Foreplay companions for each other .. Advances and fondling each other ..

The companions may Allah be pleased with them all believe in the Messenger of Allah   R Sense of humor, smile, fun, they took him this   R   , Was stroking each other and Idaabh ..

* Male Haythami in the complex (8 / 89) and attributed it to Tabaraani Kara said: I said to Ibn Sirin: Did they Eetmazhon - appointed Companions of the Prophet   R -? He said what they were but as people.

* Nakha'i and asked: Did the Companions of the Messenger of Allah   R   Laugh? He said: Yes, faith in their hearts, like its sister mountains.

These images of fondling each other ..

1 - Ibn al-Hajar Allah's mercy in the incidence (3 / 185) in the translation Soabt bin Harmala, and Imam Ahmad in his Musnad (6 / 316) from Umm Salamah that Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him came a merchant to Bosra and with Enaiman and Soabt bin Harmalah may Allah be pleased both of them and Badri,

The Soabt on the intake, he said to him Enaiman: fed me, he said - I mean, Soabt - even comes with Abu Bakr. 
The Enaiman Amadhaka jokingly, he went to the people brought in at noon, he said: I have bought an Arab boy Farha.

They said: Yes.

He said that with the tongue, and perhaps I am free to say, the Tarkih you for that and let me Atfsdoh Ali.

And they said, but Neptall.

Fabtaauh ten Qlais him, turned to the driven, and said, without you is this.

He said: Soabt: is a liar, I am a free man.

They may tell us your news.

Aftrhawwa cord in the neck and took him, so he told Abu Bakr came, he and his companions went to them they responded Hyades and took him, and told the Prophet   Al so, then laughed and he and his companions, including the hula.

2 - Imaam Muslim in his Saheeh (6 / 15 - 16) from the hadeeth of Ali may Allah be pleased with him said: the Messenger of Allah sent   r Classified them Alqamah bin Mdzz, and I in them, and went outside, even if we were some way, sought permission range he gave them permission, and ordered them Abdullah bin flywheel, and it was the people of Badr, when the teaser, and spoke to us in the way, Vooukd people fire Astalon, and make them a favor to them, saying: Is not it me you listen and obey? They said: Yes. He said, I call you me and my obedience Twatpettm only in this fire, so the people thought Fathdzoa even if they are caught in, he said, grabbed, but I laugh with you, and when he came to the Messenger of Allah   R   They said that to him, he said: (from sin, not commanded you to obey Him) In the novel The Messenger of Allah   R   He said, (if not Dkhaltamoha You continue to the Day of Resurrection).

3 - If they play with each other in some periods beyond words to action, narrated by Bukhari in the literature, the singular (p. 99) from the hadeeth of Abdullah bin Bakr said: The Companions of the Prophet   r Itbadhon watermelons, if the facts were the men.

The souls in glory when such souls do not mind that goes beyond verbal Mzahaa to action that achieves the benefit out of it, this Altbadh watermelons to get used to the benefit of throwing ordered by   R   And interpreted the Qur'an in the words of Allah, the Almighty and prepared them what you can of power, including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy} [Anfal / 60, he said   Y in the interpretation of power in this verse, as narrated by Imam Muslim in his Saheeh (3 / 52), said: that power is shooting, power is not shooting, but the dominant throwing.

4 - The Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him accompanied the teaser also told that Abu Rafie .. Which is what the Golden BIOS (2 / 614) that Marwan ibn al-Hakam He granted Abu Hurayrah the city, was Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him riding a donkey Berzah, and in his head Khalbh of life - the rope slave steel fiber and cotton -, Visser and he meets the man He says the way! Prince has come.!!

Perhaps the boys and they came at night to play a game Motif, so he does not feel himself among them, and beat his feet, Vivzaa Vivron boys.

And perhaps invited me to his dinner, he says: Let Iraq - the bone that took him most of the meat - the Prince. See if the porridge with oil.

5 - and also what happened to him alopecia Qurazi bin Abi Malik said: I accept Abu Huraira in the market carrying a package of wood, which at that time a successor to Marwan, he said: more of the Prince. BIOS (2 / 614).

6 - Laurie from Abu Darda that he was not speaking only a smile, Umm al-Darda said to him: I am afraid that people see you're a fool. He said: I never saw the Messenger of Allah   P. happened only recently with a smile in his speech. See young people and joke (p. 26).

