Educational methods and steps to be followed by the father and teacher

Sometimes we deal with the learner and the invited and Almterba that we are the owners a favor upon favor, so we see that it does not need to do something to welcome and hospitality and good reception, but may consider only accept enough for him in honor, and may feel the father and teacher regardless of the truth to him; he wants Almterba it. The fact that the father and teacher is really great, but this right can not be achieved only when the child knows and Almterba it and instills in his heart, honor the righteous people through exciting and
educational methods steps carried out by the father and teacher.
It would have been offset by the Prophet - peace be upon him - even if at first glance he has found welcome and hospitality and warm welcome makes souls are attracted to and feel comfortable talking.
Came Safwan Ibn Assal, may Allah be pleased with him to the Prophet - peace be upon him - said:
O Messenger of Allah! I came, I ask of science. Said to him, the Prophet - peace be upon him - «hello student of science; that science students lined the angels with their wings, and then ride each other until they reach the heaven of love to ask ...», How will the impact of this welcome and the hospitality at the same Safwan , do you see Isahd to seek knowledge then? Sometimes the student comes to participate in a Koran or tonic incoming Israeli charity with some coolness (.. okay, sit down with your colleagues ..) without having heard a welcome speech, but the bar may be received from the strict conditions (conditions of acceptance), which probably made ​​it back, it . It is noteworthy that some Fahkur role of education and healthy youth charity may have made ​​a reception and welcome new members a significant impact on the desire to send in the soul.
- And my father Refaa may Allah be pleased with him said: «I'm done to the Prophet - peace be upon him - as he said: 'O Messenger of Allah! A strange man came asking about his religion, does not know what his religion, he said, turned to the Messenger of God (and leave his sermon until the end to me, came a chair calculated limbs iron. He said, sat by the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and make teaches me that knowledge of God, Then came his speech piquant most recent ».
Ajeeb and God! Stop the sermon, and sit for the learner! Any honor and any warm above this, and how many will make this method of the same desire in the learner and the student!!Are we, the teachers or educators to do for breakfast at school for example, to answer what he asks for the student? When we cut Almterba pleasure of sleeping with a phone call to resolve the problem or answer a question you will find us welcoming and good self?
- The Prophet - peace be upon him - receives delegations and improves Vadthm, and taken to the clothes a special and a preacher preaches in his hands a notice him more attention to them; when he came to the delegation of Abdul Qais welcomed them - peace be upon him -, he said: «hello Balqom is Khozaya not Ndamy .. », and when presented Alocharion the people of Yemen, said the Prophet - peace be upon him -:« There has come to the people of Yemen are thinner hearts, and Allen hearts, faith in Lehman, and wisdom Main Category »and Roy in the hospitality and Wael Ben Stone may Allah be pleased with him on the Prophet - peace be upon him - that the Prophet - peace be upon him - preached by his friends before he went, he said, comes to the rest of the sons of kings. When he entered welcomed him, and below the same and close to his council and the extension of his robe, and said: God bless Wael and his son was born, and his son ». The delegation of Abs to the Prophet - peace be upon him - and they were nine, said the Prophet - peace be upon him - I Xkm. And hold them to the brigade and make the slogan «O ten». The pen can not express the beauty of this creation and its impact in the soul, even if we are to stand with the position of each of these positions and to reflect on where we stand on the impact of the souls long for us, and as we mentioned enough.
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