Learning theory Aljhtaltah .. Principles of learning theory and Aljhtaltah

Appeared at the hands of school Aljhtaltah Freetmr Max, Kurt, and Wulff Kovka Jalj Koehler these scientists rejected the Founders came by the school of mechanical relational ideas about the human soul. Substituting Aljhtaltah school and they replace mechanical relational school, and have made ​​their topics: the psychology of thinking and the problems of knowledge ...

Concepts Aljhtaltah

Naming is the origin of this school, and does all interdependent parts consistently and regularly, so that its component parts in a dynamic correlation between on the one hand, and with all the same on the other. Each component or part of the Aljhtalt has its place and role and function required by the nature of the whole.
Consists of the elements associated with the internal laws, governed by a dynamic and functional.
All will gain understanding of all dimensions in terms of understanding and knowledge of linkages between the parts and adjust.
Determine the psychology of learning Aljhtaltah regulation to the issue of learning that control the structure.
Linbei learning and restructuring the organization to overcome forms of ambiguity and contradictions to be replaced by insight and real understanding.
Dissemination of learning to similar positions in the original structure and various forms of Altmzar.
Original motivation
Enhance learning should be a matter from the inside.
Understanding and meaning
Learning is achieved when the objectives of understanding which is the meaning of Mhv Astbsari Aljhtalt, any disclosure of all relations associated with the subject, and move from ambiguity to clarity.

Learning theory and Aljhtaltah

Look Aljhtaltah school learning is different from behavioral, if the latter, and as mentioned above linking the attempt and error learning and experience, Valmnzeron Aljhtaltah of the theory argue that experiments on animals, can not be applied to human beings, and in this regard Kovka says:
I mean, first, that nothing new can learn, is the exclusion of some of these responses, and install what is left of them, but not for this behavior for any purpose or direction, and the animal that is trying in vain ... It is not the slightest idea of the animal for a reason for which the behavior becomes ... learn it blindly.
So without all the criticism of the Aljhtaltien Slukian, Learning, according to the point of view Aljhtaltien associated with the object to realize itself and to the position of learning, they see the typical perception of education and the transition from obscurity to clarity. Vkovka see that the child have a behavior is not regulated enough, and that the environment and the community is to ensure that this behavior regulation is envisaged.
Aljhtaltien Scientists believe that all learning is based on the analysis of perception, and is also doing something new, Loyalty to the possibility of moving to the positions of new educational thing, which facilitates survival in the memory for a long time ...

Principles of learning theory Aljhtaltah

Nord briefly the principles of learning as the point of view Aljhtalt:
1 -   Foresight to learn the real condition.
2 -   The understanding and achieve insight supposed to re-Abannana.
3 -   Learning coupled with the results.
4 -   Jump condition of real learning.
5 -   Conservation and mechanical application of the knowledge learned negative.
6 - Foresight strong incentive, promotion, and external negative factor.
7 -   Foresight positive interaction with the object of learning.

Aljhtaltah theory and education

Contributed to the theory of learning to change and develop educational policies and educational in several countries, in the first half of the 20th century. Invoking the principle of pedagogy Aljhtalt All before part, the thing that means re-organization and internal structure to the issue of learning.
We have benefited from Aldisdaktic Aljhtaltah theory, bringing the education begins to introduce the topic of holistic, Vdzia according to a ruler to move to the part of the total, without prejudice to the internal structure, and at the same time achieve insight on each part separately.
And so theory contributed Aljhtalt up large in the formulation of cognitive psychology, and psychology in particular, to solve problems ...
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