7 - left Abdullah ibn Umar and Abdullah ibn Ayyash of the mosque, and when they were revealed at the door each and every one of them his clothes until his leg appeared and said to his companion: What you have is good, could you Osabakk. Ibid.

If some companions had famously jokes, the officers had known for some jokes on the fate of His Majesty, and high status.

1 - Here is Sufian Revolutionary Allah's mercy as was mentioned by Golden in the BIOS (7 / 275) for Aqbish said: Sufyan was a joke, I was late for fear that his successor Bmzaha puzzles me.

Narrated Alfssoa for Isa bin Muhammad Sufyan that he was laughing so lie and stretch his legs.

2 - The Imam mock Allah's mercy which the good character of the joke and laughed, not behind it but good religion, but it was something mount him, and he is not Balkhariq the usually poorer day Hzea to Abu Abbas al-Razi and for him - remember - is laughing, The Balhoudrh group of people of his country, denounced him and said: This does not fit nor worthy of your knowledge and your progress to read the hadeeth of the Prophet   R   And you laugh. And multiplied it, they said, the elders of our country do not accept this, he said: What in your country but Sheikh should sit between my hands and my role models, and the evidence for that is that I have with you I became a non-appointment, and see if you like to interview any of the hadeeth of the Messenger of God   R   , Read the board attributed to read, or even tell you Read the board isnaad. BIOS (17/629).

3 - This Taabi'i Suleiman Bin Mehran mash Allah's mercy, who says his golden, as in walking (6 / 227-228) briefly: is the imam, Shaykh al-Islam, Sheikh recited and modern, a sign of Islam, a senior subjects, did not miss the opening takbeer soon than seventy years ..

This was a great Taabi'i's a nice joke, a joke and a light, and in some of the lessons are educational to hide, it is this: -

A - he once said of times, a cough, I heard that if a man slept until it becomes - I mean, did not arrive - Turkh Satan urinated in his ear, and I see that he had armed the night in my throat. BIOS (6 / 231).

B - and that he once said an interview (that devil in his ear PAL) said: I think my eyes Amst only to what the devil urinates in my ear. BIOS (6 / 232).

T - output Aloamc If the soldier, Vsk to run by the river, and when he rode mash - I mean, on the back of the soldier - A mash: {Praise the mocked us this}, when mediated by the mash said: {And your Lord took me down the house blessed and you're good houses} [believers / 29] and then threw it. BIOS (6 / 238).

W - Weaver asked by Abu Dawood, mash: what you say, O Abu Muhammad in prayer behind the weaver? He said: not too bad and the light is on, he said, and says in his testimony? He said: accept with good character. BIOS (6 / 234).

C - was born Oamh of anonymous blogging, he said to him: Go Waechter us a rope to the laundry, he said: 'O father: How long? Said ten arms, he said, in view how much? He said in the presentation of calamity you. BIOS (6 / 239) to other positions that you find in the translation in the BIOS (6 / 226-248).

4 - Spring said: I entered the Shafi'i, a patient, I said, the forces of God's weakness, he said: if the forces killed me twice, I say: God, what you want but good, he said: I know that if you are not Stmtni but good.

5 - People entered the bathroom and saw David, Audi Oiz, Vgamad his eyes, David said to him: When Amit O Abu Amr, he said, since HTC is Struck.

6 - and joked popular in his home was said to him: O Abu Amr, kidding? He said, readers inside and outside readers, we die of grief.

7 - said one of the righteous from Muhammad bin Sirin may God have mercy on him: He was laughing so Idaabna and flows of saliva, so if I wanted something of his religion was a chandelier closer to you than that.

8 - A man came to Abu Hanifa said to him: If you removed my clothes and entered the river wash, how to kiss I or others? He said to him: better to have your face to the point of your clothes so as not to steal.

9 - It was said to one of the predecessor: Do you shake hands with Christians? He looked to the fluid and said: Yes Berglk! .

10 - was told Khalil bin Ahmed: You slap people, he said: People in prison unless Eetmazhawwa.See: Youth and humor (p. 25-28).

They were by the mercy of God to what they are from the knowledge and worship, asceticism and piety, a great deal of affection to the people, and to bring happiness to them, saying of the Prophet Mtolin  r : One of the best business to enter on your brother believer pleasure .. Talk. True of the Whole (1 / 247).
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