Literature brothers inside and outside the home and the good treatment and cohabitation

He has committed Islam both brothers and sisters of literature in speech and treatment and cohabitation, and enjoined them kindness to each other until the last of love and affection between them and so there is the family atmosphere of harmony and intimacy and serenity, the shadow of happiness on the sides of the house as a whole and all its aspects.
Valajuh fruits of their parents, who are the closest ties of kinship, and Olsqhm esteem, and love to the heart, and who spend their rights was his life, childhood, development, and innocence and purity along at home, school and food and drink, and during the night and day .. so is God to fulfill them , and links to, and kind to them, and forbade the abuse and sever ties with the reign of love and forget the first.
From Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah - r - «God created the universe, even if completed, including the uterus, she said this shrine Alaaúz of estrangement. He said yes but you accept that the origin of and sent you and cut off from the Qtek said yes. Said
Vmak you ». Then he said the Messenger of Allah - r - «Recite if you like {Asitm Is that you assumed that the mischief in the land and cut down Erhamkm (22) those are they whom Allah has cursed, Vosmanm (23)} Mohammed, narrated by Muslim [1] . 
This is a summary of the literature on the treatment of Muslim brothers and sisters.
Respect for adult brothers and their reverence, and compassion for the young with compassion, care and compassion.
Amr bin Shuaib, from his father, grandfather, said: The Messenger of Allah r : Not one of us who did not have mercy on our young ones, know the right of our old ones. " [2] .
And my father Rmth, he said: I finished the Messenger of Allah r heard him say: "honor your mother and your father and your sister and your brother and then the next closest and next closest" " [3]
Abu Hurayrah said: the Messenger of Allah r "The right of a large fraternity of young, as a parent to his child." [4]
Treatment of the brothers in general sympathy and tenderness and gentleness and tact and kindness.
Commitment to good character in the intercourse of the brothers, and to be humble and down the flank, altruism and service and love, cooperation and self-denial.
Aisha said: The Messenger of Allah r : The best of best to his family, and I am the best for my family " [5]
Starting in peace when they enter them, and shake hands, smiling in their faces.
From Abu Dhar said Li said the Prophet - r - «Not belittle anything, even if it is known that the general had divorced brother». Narrated by Muslim [6] .
Into account the feeling of joy in front of the brothers not to sad, and not eating before fasting, and not clamor to sleep.
Good love them, and conveyed them to work on, was narrated from Anas that the Prophet - r - The «None of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself» Bukhari [7] .
Thanks for Marovhm, after rewarding the best of it. It was narrated that Ibn 'Umar said: The Messenger of Allah e : God of Astaazkm Voaivoh, and Salkm Voattoh God, and called you Vojebouh, and making you a favor Vkavioh, it did not find what Tkaviouna pray for God to him until you see that may Kavotamoh. [8]
Interest in their affairs, and get to know their status and lose their needs, and work to help who can help him in need of study or money. From Ibn Shihab that the safe and told him that Abdullah ibn Umar - may Allah be pleased with them - told him that the Messenger of Allah - r - The «Muslim is the brother Muslim, does not oppress him nor betray him, and his brother was in need of God was in need, and Faraj, a Muslim housewife Faraj Allah will relieve him of the Carpathians the Day of Resurrection, and jacket conceals a Muslim God on Judgement Day». [9]
Advice to make them, and invite them to the good wisdom and good counsel, and remind them to perform the duties of God carrots and intimidation. He says: {and ordered the family to pray and ask Astabr it do not we blessed Nrozkk and the consequence of piety} (132) Surat Taha.
Victory over them that they were right, and jealousy on them, and to maintain their reputation. Anas - y - The Messenger of Allah said: - r - «Support your brother right or wrong». A man said, O Messenger of Allah Onzareth if the oppressed, what about if the wrongdoer, how Onzareth said «Thdzh or prevent him from injustice, this victory». Bukhari [10] .
Apologize to them for errors and mistakes, and what made ​​them overlook the flaws and disadvantages, and accept the apology and not Matpthm it always was narrated from Ibn Mas'ud, the Prophet r He said: I not tell you who deny it fire? They said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah said: Every Hin, Lin, recently, easy. " [11] .
Reform between the two disputing parties of them, and to avoid the intersection and division and hatred and envy and mistrust.
Avoid a harm or insult them by hand or speak or jest is not polite.
Avoid disputes and arguments and disagreements.
Avoid interference in their affairs, their business or personal use without permission, was narrated from Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah r said: Beware of thinking, the thinking of modern lie, and do not feel the spy, not Thasdoa, not competing, not hate one another, nor Tdabroa, and be servants to God brothers. [12]
Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah r said: Do not Tnaghoa, do not hate one another, nor Tdabroa not Thasdoa, and sold some of you to sell some, and be servants of God brothers, a Muslim brother of a Muslim, does not oppress him, nor Ahakrh, do not forsake him, every Muslim is a Muslim is haram his blood - he said Ismail Speaking: the wealth and display - Here piety, piety here, piety here, refers to his chest three times, according to everyone from the evil that insulting his Muslim brother. "Narrated by Muslim [13] .
