The importance of science in Islam and its role in building future generations

There is no doubt that this responsibility very important and dangerous in the eyes of Islam, because Islam is carrying parents and educators a great responsibility in the education of children, raising them to the dipping of a particular culture, science, and focus their minds on the understanding of the container, and abstract knowledge, trial balanced, and understanding of mature right .. and this bloom talent, and highlights the ingenuity, minds and mature, and show the genius .. It is well known historically that the first verse revealed to the heart of the Great Prophet e These verses: {Read the name of your Lord who created (1) the creation of man from a clot (2) Read and your Lord is Most Generous (3) which is taught by the pen (4) anthropology that are not known (5)} [Alaq: 1-5].
And that was only praise for the fact that reading and science, and to raise the marks Manar thought, mind, and open the door wide open to civilization.
If we want to review the Quranic verses and prophetic urging on the flag, and raise the status of scientists, we find many and extensive Istzarha small and large, and tell the world and the learner ..

It is these verses says: Kant is the security of pots of the night, prostrate and standing warns Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord Say: Are those equal who know and those who do not know but remember Ulloa Kernels} (9) Al groups.
- And saying: So Exalted is Allah the King the right speed of the Koran before you spend the neighborhood and say the Lord Archived note} (114) Surat Taha.
- And saying: {O you who believe, if you have been in the councils Tvshawwa Vavshawwa God give you and when it is said Anczoa Vanczoa God raises you who believe and those who were given science degrees and is an expert of what you do} (11) Surat argument.
- And saying: {n-and-pencil and Astron} (1) Surat pen 01.
One of these conversations:
From Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah - e - «Of the same relieves a believer of the distress of this world, Allah will relieve him of the distress on the Day of Resurrection, and is pleased to pinching God is pleased with it in the world and the Hereafter, and conceals a Muslim, Allaah will conceal him in the world and the Hereafter, and Allah will help His slave so long as the slave helps his brother and a wire path to seek it easy for him God has a path to Paradise and the people who met at the house of God recite the Book of Allah and studying them but I got them quiet and fainted and the angels of mercy and one who has mentioned God and his work has not slowed its speed by the proportion » [1] .
And Abu Mas'ud said: the Messenger of Allah e "This world is cursed, cursed is the only scholar or a student, said God, and what Lallah" [2]
And Abdullah bin Damra Alslouli, narrated by Abu Huraira said: I heard the Messenger of Allah e He says: the world is cursed, cursed is the only remembrance of Allah, etc. and allies, or a scientist, or educated. [3]
And many bin Qais, said: I was sitting with Abu Darda in the mosque of Damascus, a man came and said: O Abu Darda of the city I have come to the city of the Prophet e Speech I heard you speaking about the Messenger of Allah e He said: I came not to need? He said: No, he said: I came not to trade? He said: No, he said: I came not only because of this hadeeth said: Yes, he said: I heard the Messenger of Allah e Says, "of wire path required note of the wire is by way of the ways of Paradise, and angels put their wings satisfaction of the seeker of knowledge, and preferred the world to the worshiper like the superiority of the moon to full moon night on the other planets, and the world pray for forgiveness for him in the heavens and the earth and everything so whales in the depths of water, the scientists and the heirs of the Prophets The Prophets they did not leave behind dirhams and dinars and not possessed of science, it took luck and take plenty " [4]
Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet e He said: If a person dies, his work was lost except three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who will pray for him. [5]
And Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah - e - Said, «If a person dies, his work was interrupted him except three: ongoing charity, or beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who will pray for him»[6] .
Based on this guidance Quranic and guidance the Prophet embarked Muslims in the era of the message, and the ages that followed the schools of science universal, and considered the learning of all beneficial knowledge such as the obligatory duty, and benefited from the civilizations of other nations in the world so they renewed where and Himoha, and Tabauha nature of Islam, distinguished, and remained the world for centuries long quotes from the sciences, and benefit from their culture .. and starred material civilization in the modern era the east and the west only because of what they took from the Muslim civilization and the sciences through Sicily, Andalusia, and the Crusades ... was the Islamic state, the right of a professor and an imam to the world lost, and humanity confused ..
But what is the secret of this payment cultural, scientific and brightness?
