail himself of the children and they find comfort and tranquility is the greatest happiness and the means of removal of evil from the house and not spoil it entered the hearts, and sin brings about blessings and curses.

Being careful not to commuting to places of amusement and absurdity and evil, the sin and the sin and the Tauida in order to reduce that.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah - may Allah have mercy on him - «not for a person to attend the places where these evils can not denounce it, except under a legitimate, such as that there should be something that needs him for his religious or worldly affairs there must be attending or be forced».

And improves the mother to inspect the room, her daughter, and her daughter to open the bag and see what school, and scientists Ajoson act legally and that it is not forbidden from spyware, which is a matter of parenting. His mother found it worse than pictures or videos, or other Feltaalj it wisely and deliberately. The mother keeping secrets and not reveal the secrets of the girl and indecent assault without some benefit!

The task of the mother and father teach daughter the teachings of Islam in particular the provisions of the purity and menstruation and related matters of women, because the girl was ashamed of the question, and can boot to that before puberty, or donated a collection of books by those judgments and opinions, and the more the mother close to her daughter's education was and ask questions easier for the girl, especially if her age grew up and showing signs of puberty, they more deserving of her mother's friendship and Rafqatha.

Equality between male and female, no differentiation between them, some parents, if living God - the Almighty - males tend to them without his favorite female and in the treatment and modern, and Islam came to justice and equality; so make it the Prophet r A means of entering Paradise and in the fact that the boy preference on girls, but they are in love, both tender and whether, in providing gifts and money, both in education and asked whether the flag, and treatment, whether, even in the kiss alike.

In the story of Nu'man ibn Bashir t Good lesson and a sermon when he wanted to come to one of his sons from his part without the rest of his brothers, he wanted to see the Prophet - peace be upon him -, the Prophet said to him, r : «Alec Born others?» Nu'man said: Yes, said the Prophet r : «Do you pray at each one of you came to him like this?» Nu'man said: No, the Messenger of Allah r To him: «I do not attest to this, this Gore, treat your children in the bees, and love to adjust you in righteousness and kindness» [Narrated by al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan].

Bazzar from Anas t That a man was the Prophet r I came to him a drink of milk and made ​​him sit on his thigh and the structure came to him Vocilha between his hands, said the Messenger of Allah r : «Not be settled between them?!».

In order to differentiate between children of hatred and sow hatred between them, and some parents have died, but the children in Queens, including the efficiency and capacity, however one of them did not feel the highlight of his father to him! It is hoped the story of Joseph - peace be upon him - and found it very evident.

The task of parents bring their children to each other and for some Thabibhm and planting of respect, appreciation and faith and help them to grow a tree of love and affection between brothers.
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