Instructions and the rule of gold .. Love for your brother what you love for yourself

Muslim brother:
1 -    Do not delay today's work tomorrow.
2 -    Love for your brother what you love for yourself.
3 -   Is not what it is not estimated.
4 -   Say the truth even to yourself.
5 -   "Hand of God with the group" Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi and Ibn Abbas Tabaraani.
6 -    Unity is better than a bad sitter.
7 -   Defects repaired yourself before someone else to fix defects.
8 -   At least without thinking and do not work without the measure.
9 - "Give the trust to one who entrusted it does not betray the one who betrays" Hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood and classed as saheeh by the Governor.
10 -    Deliberation in the safety and haste makes waste.
11 -   } And your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, and parents charity {([1]).
12 -   "Barwa Tbarakm your fathers your sons and an amnesty for the people spared women wives" Tabaraani a good chain.
13 -   Sparingly and Moklk Musharpk and Mlbisk and sleep.
14 -   Of early and woke early.
15 -   "Fear Allah wherever you are and follow the good the bad and the creator of Tmhaa people creating a good" Narrated by al-Tirmidhi said: hasan hadeeth.
16 - "Save God protect you." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi said: a saheeh hasan hadeeth.
17 -   "Every good deed is charity," narrated by Bukhari and others.
18 -    "Good word charity," narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah and Ibn Hibbaan and correct it.
19 -   "Religion is sincerity" Narrated by Muslim.
20 -    "Of humble submission to God and grow and put" Narrated by Ibn Majah and corrected ruling.
21 -   "Silence is the wisdom of the few who does," the words of Luqman Hakim (Buloogh p. 302).
22 -   "Escaped from the silence," narrated by Tirmidhi and he said, a strange and Tabaraani and its narrators are trustworthy.
23 -   "The believer is familiar with and compose," narrated by Ahmad and others and classed Suyuti.
24 - "One the one I love," narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
25 -    "As one who repents from sin is not sin." Narrated by Ibn Majah and others.
26 -    "The believer is a mirror insured" Reported by al and other good chain.
27 - "one's religion of his friend so let one of you Akhall" Hadith narrated by Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi and classed.
28 -   Fix yourself works for you people.
29 -   Sarah was the mute option in his hand.
30 - the tongue of the tortured many brothers.
31 -    If the mind is less talk.
32 -   "One of the good Muslim does not mean leaving" a hasan hadeeth narrated by Tirmidhi and others.
33 -   No regrets what he has done.
34 -    If you have worked better praise God.
35 -    Do not be deceived by the dream of God.
36 -    Tstsgr not sin.
37 -   God knew of the feared.
38 -   Do not waste hours of age.
39 -   Do not offer a job unbearable.
40 -    There is no good in pleasure after the fire.
41 -   } And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him and He will provide him not calculated in terms of {([2]).
42 -   "Base" of leaving something for the sake of Allaah,.
43 -   Shot to his secrets of the fittest bounty.
44 -   Computer by yourself be held accountable.
45 -    Woe to the excessively neglected.
46 -   Disobeyed God by obedience to authority over the other.
47 -   "Do not accompany except a believer not only pious eat your food" Hadith narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi and Ibn Hibbaan, the Governor and corrected.
48 -    Request of the Ela Sahar nights.
49 -   Does not object to the Creator.
50 -   Turning away from God caused concerns.
51 -    "What Say enough is enough and better than many and my God," narrated by Abu Ali and others, and classed Suyuti.
52 -   Take hours of your life short good work.
53 -   Insured ever vigilant.
54 -   More than remembrance of Allah in secret and in public.
55 -   Wise to leave religion to save man's land.
56 -    Be patient when calamity grateful when prosperity.
57 -   Say good and only Vasamt ([3]).
58 -    Do not imitate others blindly and do not be shiny.
59 -   Be the Rajya amnesty is afraid of punishment.
60 - Cell is Paradise and it sought refuge from the fire.
61 -   "Be careful on what will benefit you and seek the help of God does not fail." Narrated by Muslim.
62 -   Repent to Allah with sincere repentance and more forgiveness.
63 - more than a recitation of the Quran, God reward him ten good deeds for every letter.
64 -   Read the biography of the Prophet r In it a lesson.
65 -   Read the sayings of the Prophet r The correct way to illuminate you.
66 -    Save your time, you will benefit you as an accountant and it is responsible and rewarding them on what worked.
67 -    More than prayer and peace upon the Messenger of Allah and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family and companions.
68 -   Fittest of the fittest is Alanath knows his secrets.
69 -   Interested in the order of the Hereafter Allah is sufficient for him worldly.
70 -    Of the fittest between that and the fittest is what God between him and the people.
71 -    Keep them together three of the collection of faith:
Equity of yourself, and make peace to the world, and spending of Alaguetar ([4]).
May Allaah, and peace and blessings of Allaah be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his companions and all.
([1]) Al-Isra: verse 23.
([2]) Al-divorce: verse 2-3.
([3]) to see Khaatir Jawzi.
([4]) Narrated by al-Bukhaari in his Saheeh from Ammar Ibn Yasser may Allah be pleased with him.
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