Into account the decency and civility in speech and dress, especially when sex differences, and ignoring a blind eye to the imperfections and genitalia.
And brotherhood in religion is the highest rank of brotherhood and the greatest, and ligament social can not be imitated ligament last and near-, and so we found the father is fighting his son in Islam and the pair battling his wife and brother to antagonize his brother in order to please God, be brothers here, brothers of religion and belief, if added to brothers ratios are Introduction on the other, the first mainland from other Valoqrbun begins at home, so call came the Koran calling for good to them: {They ask you why spend say what you whatsoever you spend of good parents have and next of kin and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, and do any good, God knows.} (215) Surat Cow
  The meaning: If you attended the division Ulloa kin and the orphans and the needy Varozkohm him and speak to them words of kindness} (8) al-Nisa ', came the verse: "Books you if you attended one of you die The best of the bequest to parents and relatives Virtue truly pious (180), it is Suit after hearing it on those who sin Abdlonh Allah is Hearing, Knowing (181) [Baqarah: 180.181], "
And Salman Bin Amer, said: I heard the Messenger of Allah r says: charity to the poor is a charity, and charity to the uterus with two: a charity, and a link. " [14]
In the modern confirms the fact that some Muslim people are deserving of having ties and his righteousness and kindness
  Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah - r - "Which sent me to the right does not punish God on the Day of Resurrection from the womb of the orphan, and because he had to speak, the womb of Eetmh and weaknesses, and did not ride roughshod over rivals thanks to whom God" and said: "O nation of Muhammad, who sent me the right to Allaah does not accept charity from a man, has some relevance to the in need and puts it to others, and my hand is not seen him on the Day of Resurrection. "Tabaraani in the East [15]
It supplies the brothers that you love in your brother's faith, worship and obedience to his Lord and his surrender to his Creator, as it supplies the brothers that you love for your brother what you love for yourself and you hate him what you hate yourself and lead you the rights to him as enshrined in Islam, and to release his distress and to cover his faults and rejoice for joy, and grieve for his grief and to give the owner of that needs it, hence the clear difference between the bond of blood and descent and the bond of Islam and faith, the bond of Islam is stronger governor on the bond of birth, blood, and a dominant position by a ligament rest is not everlasting and eternal does not go away after the death of a crossing entity rights and status God in this world and the Hereafter, and he alone the basis of happiness and sovereignty, dignity and pride, a Sunrise light in the heart of the believer and without the darkness and misguidance and passion, and faith in changing thought and behavior and the types of transactions and actions and therefore was saying the Almighty {The believers are brothers make peace between your brothers and fear Allah, that ye may obtain mercy! (10) Al rooms
The of the Almighty on the faithful to these brothers, he said: the rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves, and remember the grace of God upon you when you were enemies of the motion, between your hearts Vosubhtm brothers by His grace and you are on the brink of a pit of fire and He saved them as well as showing God to you His signs that you may be guided.} (103) Surat Al Imran
  It was the inheritance the beginning of Islam of brotherhood in religion, not the proportions was not a Muslim in his dirhams and dinars, he felt that deserving Bidinarh or Darhamh of his Muslim brother, but he saw that his brothers deserving of including in the hand of it even deserved words of their Lord: {and influence for themselves even if their merit and the same lack of Aouk Those are the successful} (9) Al-Hashr.
[1] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (6682)
[2] - Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (2 / 644) (6733) correctly
[3] - Mustadrak to correct the governor (7354) Upgrade
[4] - News Isfahaan to Abu Naim Alosbhana (398) in which Lin
[5] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (9 / 485) (4177) correctly
[6] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - (6857)
[7] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (13)
[8] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (8 / 199) (3408) correctly
[9] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (2442) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (6743)
[10] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (6952)
[11] - Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (2 / 216) (470) is true
He said Maori: between this hadeeth is that the good character enters the owner of Paradise and deprive the fire, the good manners is the fact that human easy accommodating Lane side divorced face little aversion good word as the past, but these descriptions within the capacity of placements due, surviving the good become the Malacca and that justice them for their positions and become hypocritical humility and hypocrisy is done by malice. Qadeer, explain the small mosque (6 / 278)
[12] - Sahih al-Bukhari - Thesaurus - (5143) and Saheeh Muslim - Thesaurus - (6701) and Saheeh Ibn Hibbaan - (12/500) (5687)
[13] - Sahih Muslim - Thesaurus - 6706
[14] -   Musnad Ahmad (Sora) - (5 / 568) (16 233) 16 339 - Right
[15] - Dictionary of East Tiberias - (9074) in which weak
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