How to deal with rioting students the teacher and the search for causes and solutions for raising his

Student's favorite:
That the student who has not yet been able to relate to Balrashid take sometimes stand exaggerated in humiliation, and looks to be the preferred pet of his teacher • It is known that some teachers have more than others Mvdilon of pupils, as their opponents, and represents the desire of students to be a favorite a state of fear and insecurity and deepening of the psychological conflict is often the source of a family, and child can find in the father of a good teacher, a father or a bad person according to this father, who revolve around his feelings positive or negative • Professor's favorite student:
There is also a student favorite is a favorite professor, a group characterized by the qualities and characteristics shall be provided in the professor: 
Take into account the psychological and social aspects of the pupil, and that does not deal with the section as one class of students,
Because each one of the students have the privacy of psychological and social, are different from the other disciple • Because here attending the social origins and composition of the psychological per pupil, then Mraadtha and adoption of, and work in a competent psychological - social make Mr. soon to the hearts of students, and enable it to accommodate the individual differences between them and make him aware of each change myself, social and emotional education occurring at each student • 
Master teacher for the lesson the student the attention raises cognitive, and makes it a center and is attracted to participate in the lesson, the teacher avoids this lack of attention, and to avoid factors that rioting can occur • 
Be a professor just in his dealings with students on an equal footing, without this preferable to the other • because it raises the grudges and hatred between the students and creates an atmosphere of hostility and discrimination, and generates elements of Riot feels that she is excluded from the process of building lesson • 
To teach the teacher the lesson in an easy and simple that everyone understands and takes into account all levels between the students free of the difficulties and complexity, in order to facilitate his task, thus ensuring a greater understanding for all • and that has involved everyone in the construction, and shunned rogue elements that invoke always not understood the lesson and earned it to your side • 
That the professor makes himself loved than when non-authoritarian students ensures that ensures a high position in the hearts of students, the maker of himself and dignified and respect can not be dared by any one of the students I work with advice like the following student first and second article Habbh • 
Type of activities and pedagogic methods if you have mastered more than one, so break the boredom and routine in the classroom • 
Avoid launch insults against any student because it falls back on the psyche of the student in the post, and break the prevailing image of respect and Professor in the minds of pupils as they had learned or met him, not so long ago to call you a nickname Kdhya transmits pupils at the school, generation after generation • 
We went to the qualities of Mr. preferred and conscious of the fact that the teacher is primarily responsible for cases of riots and chaos that lies in his class • either because it does not behave well with the students or that he does not control things, section how good, because it lacks these qualities favorite when the student, and he loves to see in teacher, because he is a teenager at the personal example that should affect psychological and adolescent psychology in the prints left after coming out of school • 
Tips for the teacher to deal with cases of riots:
1 • Mark your class is full of vitality and activity so as not to allow boredom to leak the hearts of the students • 
2 • Look for the reason that invite students to raise the problem of hooligan riots, and remove it from the roots, if the Two student rioters then separate them, and deal with each case to suit • 
3 • Mark pupil in the introduction chapter, even under your eyes and be near you constantly • 
4 • not every problem you need to stop riots in the study, but you need to enter smoothly and acted by Mr. express sympathy addressed to the student through the patting on the shoulder of the problem makes the end without the knowledge of others • 
5 • Fill in a vacuum until the students leave the room for the empty time in the chapter because it causes in the rioting • 
6 • Use the method call after the end of the classroom and understanding with the student riots of the exciting friendly manner and try to take him to promise that the riots are not repeated in the next time • 
7 • Try to use social Supreme Leader if he was in school to search for solutions to the problem of widespread riots in the classroom • 
8 • Try moving the pupil to the last semester •
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