Literature authorization to raise the level of handling and maintaining the social characteristics of individual

"Literature is a social and a high duty on large and small, has a special place in Islamic law summed up the revelations of Allah blessings creams" [1]
He says: {O you who believe, to Astaznkm who proprietary and who have not attained the dream of you three times before the dawn prayer and when you put your clothes in the afternoon and after the evening prayer three SINS you not you do not have sin on Toavon you some of you to also shows God to you verses and Allah is Knower, Wise} (58) Surat Al-Nur
This verse includes ethics authorization between relatives on each other, it is Allah Messenger r and the faithful, that Astaznhm servants (who proprietary) and their children who have not attained the dream of three conditions.
- Before the dawn prayer because people are asleep in their beds.
- And the time of the afternoon siesta, because a man may put his clothes and be in that situation with his family.
- And at bedtime (after evening prayers).
Faamr servants, and children should not Aahjmoa to her family in these circumstances. He says that these times are the sins of the people. In these times there is no sin on them if Dkhalthoa because they are in the service of the house around among them. And then he says that he shows to the people verses and its provisions, he knows the things that the interest, as prescribed sage. [2]
The authorization to begin in stages:
Asked permission before the wet dreams in three times before the dawn prayer and nap time and after evening prayers at night.
However, if the child was dreaming stage and adulthood, the Quranic guidance should always Astimanh the Almighty said: {And when the children among you come to puberty, ask permission, as those before them as well as God shows you His signs, and Allah is Knower, Wise} (59) Surat Al-Nur "
If the total of children who were Astaznon in the genitalia of the three the amount of men (the dream), they shall be Astaznoa After all, if not in the cases of the three also asked permission from their predecessors in adulthood, who was born a man and his relatives, and also between God Almighty what you said very statement , as well as it shows you what your Excellency in your world, and Akhrtkm, and God knows the conditions of creation, and wise in the laws and of masterminding. [3]
Literature and the permission of the other are arranged as follows:
(A) to deliver and then asked permission:
"Who wants authorization does not face the door but as a whole stands on his right or left, so if his income, but went away without discomfort or protest"
Rabe said the man told us that Aamir built to attack the Prophet - r - Which is in the house of Prophet said Olj - r - Servant to «get out of this authorization to tell him Flmh Say Hello Insert a». The man heard him and he said the peace you so angry that he Insert a prophet - r - Entered. [4]
(B) to announce the name or description or nickname:
From Abu Musa - y - The Prophet - r - Entered the wall and told me to save the door of the wall, there came a man asked permission, he said «Let him in and nails Paradise». If Abu Bakr, and then came another asking permission, he said «Let him in and nails Paradise». If age, then came the last asked permission, remained silent a moment and then said, «to give the adhaan him and nails the scourge of heaven Stsiba ». If Uthman ibn Affan. [5]
And Mohammed bin Munkadir, said: I heard Jabir bin Abdullah, says: I came to the Messenger of Allah r , Vdqguet the door, he said: From what? I said: I am, he said: I like a man twice his hatred.[6]
(C) asked permission three times:
Mystery bin Saeed narrated that he heard Abu Sa'eed, he says, when we were in the Abu ibn Ka'b, Abu Musa al-Ash'ari came up with a stick stop, he said: Oncdkm God, do one of you heard the Messenger of Allah r says: authorization to three, the authorized you, otherwise go back? My father said: What is that? He said: I asked permission to Omar ibn al-Khattab yesterday three times, was not granted to me, so she went back, and then Jith, entered it, I told him I Jith yesterday and recognized three times, then disbanded, he said: I have heard you and we are then on the job, even if she asked you to be authorized? He said she asked as I heard the Messenger of Allah r He said: I swear to Odjan your back or to see who comes to me you on this, he said: My father said: God does not only brought about with you're not, then, O Abu Said, so I did until I came I told Omar, I have heard the Messenger of Allah r says this [7] .
It is better to have the permission of the first and the second time the amount of waiting four rak'ahs Almstazn it is a sign to be in prayer or in the district need ...
(D) that does not ring the door violently:
Especially if the head of the house his father or his teacher or a preferred .. Anas: "The doors of the Prophet r was knocking Balozaver " [8]
The advances knocking on the doors Oheachhm Nail. This indicates Mbalgthm respect and literature., A good is near the place of the door, and the distance from the door Fikra according to what is happening by the destination. But if it was on the door bell was also custom today. Fikra Almstazn Lottery light Nice show of kindness and generosity of his character and good treatment.
(E) turns from the door when the authorization:
Runs the risk of a foreign woman standing while opening the door, and proceeded to ask permission in order to consider, and this was confirmed by the blessings and peace to his companions, from Sahl ibn Sa'd said look man from the hole in the stone of the Prophet - r - With the Prophet - r - Madry scratching his head and said «I know if you are looking for stabbed him in the eye, but make the authorization for the blind». [9]
And Abdullah bin mystery, may Allah be pleased with him, he says: I heard the Prophet r , Says: Do not come home from their doors, but Aútoha of its aspects, and then handed over the ear you Vadkhaloa, otherwise Farjawa. [10]
And Abdullah Bin said the secret of the Messenger of Allah - r - If you came to the door of people who did not receive the door of the own face, but the corner from the left or right and say «Hello Hello». And that the role did not have that day Store. [11]
And Abu Huraira said: Abu al-Qasim - r - «If that something you look without the permission, Fajzvth truncheon, Vvqot eye, did not you stand» [12]
Abu Hurayrah, the Prophet r said: View from the house to people without their permission Vvqúa the same, there is a friendly and retribution. [13]
(F) to return if the Lord said to him back home:
For saying the Blessed and Almighty: {O you who believe, do not enter houses other than your even asked permission and greeted those in them that is better you may recall (27), the you can not find where anyone not Tdkhloha even authorized you even said you go back Farjawa is purer for you, and God of what you do, Knowing! (28) Surat Al-Nur.
And Almstazn not find the critical or derogatory of compliance is God in return.
The most important rules set by the authorization in the ethics of Islam, what the educators but to abide by them, and teach their children, to Iataduha in their social life, and in their dealings with people " [14]
[1] - Halabi, Abdul Majid, taste, Islamic education for boys and an objective approach and method, p. 119
[2] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 2731)
[3] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 2732)
[4] - Sunan Abi Dawood - Thesaurus - (5179) correctly
[5] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (3695) - wall: Al Bustan
[6] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (13/125) (5808) correctly
[7] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - 5753, and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (13/127) (5810)
[8] - People of faith - (3 / 109) (1437) is true for other
[9] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (6241) - iron comb: comb with teeth easy
[10] - Musnad Bazzar full - (2 / 21) (3499) correctly
[11] - Sunan Abi Dawood - Thesaurus - (5188) correctly
[12] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (6902) - Khzv: threw gravel
[13] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (13/351) (6004) correctly
[14] - See Raising Children in Islam Alwan
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