Secret lies in the principles on which aspects of the eternal law of Islam:
(A) because Islam is the spirit and substance, and the religion and the world Vlabadath, and transactions, and legislation of social and provisions of the mundane .. clear implications in building human civilization, and the motto that says: {And seek with thee is the Hereafter and do not forget your share of the world and better and better God you do not mischief in the land that God does not like spoilers} (77) Surat stories.
And saying: If I spent in prayer Vantchroa land, and seek the grace of God, and remember Allah much, that ye may prosper} (10) Al-Friday.
(B), and it calls for equality and humanity, to contribute to building human civilization, both fall under the banner of Islam, regardless of races and colors and languages ​​... and the motto the words of Almighty says: {O mankind We created you from male and female and made ​​you into nations and tribes so that the the sight of God that ye} (13) Al rooms
(C) and because it is a religion of openness and acquaintance to all nations and peoples, and logo in the previous verse ..
  Based on this appeal opened up to other Muslims, and benefited from the cultures of nations, Vtkont have extensive experience in various fields of industrial, commercial, agricultural and technical .. Vsrōha in the crucible of Islam, civilization came later printed in character, and sealed with his seal.
(D) and that religion constantly renewed the finest to be of the systems, provisions and principles .. and suffices honor and eternal that download Lord of the Worlds, and the legislation of the wisest rulers, and it meets the needs of humanity in all times and places, and provide humanitarian legislation vital upscale integrated until God inherits the earth and them, and the motto meaning: the days of ignorance who is better provision of God for a people who have firm Faith} (50) Surah.
It is enough that Islam is a glory and eternal to witness the great West to greatness and vitality of its own legislation .. Here is what the English philosopher (Bernard Shaw): (It was the religion of Muhammad appreciated Sam, what is involved in the vitality of amazing, and that the only religion which has the Queen of digestion of the phases of life .. I see a duty to be called Mohammed savior of humanity, and that if a man Ckshaklth took over leadership of the modern world has succeeded in solving its problems).
Dr (Aazko Ansabato): (The superiority of Islamic law in many European research laws, but that gives the world's most secure stable laws).
Says Mark (Hberl) Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of (us) in the year of rights (1927 m): (The Human boasts of having a man like Muhammad ( e ) To it, as it could, although illiterate than ten centuries ago to introduce legislation that we and the Europeans would be very happy if we reached the summit after two thousand years )!!..
So I turned verses prophets came and nothing but bygone Jitna
His signs is the longer term new Izinhen beauty and foot slave
(E) and that makes religion since childhood education compulsory and free, without the distinction between forensic science and cosmic science only in terms of need, adequacy and competence ..
As Islam is a religion that makes education compulsory and compulsory Vllahedit the following:
Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah e : Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim. [7]
The word Muslim in the modern general and applies to male and female alike.
And Alqamah bin Saad bin Abdul Rahman bin Abzi, from his father, his grandfather said: Speeches Messenger of Allah - e - Once commended the communities of Muslims good, and then said: "What is wrong with people who do not understand their neighbors, not teaching them, not Aazounam, and command them, nor Enhonhm. What wrong with people who do not learn from their neighbors, not Atfgahon, or learn. And God to teach people their neighbors, and Evgahounam People of Oaajlnhm for punishment, "and then people came down and said: It meant you see these? He said: Ashaari, people who are scholars, and their neighbors Ajafah of the people of the water and the Bedouins, that reached the Ashaari, so they brought the Messenger of Allah - e - They said: O Messenger of God, some people said was fine, and reminded us of human beings, let alone? He said: "to teach people People of Oaajlnhm of punishment in this world, "They said: O Messenger of God, Onaftn others? Was terrifying to say to them, and returned saying: Onaftn others? He said also, they said: We give a year, Vomhlhm years Read the Messenger of Allah - e - This verse (curse those who disbelieved of the Children of Israel the words of David) verse. Tabaraani in the great [8]
And Abdullah bin Amr that the Messenger of Allah e , Said: Mute note the Day of Resurrection Allah will bridle reins of fire. [9]
If the application of science - in the eyes of Islam - obligatory for Muslim men and women .. and if conscientious about learning science or education, threatened - by Shara - punishment .. and if it stifles beneficial knowledge Mljama reins of fire on the Day of Resurrection .. do you not suggesting all of this Islam is a religion that makes learning science or education, a mandatory duty?! ..
As Islam is a religion that makes a free education in all its powers to stop Vllmoaagaf that the Prophet e In the free education, and his stern warning from taking pay for education to his companions.
