Literature Muslim with Allah thanked and praised him and harness his faculties to obey Him

If a Muslim looks at what God says it Menen countless and Yes are not beset than an hour Aelloukh sperm in the womb of his mother and Tcyrh to deliver his Lord Almighty Fahkur God out loud praise him what is his family and his physical faculties Btscherha to obey Him so this literature it with God Almighty, as it is not literature in something ingratitude graces and ingratitude preferred expendable and shun him and his kindness and Anaamh and God Almighty says: {And you of the grace of the one God, and if Mskm harm Vallee, beseeching} (53) Al-bees, and the Almighty says {and transgressed God's grace does not mercy on God is Forgiving, Merciful (18) Al-bees, and says the right Almighty {Therefore remember Me, and be grateful I do not disbelieve} (152) Al-Baqarah.
And consider the meaning of a Muslim to learn it and brief him on all his heart conditions Vimitli him and feared him and the same dignified and maximize Vijgel of sin and shy of his violation and to obey him out so this literature with God Almighty,
It is not literature in something that openly slave master disobedience or offset Balqubaúh and vices he witnessed and seen as the Almighty said: {What you do not hope to God and Gara (13) has created you in stages (14)} [Noah: 13.14], and the Almighty said: And Allah knows what you reveal and what Tsron} (19) Al-Nahl 
He says: {And be like, and read to him from the Koran and do not do the work but we were you witnesses as Tefidon it and Aazb for Lord of the weight of an atom on earth or in heaven, or smaller than that or greater but in the book shown} (61) Surat Yunus.
Tell God that the world of all the conditions of His Messenger, and his affairs, both of which are his own, or what is related to the affairs of the call, and it does not read for that of the Qur'an revealed to him God's adoration and Thjadda, or notification to him of the people, not the one of the people, believers and others, the work is valid or invalid, large or small, but God Almighty sergeant them Faihfezh them, and Adzém, and that it Taalyla miss knowing something small or large, even if the weight of an atom, or lower than that, everything uncounted has shown in the book. [1]
Seen a Muslim it says has been estimated and taken Bnasith and it is not inevitable nor a smuggler and mango and a refuge from it only by the Fever to be exalted, and raises his hands and authorizing his command to him and trust him so this literature than with his Lord and Creator as it is not literature in the Hese escape, which is inevitable it does not rely on the trafficker does not of those who do not rely on him or who does not helpless, he says: I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord, what an animal but He is the Lord of her forelock on a straight path} (56) Hud
I and those Amaury to God, my Lord and your Lord is right, the creation of all creation, and bring them under his power and oppression, a ruling which may not be fair in his ruling. God and his actions, taking place on the path of truth and justice reign.
The idols and stones are not harmful and does not have the benefit of the same harm or benefit. [2]
He said: {fled to God I am a plain warner to you from Him} (50) Al-Alone
Valjúa to God O you people, and rushed to obey Him, and adopted in all your affairs, I am to you from Nazir, warn you punish him, and Okhovkm of torment that He revealed to the United-free, which lied messengers, and pardoned Barbha, and I indicated to you what you should be Thdhiroh.[3]
He says: {He said two men who are afraid of God bestowed upon them the door, if admitted, you enter it too Galbon and on Allah put your trust if you are believers} (23) Surah.
Seen a Muslim to Altaf God in all things and His mercy for him and all His creation tempt in more of that Vidhara him sincerely beseech and pray and beg him Tayib speech and in favor of work so this literature with God, his master, since it is not literature in something of despair of the mercy which encompasses all something does not despair of the kindness with which might creatures.
He says: {And write to us in this world is good and in the Hereafter Verily Hdna Amaba you said I want to hit him and My Mercy embraces all things Vsaketbha for those who are cautious and pay the poor and those who believe in Our signs} (156) Surat customs.
And proved to us, your mercy and please {and write to us} the good life in this world, of being and Basta provision, and reconcile to obedience, and guarded themselves well in the Hereafter will enter Paradise, and Neil Redwank, we repent to you {Hdna you! Which excess of Svhaúna from the worship of the calf, and shorten the wise of us to forbid and denounce them. Lord God the prayer of Moses, saying: We have necessitated that Amaba particular caught it from I want from the infidels and reprobates, who did not repent, but my mercy has extended all, and I will prove my mercy Bmsheeita for those who are cautious of infidelity and sin, and performing Zakat imposed, and pay the alms which Taatzaky by them, and those who believe, and believe with all my signs which indicate that oneness, and believe Worsley, and Jaúhm it. [4]
  He says: {Allah nice slaves whom He is alive and strong! Aziz (19) Al-Shura.
Tell God for His kindness towards His slaves, both of them in this righteous and immoral, it expands the provision to whom He wills, and who wants to pay the scourge, which is strong does not choking, Aziz, who is not invincible. [5]
He says the words of the Prophet Jacob, peace be upon him: {O my son go Fathssoa of Joseph and his brother, nor give up the Spirit of God that no one despairs of Allah except the unbelieving people! (87) Surat Yusuf.
  He says: {Say: O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful (53) Surat Al-Zumar
Say: - O Prophet - the servants who have gone into sin, and have transgressed against themselves Batian to invite them to their souls of sin: Do not Taisoa of the mercy of God; of the many sins, God forgives all sins to those who repent of them and returned them no matter what, He is the Forgiving the sins of the repentant slaves, merciful to them. [6]
Seen a Muslim to the severity of the oppression his Lord and to the power of revenge and to speed their account Fatekaya obedience and avoid urine not to sin so this literature than with God. It is not literature, when people with minds that are exposed to sin and injustice slave weak helpless to the Lord Aziz Qadir and strong omnipotent, he says: 'For him (each person) from his hands behind him and ordered him from God that God does not change the condition of a people until they change it themselves and if God wanted a people worse, not due to him and without him from them and the} (11) Sura.
