Beautiful Kasmh, known Chrismh, good Ktamh. The first beneficiaries of the happiness of this people are Almtfdilon Delight, reaping its fruits sooner in them, and morals, and conscience, Inshirah ones find, and extraversion, calm and tranquility.
If you went to some professional or pain are your g Vamnh others known and beautiful you find them a lion relief and comfort. Give the deprived, oppressed and Vids, saved Mkroba, feed hungry, come back sick, Help the distressed, to find happiness fills your hands and from behind you.
The benefit to do good Kalmsk holder and buyers and sellers, and rewards good behavior blessing psychological drugs in a pharmacy who have baptized their hearts righteousness and charity.
The distribution of bright smiles to the poor ethics ongoing charity in the world of values, "even though your brother has received generally divorced" and that frown face a fierce declaration of war on others does not know its only Knower of the Unseen.
A drink of water from the palm of a dog punk Akor led to entry the Commission presented the heavens and the earth, because the reward is Forgiving, thanks beautiful, loves the beautiful, rich, Hamid.
You who threatened nightmares misery and panic and fear, Come to the grove known and Chaglua good, giving and hospitality and the comfort and benefit to the service and you will find happiness, taste, color and taste (and the one he has the grace recompensed only seeking the Face of his Lord, the Supreme (20) and will accept).