Historically, it has been proven peace be upon him was not paid for his education and his call of a reward, and principle and the principle of the Apostles before him says: {And I ask of you the reward is only from the Lord of the Worlds} (109) Surat poets
And also historically proven Musab bin Omair, who sent him (PBUH) and called on teachers to the city, and Maaz bin Jabal who was sent to Yemen, Jafar bin Abi Talib, who was sent to Abyssinia .. and dozens of others were not paid from a reward.
For silent worship Ben said: NASA learned from the people of the book and character of the Koran he gave me a bow to a man whom I said: It is not money, and blazed forth in the way of Allah Almighty to be joining the Messenger of Allah - e - Vlosalnh Votih I said: O Messenger of God gave a man who bow to you I know the book, the Quran, not money, and blazed forth in the way of Allah. He said: «If you love to surround a ring of fire Vaqublha». [10]
And also historically proven that the children of Muslims who flies to the mosques, and schools .. for science and learning they do not make for the sake of their education paid!!
  They were studying in some of the ages at the expense of the state .. and has been a traditionalist scholars warn that addresses the guidance and education to take on paid education, the teacher should follow the example of the owner of Shara e Not seek to benefit science wages, is not meant to reward nor thanks, but knows the face of God and asked to get closer to him and see for himself of them, although Minnah needed them, but see the credit to them as Hzbwa their hearts because the closer to God cultivate science which, like Ieirk cultivated land to cultivate for yourself Vmnftk more than the benefit of the owner of the land from him and how he took Thoapk in education more than the reward of God when the learner, and learner and what I got this reward does not require remuneration only from God Almighty [11] The Almighty said: O my people do not ask you money, it is only from the God and I Btard who believe they Mlaqo their Lord, but I see you ignorant folk} (29) Hud.
But scholars were separated Funding Options in the governance of taking the teacher pay and that the teacher either that the education computation of the face of God, or by requiring a fee, the he was doing his calculation, he might be given of the house of money to help him in his work, and called what is given to baby can not be called paid Ibn Muflih: Duty the imam should examine the teacher and the learner and Arozkhma of the house of money because the mainstay of the religion that is better than jihad. [12]
It was' Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with the first gathering of the boys in the office and ordered Amer Bin Abdullah Khuzaie Alazmanm that education and make a living from home money. [13]
The result, to accept people on science and learning are unparalleled in human history .. says a thinkers: (The Islamic State before the whole world in the deployment of free education for all citizens without discrimination or favor, was the school wide open to people of all in the mosque and the role of science, and public places .. in every country that entered Islam, and remnants of that free education is permissible free education-based Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, and the Faculty of Dar Al Uloom, and all schools legitimacy .. Students are given a subsidy to provide food to them, which states are now circulated the place) [14]
The question remains whether the teacher full-time education, and he has no other resource to earn money from it permissible for him to take his education paid for? There is no doubt that the teacher when it is full-time for science and education, and when not readily available to him the reasons to get the language to live, and when tolerated by the State, or tolerated by society in its efficiency and guaranteed .. it is permissible to take on his education paid would bring him the dignity of self, and the language of life .. and to this indicates al-Ghazali Allah's mercy in the revival (as well as for the teacher to take enough to empty his heart of living, and to free himself for the dissemination of science, so it meant by the dissemination of science, and the reward of the Hereafter, and take a living language accessible to intentional).
Abu Hassan - as told by Gabes - had passed since my little story from Ibn Wahab said: I was sitting when the owner turned to the teacher the book, said to him: O Abu Abdullah! I am a polite boy, and he heard nothing, and I would Ohart (ie wages) has declined to people to, and not give me as they give, and I have Baaala and I do not trick only education. Said to him, the owner: Go and Hart, so he left the man, said to him, some counseled: O Abu Abdullah! Telling him to require that education?Malik said to them: Yes, it is Amaht (ie, fit), we make our? It Aadbam us? Not for anything we teachers are we?
What makes matters confirmation, this is the era in which many bad, and the combined colonial schemes to cover their tracks Islam!! ..
  So should parents and educators should make the education of their children, especially theology and doctrine, and reading the Koran and other religious sciences, because money is to be without it is obligatory, and if you do not choose for their children's teachers - even if wages - the boys Sancún on atheism, ignorance and degradation, pornography ..