Allaah, the angels in succession to the rights of his hands and his successor, they memorize the order of God and count what comes out of him, good or bad. That God does not change the grace bestowed on a people unless they change what ordered by Fsou. And if God wanted to group the scourge is not inevitable , not to them without God and the charge of their affairs, Fajelb their beloved, hated them and drives. [7]
He says: {The Lord of the tyranny of too} (12) zodiac Surat, says: {Those who disbelieve the revelations of God for them a severe torment, and Allah is Mighty, revenge! (4) Surat Al-Imran.
Seen a Muslim to Allah when you sin and come to obey him as if the feast had dealt with the wrath and punishment has got him and his punishment has solved the courtyard as seen God when you obey Him and follow His laws as if the promise had sincerity to him as if the suit satisfaction had deposed him so this is acknowledged to think well of God, as It is not literature that offends you think God Faasah goes out to obey him and think he is the beginning of it and Amaakhzh on his guilt, he says: {And you Tsttron to see you Samakm not Ibsarkm no skins, but you thought that God does not know much of what you do (22), Such is your expectations that Erdakm Vosubhtm your Lord, you thought of the losers (23), the resting place of them be patient and that the Fire Istattaboa What are Almattaban (24)} [separated: 22-24]
Nor is it proper etiquette to God to fear Him one and obey him and think that it is not metaphorical in good working nor is it subject him to worship and obey him, the right says: {and obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear of God and right, that will are the winners! (52) Surat Al-Nur, and the Almighty says: 'Whoever came with good, he ten like it was' bad 'is not rewarded, but the like and they will not be wronged} (160) Surat cattle, and the Almighty says:' Whoever came with good, he better than it was as poor do not reward those who have done evil but what they do! (84) Surat stories , and the Almighty says: 'Whoever works righteousness, male or female, whosoever believes in the good life and recompense them pay what they do best! (97) Al-bees.
In sum, thanked the Muslim Lord for His blessings and modesty Him for the tendency to sin and sincerely turn to and trust in Him and hope His mercy and fear of retribution and think well of him in accomplishing his promise to enforce and feast one who wills of His slaves is the literature with God and as far as his commitment to him and his province by the above degree and brings his place and elevate his status and dignity of ossification becomes a mandate from the people of God and his care and the focus of His mercy and grace of a house, and that the maximum required by the Muslim and he wishes all his life.
Literature is with God is the behavior of the prophets and the righteous, and if the politeness with the owners of virtue and duty, the most important duties of politeness with God and with God Politeness images as follows:
Devotion to Him in the work God said: {It was hoping to meet his Lord, let him work righteousness does not involve the worship of his Lord} (110) Surat Al-Kahf
From al-Hasan said: There are still okay if a person said to God, if the work of God. [8]
Abu bald: I heard al-Hasan said: O son of Adam, that you secretly, but openly to you, I have your Vsark Alanatk, but you act if you Fof I have your word of your word. " [9]
Beware of falling into the trap of small and large, this is not loved by God and pleasing to Almighty God said: (and if their good deeds have been involved for what they do) cattle 88
Thank you His grace and recognition of Almighty God said: (and you of the grace of God it is the meaning) 88
The Almighty said: (As authorized by the Lord Laen Shakartom Ozidnkm While disbelieved that My punishment is severe) Abraham 7
Veneration and respect and to maximize their own religion God said: (and appreciated is the right of the meaning) 67, and the Almighty said: (What you do not hope to God and Gaara) Noah 103, and also said: (this and maximize the rites of Allah it is from the piety of hearts) Hajj 32
Altcol on God:
Not to say to God without knowledge of the verse: (and do not say what your tongues describe this lying old and this is forbidden to invent a lie against Allah, those who invent a lie against Allah will never prosper) 116 bees
Sensor is watching you in secret and in public and that early on you and you in his grip and the Almighty said: (and knows what you reveal and what Tsron and God knows the breasts meaning) 4
Fear and turn:
Fear and fear and hope in Him God said: (not Tkhcohm and Akhcona) cow 105, and said the Almighty: (do not fear them and Khavon if you are believers) Al-Imran 175, and said: (and hope His mercy and fear His punishment The punishment of your Lord was as wrong) Isra 75
Repent and turn to him and asked for forgiveness from Almighty God said: (as if they had wronged themselves Jaúk ask forgiveness of God and forgiveness for them they found the Messenger of Allah, Most Merciful Ever) Women 64
Calling upon him, beseeching him and breaking his hands God said: (and my people ask me if I respond to the caller, if Daan Felictjibwa me and believe me they might be led aright) cow 186.
The Almighty said: (Who responds to the distressed if he called the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations with God a little what you remember) 62 ants
[1] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1426)
[2] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1530)
[3] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 4604)
[4] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 1111)
[5] - Acer interpretations of the happiest Homd - (1 / 4170)
[6] - Interpretation of the facilitator - (8 / 271)
[7] - Interpretation of the facilitator - (4 / 223)
[8] - Uncategorized Ibn Abi Shaybah - (13/523) (36 436) is true
[9] - Uncategorized Ibn Abi Shaybah - (13/523) (36 437) is true
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