Kindness, compassion and good breeding carefully to reach perfection and success

{Is because of the mercy of God, even if you have lint rude and harsh-hearted shake around you} [Al-Imran: 159].
He made ​​the Prophet - peace be upon him - kindness is a cause of perfection and success; narrated that Aisha said: The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - «O Aisha! God loves the companion animal, and gives the animal is not giving the violence, and what does not confer upon anything else ». In an interview with Jarir ibn Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said: «the campus of the campus of kindness goodness».
On this important rule in dealing (kindness and mercy) was the deal of the Prophet - peace be upon him - with his companions; narrated from Abu Hurayrah, may God that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said: «I am but you like a parent to inform you; If let him not face the qiblah not Istdberha ...»,
Think about how he began the Prophet - peace be upon him - this gentle method in education, and how much it will have the same impact on the listener ..!!
And Maalik ibn al-may Allah be pleased with him said: We came Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and we Hbbh closely spaced, Voqmana him for twenty nights, and the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - merciful companion; when he thought I had we missed our families, we asked We told him who we left behind us said: Go back to your families and stay with them, teaching them »talk. This mercy of the Prophet - peace be upon him - these young people the guidance to the need to take account natures of souls, which may overlook some of the educators on the grounds (of seriousness and firmness) were assigned to whatever extent it may not tolerate, and carried them on what is causing it drop.
And confirmed the need for compassion and mercy upon the occurrence of error is deliberate; because souls may sometimes Istterha error distract attention from dealing with him for mercy and kindness, and tend strongly to the deterrence and discipline; narrated Muawiya ibn al-Hakam peaceful may Allah be pleased with him said: «Whilst I was praying with the Messenger of Allah - peace upon him -; as sneezing man among the people, and I said: God bless. Faramana people with their eyes, I said: Izql Omaah! What do you look to your business? So they beat with their hands on their thighs; When the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - Fbiba is my mother and I never saw a teacher before or after the best-educated him; sure of what Nehrna not hit me, and cursed me, he said: This prayer is not the right place for any of the words people, but it is a praise and magnification and reading the Koran ».
Anas may Allah be pleased with him said: A Bedouin came, urinated in a mosque, people rebuked him, forbade the Prophet - peace be upon him -, when he had finished his urine command of the Prophet - peace be upon him - the sins of water Vohriv him », and in the novel: The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him -: «These mosques are not suitable for anything from this urine and filth; it is to mention God, prayer and reading the Koran».
Consider this position if it occurred in a mosque in your neighborhood, if the baby in mind how many women will follow the chapel on his mother's words of rebuke and possibly insulting, and it will be a modern congregation in the mosque, and the people of the neighborhood for days.
Dealing with kindness and compassion inherited a kind of self-confidence and calm, and makes the understanding of the problem and deal with them more successful and achieve the goals other than what had been accompanied by a kind of tension.
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