In the past Ibn Masood may Allah be pleased with him - as Ibn Sahnoun for Sufian Revolutionary - "three to be for the people of them: from the Emir of governing themselves, and not to eat each other, and must be for people to buy the Koran and sold, but not that of the hero of the book of God, and must for people of teacher know their children, and take it paid, but otherwise people were illiterate ...". [15]
And add something else in line with the time in which we live, it is necessary for the people of the teacher teach their children in matters of religion, and morality, and the facts of history, and reading the Quran .. but otherwise, the boys atheists deceived, whether such education is paid or unpaid!! ..
And, then, to after the above that Islamic law does not allow the original to take payment for education, unless there were clothed necessary to take a taxi, if the teacher full-time for information, and did not have a resource to earn only education, or the case of children requires that depriving them masters of polite Ihfezounam beliefs of atheism and infidelity, and Ancaounam on the principles of Islam and the virtuous education, For these and other circumstances allowed the law to take payment for education, whether legitimate or education was universal and God knows best.
(F) and the religion that divides the duty of education to the duty and obligation Kvaúah kind, and in that detail:
- If the collection of science which has to do with the composition of the Muslim individual spiritually, and mentally, and physically and morally .. it is such as to impose eye the extent that it needs, and which falls under the banner of this duty of women and men, young and old, and the worker and the employee .. and all layers of the Muslim Ummah. ..
Based on this learning to recite the Koran, and the provisions of the acts of worship, and the basic principles of ethics, and issues of Halal and Haram, and the rules of public health, and all that the Muslim needs in his religious and worldly affairs is to force my eyes to every Muslim man and woman in this life.
- If the collection of science which has to do with Defense, and other useful science .. it is such as to impose enough if some people do fall for all sin, and if it does not have a whole Islamic community is a sinner and responsible.
This is the secret driving force of civilization and science in building human civilization, and that which emphasizes the greatness of Islam, and his rival for the spirit of the age and development, and competence of the fundamentals of immortality and regeneration and to continue ..
With regard to what we see today than double the scientific and leave civilization .. is attributable to ignorance of the Muslims, the fact that Islam is great, and the removal of Islam from the application of regulations in all areas of life, and to the conspiracy the enemies of Islam in the blur of Islam, and the separation of church and state, and limited the Islamic regime in matters of worship , and issues of morality!! ..
On Muslims understand the truth of Islam, and on applying its destruction in the various areas of life, and the day to pay attention to the conspiracies woven enemies .. and customers, then regain their place under the sun, and return remission guides, but the best nation raised up for the people ..
{And that this Srati follow him straight and do not follow will separate you from His path and Sakm Such is it that you may be cautious} (153) Surat cattle.
It must be education that must be keen on educators and teachers and parents .. is to focus primarily on the education of children - who are in the age discrimination - read the Koran, and Biography of the Prophet, and all they need from the forensic science, and some poems, literary, and like the Arabs .. The keenness of the Muslims of all ages throughout history to teach their children these basic sciences, and materials necessary .. [16]
There are many demands in a great loss this topic: [1] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (7028) [2] - the great dictionary of Tiberias - (20/215) (1680) is true for other [3] - Sunan Ibn Majah - i - message - (5 / 231) (4112) is true for other [4] - explain the problem effects - (3 / 10) (982) is true [5] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (7 / 286) (3016) correctly [6] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (4310) [7] - the benefits for the full 414 - (1 / 30) (-5651) of the ways is true for other [8] - to know the companions of Abu Naim - (1 / 366) (1118) and a complex appendages - (1 / 379) (748) Upgrade - [9] Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (1 / 298) (96) is true [10] - Sunan al-Kubra of Bayhaqi - Hyderabad - (6 / 125) (12 017) is true [11] - Revival 1 / 56, and the total of the nuclear 1 / 28 [12] - Indian fatwas 4 / 448, Ibn Abidin and footnote 5 / 35, and Sharh al-Kabeer with Desouki 4 / 16.61, sentences and footnote 3 / 541 545, Boy Scouts and the mask 4 / 12.13, and legality of Arts 2 / 53. [13] - Fiqhiyyah Kuwait - (38/228) and the balance of work - (1 / 52) and fruit Aldoana 1 / 35. [14] - Journal of Islamic civilization from an article (Islamic Education), Professor Mahmoud Mahdi Astnbula p. 422 [15] - Raising Children in Islam to Alwan - (1 / 202) [16] - Raising Children in Islam to Alwan - (1 / 205)
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