Forbade their children from listening to music and singing Rake

From Abu Umaamah y , Said: The Messenger of Allah r "The Almighty God sent me mercy and guidance for the worlds, sent me to Omhak musical instruments and the Psalms and is ignorance, and idols, and NATO God Almighty in His Might not drink alcohol, one in the world but drink is the likes of which intimate the Day of Resurrection, the late or tortured, and he gives it one in this world However Sagath them in the fold of Jerusalem to convince himself. " [1]
Musical instruments: musical instruments
Idols: a collection of idol idol, said: Fetish all his body wrought jewels of the earth or of wood and stone, as a human work is focused Vtabd has called the fetish is the image, idol: no body is
Intimate: warm water - the fold of Jerusalem: Paradise
And Abdul Rahman bin sheep, said: Tell Abu Amer, Abu Malik Alocharian heard the Messenger of Allah r , Says:
There will be among my ummah people regard as permissible in the silk, alcohol and musical instruments. [2] - Free the vagina and the meaning will regard as permissible adultery 
In this modern Holiday severe on those who cheat in the analysis of what is forbidden to change his name, and that the government is going with the illness. The reason for prohibition of alcohol causing intoxication, whatever was found causing intoxication found the prohibition if it does not continue the name.'Arabi Said: It is out in the provisions but related meanings of names Bolkabha not, in response to a crackdown on pronunciation. [3]
Musical instruments, including what is forbidden KMAT tendons and Alnayat and flutes, lutes and mandolins, Rabab, so in the sentence, and musical instruments what is the harm, such as the daff Almsnag of men at some of the Hanafi, Hanbali, including what may be permissible Ktpol is fun, such as drums of invasion or the convoy. When some of the scholars of the Hanafi, Maliki and Shafi'i .
Including what used to be a delegate or desirable as a form of the tambourine in the marriage announcement. When some scholars, and in other occasions, the marriage of joy and pleasure in the sentence for some [4]
The scholars differed in the rule of singing: Some of them said makrooh makrooh disliked, and some of them said it is haraam, and some of them said, be permissible, and some of them separate little or a lot, and some of them note the sex of the singer a difference between singing men and singing women, and some of them distinguished from the simple to the naive and the comparative the types of machines[5] .
And went Hanafi, Hanbali, which is understood Maalikis to take singing craft livelihoods for haraam. And Imam Shafi'i in the mother that the man or woman sings, taken center music industry brought it comes to him, and is attributed to him, famous for its known, may not be a certificate and one of them , so it is fun, which resembles the hated falsehood, and that making this was attributed to the extravagance and catcher virility, and this may itself was Mstkhva although not a taboo among the prohibition. [6]
What solution abuse (ie, do) of music and singing a solution to be heard, and denied abuse their campus to be heard, because the prohibition of music or singing is not the same, but it is a tool to be heard, and indicates this to say al-Ghazali in his talk about hair Alkhana, and satire, and so on: that is haraam Vsma tunes and without music, the listener who said of the partner. and the view of Ibn Abidin: xenophobia and all the fun and listening. [7]
It is no secret to anyone with insight into the mind and what to listen to this taboo impact on the morals of a child, and dragged it to sag and the debauchery and evil, and slide in the maze of desires and pleasures!! ..
[1] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (7 / 409) (22 218) 22 571 - edema nightclubs - (1 / 71) (69) Poor
[2] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (15/154) (6754) and Saheeh Bukhari - Thesaurus - 5590 comment is true
[3] - Baari by Ibn Hajar - (10/56)
[4] - Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (38/168)
[5] - Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (31/296)
[6] - Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (31/296)
[7] - Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (4 / 95)
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